Bellettini, Giorgio; Berti Ceroni, Carlotta; Cantoni, Enrico; Monfardini, Chiara; Schafer, Jerome Pablo, Modern Family? The Gendered Effects of Marriage and Childbearing on Voter Turnout, «BRITISH JOURNAL OF POLITICAL SCIENCE», 2023, 53, pp. 1016 - 1040 [Scientific article]Open Access
Giorgio Bellettini;
Carlotta Berti Ceroni;
Daniela Iorio;
Chiara Monfardini;
giovanni prarolo, Who turns out to vote? A fresh look into an old question, in: DP17819, London, Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), 2023, pp. 1 - 20 [Chapter or essay]
Schafer, Jerome; Cantoni, Enrico; Bellettini, Giorgio; Berti Ceroni, Carlotta, Making Unequal Democracy Work? The Effects of Income on Voter Turnout in Northern Italy, «AMERICAN JOURNAL OF POLITICAL SCIENCE», 2022, 66, pp. 745 - 761 [Scientific article]Open Access
Bellettini, Giorgio; Ceroni, Carlotta Berti; Monfardini, Chiara, Immigration, ethnic diversity and voting: the role of individual income, «EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY», 2020, 61, Article number: 101840 , pp. 1 - 15 [Scientific article]Open Access
Giorgio Bellettini;
Carlotta Berti Ceroni;
Enrico Cantoni;
Chiara Monfardini, Family Structure and the Turnout Gender Gap: Evidence from Italy, in: IZA DP No. 11384, Bonn, IZA Institute of Labour Economics, 2018, pp. 1 - 45 (IZA DISCUSSION PAPER) [Chapter or essay]
Giorgio Bellettini;
Carlotta Berti Ceroni;
Chiara Monfardini, Ethnic Diversity and Political Participation: The Role of Individual Income, in: Cesifo Working Paper no. 6772, Monaco di Baviera, Ifo Institute, 2017, pp. 1 - 47 (CESIFO WORKING PAPERS) [Chapter or essay]
Bellettini, Giorgio; Berti Ceroni, Carlotta; Monfardini, Chiara, Neighborhood heterogeneity and electoral turnout, «ELECTORAL STUDIES», 2016, 42, pp. 146 - 156 [Scientific article]Open Access
Giorgio Bellettini; Carlotta Berti Ceroni; Giovanni Prarolo, Knowing the Right Person in the Right Place: Political Connections and Resistance to Change, «JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION», 2014, 12, pp. 641 - 671 [Scientific article]
Bellettini G.;
Berti Ceroni C.;
Monfardini C., Socio-Economic Heterogeneity and Electoral Turnout: An Aggregate Analysis with Precinct-Level Data, in: Cesifo Working Paper, Monaco di Baviera, Ifo Institute, 2014, pp. 2 - 26 (CESIFO WORKING PAPERS) [Chapter or essay]
Giorgio Bellettini;Carlotta Berti Ceroni;Giovanni Prarolo, Political persistence and economic growth, «EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY», 2013, 31, pp. 165 - 179 [Scientific article]
G. Bellettini; C. Berti Ceroni, CAN UNIONS HURT WORKERS? A POSITIVE ANALYSIS OF IMMIGRATION POLICY, «ECONOMICS & POLITICS», 2008, 20, pp. 106 - 124 [Scientific article]
G. Bellettini; C. Berti Ceroni, Immigration Policy, Self-Selection and the Quality of Immigrants, «REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS», 2007, 15, pp. 869 - 877 [Scientific article]
G. Bellettini; C. Berti Ceroni, Income distribution, borrowing constraints and redistributive policies, «EUROPEAN ECONOMIC REVIEW», 2007, 51, pp. 625 - 645 [Scientific article]
BELLETTINI G.; BERTI CERONI C.; OTTAVIANO G. I. P., Child labour and resistance to change, «ECONOMICA», 2005, 72, pp. 397 - 411 [Scientific article]