Foto del docente

Carlo Alberto Bosello

Assistant professor

Department of Mathematics

Curriculum vitae

Born on July 6, 1964 in Bologna, Italy.
"Maturità Classica" at Liceo Ginnasio M. Minghetti in Bologna.
In 1990 graduation "cum laude" in mathematics at the University of Bologna.
In 1992 graduation as ScM in applied mathematics at Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island.
In 1997 graduation as PhD in mathematics at the University of Florence, Italy.
Since 1999: assistant professor of mathematical physics at the University of Bologna for various courses in Rational Mechanics and Mathematical Physics. Since 2001 teaching courses in Probability and Statistics for students in engineering and also, since 2005, courses in Statistics for students in a PhD program in engineering.
Research topics have covered continuum mechanics and electromagnetism, with particular emphasis on materials with memory and variational principles.

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