Foto del docente

Cesare Nucci

Assistant professor

Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences

Academic discipline: MEDS-16/A Oral Diseases and Dentistry

Curriculum vitae

1987 Medical Degree at the University of Bologna

1991 Master of Science in Dentistry at the University of Bologna

1993-1996 University of Bologna scholarship for “Specialist Assistance to haemophiliac patients”.

2001-2002 Adjunct Professor of integrative course "Physical chemical properties of impression materials" at the  Master of Science in Dentistry at the University of Bologna.

2002-2003 Teacher of Dental Materials in Endodontics at the Master of Science in Advanced Technologies in Clinical Dentistry at the University of Bologna.

2003-2007 Teacher of Dental Materials in Endodontics at the Master of Science in Clinical Endodontics at the University Bologna.

2003-2006 Head of the Scientific Editor of the Giornale Italiano di Conservativa (Italian Journal of Operative Dentistry) and a member of the Publications Commitee of the review.

2005 PhD Degree in “Medical Biotechnologies” at the University of Bologna.

2005-today: Researcher at the Department of Dental Science at the University of Bologna.

2007-2009 Member of the Faculty of the PhD School in Dentistry for Disabled Patients at the University of Bologna.

Teacher of: “Operative Dentistry II” at the Dental School at the University of Bologna

Teacher of: “Oral Pathology” at the Dental Hygiene School at the University of Bologna

Teacher of: “Reconstruction techniques of teeth with morphological anomalies” at the Dental School at the University of Bologna

Author of more than 140 pubblications

Speaker at National and International Meetings