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Chiara Fontana

Ricercatrice a tempo determinato tipo a) (junior)

Dipartimento di Lingue, Letterature e Culture Moderne

Settore scientifico disciplinare: L-OR/12 LINGUA E LETTERATURA ARABA


Forthcoming chapters and articles

“as-Sakkākī’s Theory of Rhetoric in the Miftā al-‛Ulūm (within the research framework of the project A Sorcer’s Book – University of Exeter – expected submission: summer 2021).

“Farewell Beauty: Ibn al-Muʽtazz’s (861-908) Political Manifesto in Fuṣūl al-tamāthīl fī tabāshīr al-surūr (Examples and Similes on the Pleasure of Sharing Joy).” (expected submission: August 2020).

 Peer-reviewed Articles

“Beyond a Snow Pile: Najīb Surūr’s Challenging Reading of the Egyptian Literary Canon in Rila fī Thulāthiyyat Najīb Ma”. In Journal of Arabic Literature 51, 3-4, 2020: 189-214.

“Inquiries into Proto-World Literatures: The Challenging “Literary Fate” of Quatrains across the Persian and Arabic Literary Tradition”, In Middle East Topics and Arguments Journal – Contacts, 13, December 2019: 38-57.

“Rhetorical Features of Cursing and Swearing in Contemporary Masters of Mujūn: Muẓaffar an-Nawwāb and Najīb Surūr”. In Romano-Arabica, 19, 2019: 99-114.

“L’immigrazione nella trasformazione dei contesti urbani: il caso siciliano, l’esigenza del recupero culturale ed il rifiuto della marginalizzazione”. In Mediterranean Journal of Human Rights, 19, no. 3, 2015: 165-190.

Articles and Chapters in Edited Volumes

“Exploring the Rhetorical and Metrical Analysis of Contemporary Arabic poetry: Najīb Surūr’s Love Words”. In Rebecca Ruth Gould and Hany Rashwan [Eds] Post-Eurocentric Poetics: New Approaches from Arabic, Persian and Turkic Literary Theory, Oxford: Proceedings of the British Academy, Oxford University Press, 2020: 160-87 (in press).

“Parole di teatro, parole di mawwāl: la riscrittura della tradizione popolare egiziana nella lingua drammaturgica di Najīb Surūr”. In Marina Miranda, [ed.], Dal Medio all’Estremo Oriente/ 2. Studi del Dottorato di Ricerca di Civiltà dell’Asia e dell’Africa, Rome: Carocci, 2020: 19-39.

Ar-rā’s al-maqūʽ fī aṭ-ṭuqūs wa-l-ḥikāyāt al-ṣiqilliyya wa-fī al-iḥtifālāt al-shaʽbiyya fī shamāl Ifrīqiyā” [The Severed Head - Sicilian Rites and Folktales and North African Celebrations]. In Abderrahman Ayoub [ed.], Conte et Performances al-ikāya wa-funūn al-adā’, Proceedings of the International Conference, Conte et Performances – al-ikāya wa-funūn al-adā’ī, Ministère des Affaires Culturelles Tunisienne, University of Sousse, Tunisia, May 11th-14th 2017, Tunis: L’Or du Temps.

“al-Shurafā’ al-Ṣiqilliyyīn – Il valore dell’eredità storico-culturale siciliana in Marocco. Riflessioni su una migrazione antica fra identità immutate e in trasformazione. In Alfonso Campisi and Meriem Dhouib [Eds], Sicilia, insularita’ e identità mediterranee, Atti del III° Convegno Internazionale Studi Mediterranei, Istituto Italiano di Cultura in Tunisia, Tunisi, 20-22 febbraio 2017, Tunisi: Université de la Manouba - Centre de Publication Universitaire


Charis Olszok, The Libyan Novel Humans, Animals and the Poetics of Vulnerability, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2020, in Journal of Arabic Literature, 52, 3-4 (forthcoming).

Margaret Larkin and Jocelyn Sharlet (Eds.). Tradition and Reception in Arabic Literature Essays dedicated to Andras Hamori. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2019, in Journal of Arabic Literature, 52, 1-2 (forthcoming).