Updated on 16/06/23
Department of Statistical Sciences "Paolo Fortunati"
University of Bologna
Via delle Belle Arti 41, 40126 Bologna, Italy
Ph. +39 051 2098214
SCOPUS authorID 23494158600
ORCID: 0000-0002-3278-5266
WOS Researcher ID: F-5786-2014
- BSc, Statistical and Economic Sciences, University of Bologna, Academic Year 1997-1998
- Ph.D. in Statistics, University of Bologna, 2003
- 2017- Full Professor, academic discipline SECS/S01, Department of Statistical Sciences, University of Bologna
- 2021– Vice-Director of the Department of Statistical Sciences
- 2021-2023 President of the Scientific and Organizational Council of CLADAG (Classification and Data Analysis group of the Italian Statistical Society)
- 2021-2023 Member of the Board for the National Scientific Qualification (ASN)
- 2011– Member of the Board, Ph.D. School in Statistical Sciences, University of Bologna
- 2022– Panelist of the Board VRA (Valutazione della Ricerca di Ateneo), University of Bologna
- 2016–2022 Programme Director of the international Master Degree in Statistical Sciences, University of Bologna
- 2019–2021 Vice-President of the Scientific and Organizational Council of CLADAG (Classification and Data Analysis group of the Italian Statistical Society)
- 2018–2021 Research Delegate for the Department of Statistical Sciences
- 2016–2018 Delegate of international relationships for the Department of Statistical Sciences
- 2015–2019 Member of the Scientific and Organizational Council of CLADAG
- (Classification and Data Analysis group of the Italian Statistical Society)
- 2014–2017 Associate Professor, academic discipline: SECS/S01, Department of Statistical Sciences, University of Bologna
- 2006–2014 Assistant Professor, academic discipline: SECS/S01, Department of Statistical Sciences, University of Bologna
- 2003–2006 Post-doc researcher at the Department of Statistical Sciences, University of Bologna
- Member of the evaluation panel of the national projects VQR 2021, PRIN 2009, PRIN 2012, SIR 2014, VQR 2016, strategic projects of University of Florence (2016)
- 2016 Member of the evaluation committee of the Ph.D. program of University of Padova
- 2011–2015 Member of the Research Committee of the Department of Statistical Sciences, University of Bologna
- 2013 Member of the Interdisciplinary Commission for the evaluation of the research projects FARB, University of Bologna
2017 Ethel Raybould Visiting Fellowship at the School of Mathematics and Physics, The University of Queensland
The main lines of research are in the context of multivariate data analysis and they concern dimension reduction strategies, latent variable models, model based clustering with particular focus on mixture models for complex data, and more recently classification methods for high-dimensional data and deep learning. The methodological advances have been applied to different scientific fields, including medicine, genetics, tourism, textual data analysis and economics. Overall, the results of the research activity have been published in more than 80 original papers in top international journals and proceedings, including Statistical Science, Bayesian Analysis, Biometrika, Biometrics, Annals of Applied Statistics, Journal of Multivariate Analysis, Statistics and Computing etc.
She has been invited as keynote speaker at several international conferences and she participated to several scientific meetings and specialized research groups with invited presentations.
Research funds (last 10 years)
- 2020- Research Unit Coordinator of the European project “New Technologies, Tools and Strategies for a Sustainable, Resilient and Innovative European Aquaculture”, Horizon 2020.
- 2017-2020 Principal Investigator, Bologna University project “Analisi Statistica delle Anomalie”, Alma Idea 2017.
- 2017-2019 Principal Investigator of the Bologna University unit of the European research project “GRaduates Advancement and Development of University capacities in Albania (GRADUA)”, Key Action 2 - Capacity Building.
- 2017-18 Principal Investigator of the Bologna University unit of the reserch project “Big data For Multi-Agent Specialized System” funded by the Italian Ministry of Economic Development.
- 2015 Principal Investigator of the industrial project “ASK-Me” funded by Network Contact s.r.l.
- Editor in chief of Statistical Analysis and Data Mining (2022-now)
- Associate Editor of Statistics and Computing (2011-2021)
- Associate Editor of Statistical Methods and Application (2020-2023)
- Associate Editor of the Journal of Classification (2020-now)
- Reviewer for, among others, Annals of Applied Statistics (2011- 2021), Bayesian Analysis (2013), Bioinformatics (2009, 2011, 2019), Biometrics (2008, 2021), Computational Statistics & Data Analysis (2012-2021), Journal of the American Statistical Association (2017), Journal of Multivariate Analysis (2010, 2015, 2016), Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B (2016-2018), Psychometrika (2008, 2013), Scandinavian Journal of Statistics (2011), Statistics and Computing (2010-2021), Statistics in Medicine (2016-2018)
- Member of the Programme Committee, 12th Scientific Meeting of CLADAG, University of Cassino, 2019
- Head of the Programme and Organizing Committee of the summer school CLADAG on Clustering and Classification, 2017, Rimini
- Member of the Programme Committee, SIS 2017 (Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society), Firenze
- Member of the Organizing Committee, IFCS Conference of the International Federation of Classification Societies, 2015, Bologna
- Member of the Programme Committee, Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods, ICPRAM2014, France
- Head of the Organizing Committee, 20th Working Group on Model-Based Clustering, Bologna, 2013
- Member of the Programme Committee, 9th Scientific Meeting of CLADAG, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, 2013
- Member of the Programme Committee, Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods, ICPRAM2013, Spain
- Member of the Programme Committee, Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods, ICPRAM2012, Portugal
- Member of the Organizing Committee, final meeting of the project PRIN 2006, “Multivariate methods and models for evaluating public services”, 2009, Rimini
- Member of the Organizing Committee, summer school CLADAG on “Multivariate statistical methods for the analysis of clustered data”, 2007, Bologna
- Quantile-based classification, plenary session at the Cladag 2021, University of Florence, Italy
- Quantile-based classification, semi-plenary session at the 52th Journées de Statistique, Nice, France, 2021
- Recent advances on deep mixture models for the analysis of textual data, plenary session at the Workshop on Mixture Models, MIMO2021, Université de Rouen, France, 2021
- Deep Learning for Mixture Models, plenary session at the Workshop on Model-Based Clustering and Classification, MBC2, Catania, 2018
- Deep Gaussian Mixture Models, plenary session at XXV Journeys of Classification and Data Analysis, JOCLAD2018, Lisbona, Portugal
- Deep Mixtures, plenary session at the European Conference on Data Analysis, ECDA2017, University of Economics, Wrocław, Poland
- Classification by Quantiles, plenary session at the Conference of the International Federation of Classification Societies, IFCS2017, Tokyo, Japan
- Modeling overdispersion heterogeneity in differential expression analysis using mixtures, plenary session at the Twelfth international meeting on Computational Intelligence Methods for Bioinformatics and Biostatistics, Naples, 2015
- Mixtures of Negative Binomial distributions for modelling overdispersion in RNA-Seq data, plenary session Statlearn, Grenoble, France, 2015