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Clara Armaroli

Senior assistant professor (fixed-term)

Department of Biological, Geological, and Environmental Sciences

Academic discipline: GEOS-03/A Physical Geography and Geomorphology


Pratellesi M.; Ciavola P.; Ivaldi R.; Anthony E.J.; Armaroli C., River-mouth geomorphological changes over >130 years (1882–2014) in a small Mediterranean delta: Is the Magra delta reverting to an estuary?, «MARINE GEOLOGY», 2018, 403, pp. 215 - 224 [Scientific article]

Clara Armaroli; Enrico Duo, Validation of the coastal storm risk assessment framework along the Emilia-Romagna coast, «COASTAL ENGINEERING», 2018, 134, pp. 159 - 167 [Scientific article]

Billi, Paolo; Salemi, Enzo; Preciso, Emanuele; Ciavola, Paolo; Armaroli, Clara, Field measurement of bedload in a sand-bed river supplying a sediment starving beach, «ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR GEOMORPHOLOGIE», 2017, 61, pp. 207 - 223 [Scientific article]

Mitchell Harley, Andrea Valentini, Clara Armaroli, Luisa Perini, Lorenzo Calabrese, Paolo Ciavola, Can an early-warning system help minimize the impacts of coastal storms? A case study of the 2012 Halloween storm, northern Italy, «NATURAL HAZARDS AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES», 2016, 16, pp. 209 - 222 [Scientific article]

Luisa Perini, Lorenzo Calabrese, Giovanni Salerno, Paolo Ciavola, Clara Armaroli, Evaluation of coastal vulnerability to flooding: Comparison of two different methodologies adopted by the Emilia-Romagna region (Italy), «NATURAL HAZARDS AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES», 2016, 16, pp. 181 - 194 [Scientific article]

Jimenez J.; Armaroli C.; Bosom E., Preparing for the Impact of Coastal Storms: A Coastal Manager-Oriented Approach, in: Paolo Ciavola, Giovanni Coco, Coastal Storms: Processes and Impacts, CHICHESTER, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2016, pp. 217 - 239 [Chapter or essay]

Jackson N.L.; Harley M.D.; Armaroli C.; Nordstrom K.F., Beach morphologies induced by breakwaters with different orientations, «GEOMORPHOLOGY», 2015, 239, pp. 48 - 57 [Scientific article]

I. Sekovski, C. Armaroli, L. Calabrese, F. Mancini, F. Stecchi, L. Perini, Coupling scenarios of urban growth and flood hazards along the Emilia-Romagna coast (Italy), «NATURAL HAZARDS AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES», 2015, 15, pp. 2331 - 2346 [Scientific article]

Karl F. Nordstrom, Clara Armaroli, Nancy L. Jackson, Paolo Ciavola, Opportunities and constraints for managed retreat on exposed sandy shores: Examples from Emilia-Romagna, Italy, «OCEAN & COASTAL MANAGEMENT», 2015, 104, pp. 11 - 21 [Scientific article]

Ciavola P.; Ferreira O.; Van Dongeren A.; Van Thiel de Vries J.; Armaroli C.; Harley M., Prediction of Storm Impacts on Beach and Dune Systems, in: Philippe Quevauviller, Hydrometeorological Hazards: Interfacing Science and Policy, CHICHESTER, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2014, pp. 227 - 252 [Chapter or essay]

Harley M.D.; Andriolo U.; Armaroli C.; Ciavola P., Shoreline rotation and response to nourishment of a gravel embayed beach using a low-cost video monitoring technique: San Michele-Sassi Neri, Central Italy, «JOURNAL OF COASTAL CONSERVATION», 2014, 18, pp. 551 - 565 [Scientific article]

Clara Armaroli, Edoardo Grottoli, Mitchell D. Harley, Paolo Ciavola, Beach morphodynamics and types of foredune erosion generated by storms along the Emilia-Romagna coastline, Italy, «GEOMORPHOLOGY», 2013, 199, pp. 22 - 35 [Scientific article]

Clara Armaroli, Paolo Ciavola, Luisa Perini, Lorenzo Calabrese, Samantha Lorito, Andrea Valentini, Marinella Masina, Critical storm thresholds for significant morphological changes and damage along the Emilia-Romagna coastline, Italy, «GEOMORPHOLOGY», 2012, 143-144, pp. 34 - 51 [Scientific article]

Clara Armaroli; Paolo Ciavola, Dynamics of a nearshore bar system in the northern Adriatic: A video-based morphological classification, «GEOMORPHOLOGY», 2011, 126, pp. 201 - 216 [Scientific article]

Ciavola P.; Ferreira O.; Haerens P.; Van Koningsveld M.; Armaroli C.; Lequeux Q., Storm impacts along European coastlines. Part 1: The joint effort of the MICORE and ConHaz Projects, «ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & POLICY», 2011, 14, pp. 912 - 923 [Scientific article]