Foto del docente

Caterina Drigo

Associate Professor

Department of Legal Studies

Academic discipline: GIUR-05/A Constitutional and Public Law

Director of First Cycle Degree in Legal Consultant in Business and Public Administration

Curriculum vitae

Download Curriculum Vitae (.pdf 510KB )

2018 - National Scientific Qualification (Abilitazione scientifica nazionale) to serve as associate professor - Comparative law

2017 - National Scientific Qualification (Abilitazione scientifica nazionale) to serve as associate professor - Constitutional law

Since November 2012 to November 2017: Fixed -term Researcher, Constitutional law - University of Bologna – School of law- Law Department - Via Zamboni 27/29 - Bologna 


Participation in research projects

- 2022-2025 - Jean Monnet Modules "EU_SOCIAL" 2022-2025 - member of the Scientific committee and lecturer in the winter school 2023 Solidarity in comparative case law

- 2020-2023 - participation in the PRIN "Dis/Connection: Labor and Rights in the Internet Revolution- P.I. Prof. Davide Casale

- 2020-2022 - Co-participant of Erasmus+ Programme, Jean Monnet Activities, Projects and Networks: Eucons The Constitutional Bases of Europe: "Towards the Citizens of Europe" (621157-EPP-1-2020-1-ES-EPPJMO- PROJECT) - coordinated by the University of Granada

- 2017: Co P.I. and winner of the Alma Idea project: "Cultural diversity as care. Caring for cultural diversity'. Competitive call funded by Unibo - 2018-2020 - with P.I: Prof. Beatrice Bertarini.

- 2008-2010: Participation in the PRIN: "Constitutional transitions and the contribution of the dialogue between constitutional justice bodies to democratic consolidation"; Head of the Research Unit: Prof. Giuseppe de Vergottini; Coordinator and scientific responsible Prof. Luca Mezzetti; duration 24 months, starting 22/09/2008


Fellowships and research experiences abroad


- 9-16 Feb - 2020, Erasmus Teaching - University of Granada

- 21-25 Jan. 2019,Visiting Research Fellow : Johannesburg Institute for advanced studies (JIAS) - Johannesburg University

- 1-12 August 2016 -Visiting Research Fellow : ZIF (Zentrum für interdisziplinäre Forschung - Center for interdisciplinary research) - Bielefeld University - Germania

- 5-18 March 2016- Visiting Research Fellow : IIAS (Israel Institute for Advanced Studies) - Hebrew University - Jerusalem - Israel.

- 9-23 July2010 - XXVI session courses of the Académie Internationale de Droit Constitutionnel- "Science et techniques du droit constitutionnel" : Lecturer Prof. M. Troper.

- May- July 2009- Visiting Research Scholar : Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law di New York, invited by Professor Michel Rosenfeld.



Current Teaching: 


Associations and Editorial Board Reviews

Member of  Associazione Italiana dei Costituzionalisti

Member of Osservatorio Emilia-Romagna della rivista Le Regioni

From 2016, Member of the Asociación Mundial de Justicia Constitucional

From 2015, Member of the editorial board of the review

From 2015 Member of the Sezione italiana - Istituto iberoamericano di diritto costituzionale

From 2011, Member of the editorial board (in Bologna) of the review Diritto pubblico comparato ed europeo, and member of the Associazione di diritto pubblico comparato ed europeo

From 2010, Member of the Association des Auditeurs de l'Académie Internationale de Droit Constitutionnel

Since 2007, member of research teams coordinated by Prof. Luca Mezzetti and Prof. Giuseppe de Vergottini in national research projects (so called PRIN and RFO).


Post graduation studies

2007-2009 PhD in Constitutional Law, Faculty of Law, University of Bologna.

June 2010 discussion of Phd thesis: “Constitutional Courts and Legislators”

2006 Diploma of specialization at law school of legal professions (2004-2006), Law School, Padua University. Final paper “The ‘refusal notice” in the reform of the law about administrative procedure n.241 of 1990”


Graduated in Law (LLM) from the University of Udine, 22.7.2004 - thesis on “Identification and protection of the fundamental rights trough the jurisprudence of the U.S. Supreme Court and of the European Community Justice Court”.


Participation to congress and seminars as speaker or discussant

Participations to  many international/national congress and seminars as invited speaker or discussant.



Italian, mother tongue

English fluent, written and spoken

French independent user

Spanish independent user, but good listening and reading comprehension