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2009: Classical high school diploma.
2014: Master's Degree in Law at the University of Macerata with a dissertation in private law entitled "Usurious interest rates: regulatory gaps and interpretation difficulties" (110/110 with honors).
2017: License to practice law at the Court of Appeal of Ancona.
2017/2021: PhD in Law, Science and Technology at the Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna, under joint supervision at Université du Luxembourg - Faculté de Droit, d'Économie et de Finance (FDEF). Fellow of IAIC (Italian Academy of the Internet Code). Member of the editorial board of the Journal 'Diritto di Internet' , 'Diritto Mercato Tecnologia' and 'Rassegna di Diritto della Moda e delle Arti'. Associated member of 'Associazione Civilisti italiani'.
2021/2022: Research Fellow at Alma Mater Research Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence - (Alma AI)
2022/present: Research Fellow at Department of Legal Studies (University of Bologna).
2023/present: registration with the Ancona Bar Association
2023/present: Adjunct Professor in Legal Tech e Blockchain - GIPA, Ravenna
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