Foto del docente

Chiara Ruini

Associate Professor

Department for Life Quality Studies

Academic discipline: M-PSI/08 Clinical Psychology


Echeverria G.; Tiboni O.; Berkowitz L.; Pinto V.; Samith B.; von Schultzendorff A.; Pedrals N.; Bitran M.; Ruini C.; Ryff C.D.; Rio D.D.; Rigotti A., Mediterranean lifestyle to promote physical, mental, and environmental health: The case of Chile, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH», 2020, 17, Article number: 8482 , pp. 1 - 17 [Scientific article]Open Access

Vescovelli, Francesca; Cesetti, Giulia; Ruini, Chiara, Optimal Well-being, Depression, and Caregiving: An Explorative Investigation, «CLINICAL GERONTOLOGIST», 2020, 43, pp. 572 - 584 [Scientific article]

Friedman E.M.; Ruini C.; Foy C.R.; Jaros L.; Love G.; Ryff C.D., Lighten UP! A Community-Based Group Intervention to Promote Eudaimonic Well-Being in Older Adults: A Multi-Site Replication with 6 Month Follow-Up, «CLINICAL GERONTOLOGIST», 2019, 42, pp. 387 - 397 [Scientific article]Open Access

Ruini C.; Cesetti G., Spotlight on eudaimonia and depression. A systematic review of the literature over the past 5 years, «PSYCHOLOGY RESEARCH AND BEHAVIOR MANAGEMENT», 2019, 12, pp. 767 - 792 [Scientific article]Open Access

Brandel, Martina; Melchiorri, Erika; Ruini, Chiara*, The Dynamics of Eudaimonic Well-Being in the Transition to Parenthood: Differences Between Fathers and Mothers, «JOURNAL OF FAMILY ISSUES», 2018, 39, pp. 2572 - 2589 [Scientific article]

Brandel, M.; Vescovelli, F.; Ruini, C., Beyond Ryff's scale: Comprehensive measures of eudaimonic well‐being in clinical populations. A systematic review, «CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY & PSYCHOTHERAPY», 2017, -, pp. 1 - 25 [Scientific article]

Chiara, Ruini; Marta, Scrignaro; Marta, Bassi; Andrea, Fianco, Le pratiche della psicologia positiva. Strumenti e prospettive, Milano, FrancoAngeli srl, 2017, pp. 206 (STRUMENTI PER IL LAVORO PSICO-SOCIALE ED EDUCATIVO). [Editorship]

Friedman, E.M.; Ruini, C.; Foy, R.; Jaros, LV; Sampson, H; Ryff, C.D., Lighten UP! A community-based group intervention to promote psychological well-being in older adults, «AGING & MENTAL HEALTH», 2017, 21, pp. 199 - 205 [Scientific article]Open Access

Ruini, C, Positive Psychology in the clinical domains. Research and Practice, Dordrecht, Springer Netherlands, 2017, pp. 206 . [Research monograph]

Casellas-Grau, Anna; Ochoa, Cristian; Ruini, Chiara, Psychological and clinical correlates of posttraumatic growth in cancer: A systematic and critical review, «PSYCHO-ONCOLOGY», 2017, 26, pp. 2007 - 2018 [Scientific article]Open Access

Bassi, M.; Delle Fave, A.; Cetin, A.; Melchiorri, E.; Pozzo, E.; Vescovelli, F.; Ruini, C., Psychological well-being and depression from pregnancy to postpartum among primiparous and multiparous women, «JOURNAL OF REPRODUCTIVE AND INFANT PSYCHOLOGY», 2017, 35, pp. 183 - 195 [Scientific article]

Cesetti, G.; Vescovelli, F.; Ruini, C., The Promotion of Well-Being in Aging Individuals Living in Nursing Homes: A Controlled Pilot Intervention with Narrative Strategies, «CLINICAL GERONTOLOGIST», 2017, 1, pp. 1 - 12 [Scientific article]

Ruini, C.; Ryff, C., Using Eudaimonic Well-being to Improve Lives, in: The Wiley Handbook of Positive Clinical Psychology, Chichester, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2016, pp. 153 - 166 [Chapter or essay]

Ruini, C.; Albieri, E.; Vescovelli, F., Well-Being Therapy: State of the Art and Clinical Exemplifications, «JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY PSYCHOTHERAPY», 2015, 45, pp. 129 - 136 [Scientific article]

Fava, Giovanni A.; Ruini Chiara, Increasing Psychological Well-being in Clinical and Educational Settings. Interventions and Cultural Contexts, Dordrecht, Springer Netherlands, 2014, pp. 215 . [Editorship]