G. Ferrara; L. Damen; C. Arbizzani; R. Inguanta; S. Piazza; C. Sunseri; M. Mastragostino, SnCo nanowire array as negative electrode for lithium-ion batteries, «JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES», 2011, 196, pp. 1469 - 1473 [articolo]
C. Arbizzani; G. Gabrielli; M. Mastragostino, Thermal stability and flammability of electrolytes for lithium-ion batteries, «JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES», 2011, 196, pp. 4801 - 4805 [articolo]
C. Arbizzani; S. Beninati; M. Mastragostino, A three-dimensional carbon-coated LiFePO4 electrode
for high-power applications, «JOURNAL OF APPLIED ELECTROCHEMISTRY», 2010, 40, pp. 7 - 11 [articolo]
C. Arbizzani; M. Lazzari; F. Soavi; M. Mastragostino; M. Conte, ILHYPOS Ionic Liquid-Based Supercapacitors, «ECS TRANSACTIONS», 2010, 25, pp. 25 - 30 [articolo]
C. Arbizzani; A. Donnadio; M. Pica; M. Sganappa; A. Varzi; M. Casciola; M. Mastragostino, Methanol permeability and performance of Nafion–zirconium phosphate
composite membranes in active and passive direct methanol fuel cells, «JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES», 2010, 195, pp. 7751 - 7756 [articolo]
G. Ferrara; C. Arbizzani; L. Damen; R. Inguanta; S. Piazza; C. Sunseri; M. Mastragostino, Nanostructured anode material for Li-ion batteries, in: Advances in Science and Technology, STAFA-ZURICH, Trans Tech Publications, 2010, 72, pp. 320 - 324 (atti di: CIMTEC - 5th Forum on New Materials, Montecatini, 13-18/06/10) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]
C. Arbizzani; M. Biso; E. Manferrari; M. Mastragostino, Methanol oxidation by pEDOT-pSS/PtRu in DMFC, «JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES», 2008, 178, pp. 584 - 590 [articolo]
C. Arbizzani; M. Biso; E. Manferrari; M. Mastragostino, Passive DMFCs with PtRu catalyst on poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)-polystyrene-4-sulphonate support., «JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES», 2008, 180, pp. 41 - 45 [articolo]
C. Arbizzani; S. Beninati; A. Varzi; M. Mastragostino, PtRu supported on mesoporous carbons for DMFC application, in: FDFC 2008 - Fundamentals and Developments of Fuel Cells, NANCY, s.n, 2008, pp. 1 - 6 (atti di: FDFC 2008 - Fundamentals and Developments of Fuel Cells
Conference 2008, Nancy, 10-12/12/2008) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]
C. Arbizzani; M. Biso; D. Cericola; M. Lazzari; F. Soavi; M. Mastragostino, Safe, high-energy supercapacitors based on solvent-free ionic liquid electrolytes, «JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES», 2008, 185, pp. 1575 - 1579 [articolo]
C. Arbizzani; S. Beninati; F. Soavi; A. Varzi; M. Mastragostino, Supported PtRu on mesoporous carbons for direct methanol fuel cells, «JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES», 2008, 185, pp. 615 - 620 [articolo]
C. Arbizzani; S. Beninati; E. Manferrari; F. Soavi; M. Mastragostino, Cryo- and xerogel carbon supported PtRu for DMFC anodes, «JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES», 2007, 172, pp. 578 - 586 [articolo]
C. Arbizzani; S. Beninati; M. Lazzari; F. Soavi; M. Mastragostino, Electrode materials for ionic liquid-based supercapacitors, «JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES», 2007, 174, pp. 648 - 652 [articolo]
C. Arbizzani; M. Mastragostino; L. Nevi; L. Rambelli, Polypyrrole: a drug eluting membrane for coronary stents, «ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA», 2007, 52, pp. 3274 - 3279 [articolo]
C. Arbizzani; S. Beninati; L. Damen; M. Mastragostino, Power and temperature controlled microwave synthesis of SVO, «SOLID STATE IONICS», 2007, 178, pp. 393 - 398 [articolo]