Foto del docente

Clara Armaroli

Senior assistant professor (fixed-term)

Department of Biological, Geological, and Environmental Sciences

Academic discipline: GEOS-03/A Physical Geography and Geomorphology


Ciavola P.; Ferreira O.; Haerens P.; Van Koningsveld M.; Armaroli C., Storm impacts along European coastlines. Part 2: Lessons learned from the MICORE project, «ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & POLICY», 2011, 14, pp. 924 - 933 [Scientific article]

Jimenez J.A.; Ciavola P.; Balouin Y.; Armaroli C.; Bosom E.; Gervais M., Geomorphic coastal vulnerability to storms in microtidal fetch-limited environments: Application to NW Mediterranean & N Adriatic Seas, «JOURNAL OF COASTAL RESEARCH», 2009, 56, pp. 1641 - 1645 [Scientific article]

Kroon A.; Davidson M.A.; Aarninkhof S.G.J.; Archetti R.; Armaroli C.; Gonzalez M.; Medri S; Osorio A.; Aagaard T.; Holman R.A.; Spanhoff R., Application of remote sensing video systems for coastline management problems, «COASTAL ENGINEERING», 2007, 54 (6-7), pp. 493 - 505 [Scientific article]

Ciavola P.; Armaroli C.; Chiggiato J.; Valentini A.; Deserti M.; Perini L.; Luciani P., Impact of storms along the coastline of Emilia-Romagna: The morphological signature on the Ravenna coastline (Italy), «JOURNAL OF COASTAL RESEARCH», 2007, 50, pp. 540 - 544 [Scientific article]

Armaroli C.; Ciavola P.; Balouin Y.; Gatti M., An integrated study of shoreline variability using GIS and ARGUS techniques, «JOURNAL OF COASTAL RESEARCH», 2006, 39, pp. 473 - 477 [Scientific article]

Balouin Y.; Ciavola P.; Anfuso G.; Armaroli C.; Corbau C.; Tessari U., Morphodynamics of intertidal sand bars: Field studies in the Northern Adriatic, NE Italy, «JOURNAL OF COASTAL RESEARCH», 2006, 39, pp. 323 - 328 [Scientific article]