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Carolina Mudan Marelli

Fixed-term Researcher in Tenure Track L. 79/2022

Department of Sociology and Business Law

Academic discipline: GSPS-08/B Sociology of Environment and Territory

Curriculum vitae

Download Curriculum Vitae (.pdf 188KB )
Research fellow at the Department of Sociology and Business Law since 2019 and member of the Laboratoire d'Architecture et Anthropologie in Paris, she carries out her research mainly in the field of urban sociology. PhD in Sociology (University of Sassari) and in Urbanism (University of Paris Nanterre), her researches are characterized by an ethnographic approach applied to the analysis of contemporary urban transformations. The main research topics range from the analysis of priority policies for working-class neighbourhoods in Italy, France and England, to the critical analysis of the processes of quantification of urban phenomena, with particular attention to measures of the nature in cities, to the urban biodiversity index and more recently to European measures on the quality of life in European cities (EUROSTAT Urban Audit).

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