Foto del docente

Carlo Nipoti

Associate Professor

Department of Physics and Astronomy "Augusto Righi"

Academic discipline: PHYS-05/A Astrophysics, Cosmology and Space Science

Curriculum vitae


Born in Milan (May 1st, 1975)
Address: Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Bologna,
via Gobetti 93/2, I-40129, Bologna, Italia


2018-date: Associate professor at the University of Bologna (Department of Physics and Astronomy)
2005-2018: Assistant professor at the University of Bologna (Department of Astronomy, now Department of Physics and Astronomy)
2003-2004: Lecturer at Oxford University (Physics Department, Theoretical Physics Sub-department)


- PhD in Astronomy at University of Bologna (2003).
- Master degree ("Laurea") in Physics at University of Milan (1999).
- High-school degree ("maturità classica") at Liceo Ginnasio Statale B. Zucchi, Monza (1994)


Main scientific interests

Theoretical astrophysics, with particular interest for galaxy
formation and evolution, stellar dynamics (galaxies and globular
clusters), dynamics of the interstellar medium, dark matter and
alternative gravity theories, formation and evolution of clusters of
galaxies, and astrophysical plasmas.


Author of 88 publications, of which 30 as first author, in refereed
scientific journals. Co-author of the textbook "Introduction to
galaxy formation and evolution: from primordial gas to present-day
galaxies" by A. Cimatti, F. Fraternali and C. Nipoti, 2019, Cambridge
University Press.

Funded research projects

He took part in the following research projects, which have been funded:

- PRIN 2022 "Globular clusters in cosmological simulations and in lensed fields: from their birth to the present epoch" (P.I. Francesco Calura; Carlo Nipoti responsible for UdR UniBO)
- Main Stream INAF 2017 "SSH: the Smallest Scale of Hierarchy" (P.I. Monica Tosi)
- Bando Analisi Dati ASI-INAF n. 2017-14-H.0 "The XMM-Newton Heritage Cluster Sample" (P.I. Stefano ettori)
- PRIN-INAF 2012 "The Universe in a Box: Multi-scale Simulations of Cosmic Structures" (P.I. Giuseppe Murante)
- PRIN-MIUR 2010-2011: "Evoluzione chimica e dinamica della nostra galassia e delle galassie del gruppo locale" (P.I. Francesca Matteucci)
- PRIN-MIUR 2008 "Struttura e dinamica di grandi sistemi autogravitanti: diagnostiche di massa" (P.I. Luca Ciotti)

Other grants:
- Fondo di Finanziamento per le Attività Base di Ricerca (FFABR) ANVUR. Individual grant to Carlo Nipoti (2017)

Awarded computing projects

He took part in the following computing projects, which obtained time at the CINECA supercomputers:
- ISCRA Class-C project (2015) "Understanding the kinematics of CALIFA's early-type galaxies with multi-component action-based models" (PI Lorenzo Posti)
- ISCRA Class-C project (2011) "The dynamics of the globular cluster Palomar 14" (PI Carlo Nipoti)
- ISCRA Class-C project (2011) "Globular clusters in modified Newtonian dynamics" (PI Carlo Nipoti)
- ISCRA Class-C project (2010) "Galactic Fountains and Gas Accretion" (PI Federico Marinacci)
- INAF-CINECA standard project (2009) "Galactic fountains" (PI Pasquale Londrillo)
- INAF-CINECA standard project (2008-2009) "Shock-heating in galactic halos" (PI Carlo Nipoti)
- INAF-CINECA standard project (2007-2008) "N-body simulations of dynamical friction in MOND" (PI Carlo Nipoti)
- INAF-CINECA standard project (2007) "N-body simulations of galaxy merging in MOND" (PI Carlo Nipoti)

Approved observation proposals

Co-I of the following observation proposal to which telescope time was assigned:

- Very Large Array (VLA) proposal VLA/23B-131 (2023) "Hierarchical Assembly On Small Scales: Low Resolution Imaging" (P.I. John Cannon)

- Hubble Space Telescope (HST) proposal ID 17140 (2022) "Toward an observational test of the Lambda CDM hierarchical paradigm at the smallest galaxy scales" (P.I. Francesca Annibali)

- Large Binocular Telescope (LBT) proposal n.2016 2017 50 (2016/17) "A spectroscopy follow- up of DDO 68, a flea with smaller eas that on him prey" (P.I. Francesca Annibali)

- Large Binocular Telescope (LBT) proposal n.2016 2017 48 (2016/17) "SSH: An LBT Smallest Scale of Hierarchy Survey" (P.I. Francesca Annibali)
- Hubble Space Telescope (HST) proposal 14716 (2016) "DDO 68: A flea with smaller fleas that on him prey" (P.I. Francesca Annibali)
- Large Binocular Telescope (LBT) proposal (2015/16) "Searching for stellar streams around the blue compact dwarf galaxy DDO 68 (P.I. Francesca Annibali)

Visits and other research experiences

- Visiting Oxford University, Physics Department, Theoretical Physics Sub-department (2003-2022)
- Visiting Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias (July 2015)
- Visiting Institut d'astrophysique de Paris, Universite Pierre et Marie Curie (2012-2015)
- Post-doc ("Assegno di ricerca") at Department of Astronomy of Bologna (February-April 2005).
- Collaboration with Department of Astronomy dell'University of Bologna: studio dell'evoluzione dinamica delle galassie in ammassi di galassie (November 2002-March 2003)
- Visiting Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore (2001-2002)
- Collaboration with ESO-VLT VIRMOS project, at Istituto di Fisica Cosmica del CNR di Milano (January-April 2000)

Conferences and workshops

He attended the following international conferences and workshops:

- "A lens on globular cluster nurseries: how to compare optimally models with observations" (Sesto, June 2024), talk
- "The physical processes shaping the stellar and gaseous histories of galaxies" (Pisa, May 2024), talk
- "Extreme galaxies in their extreme environments at extremely early epochs" (reykjavik, April 2024), talk
- "Galaxies and AGN with the first Euclid data and beyond" (Bologna, february 2023), talk
- "A multi-wavelength view on globular clusters near and far: from JWST to the ELT" (Sesto, July 2023), talk
- "Stars at Lyon. The physics of star formation" (Lyon, June 2023), talk
- "Planet and binary formation in gravitationally unstable protoplanetary discs in the high-resolution era" (Leicester, September 2022), talk "Local gravitational instability of thick gaseous disks: fully 3D stability criteria"
- "Alvio@80", (Chania, September 2022), talk "Star formation in thick galactic gaseous discs: fully 3D gravitational instability criteria"
- "A comprehensive view of galaxy formation and evolution: from the Milky Way to I Zwicky 18", (Sesto, July 2022), talk "Dwarf galaxies and stellar streams as cosmological probes"
- "Cosmic nuggets – A feast of compact and massive galaxies across the Universe" (Sesto, March 2022, by invitation only), invited talk "Relic galaxies in galaxy clusters: a dynamical perspective"
- "Variation of the stellar Initial Mass Function between and within galaxies (EAS2021 Special Session SS28)" (online, hosted by Leiden, June 2021), talk "Stellar velocity dispersion and initial mass function gradients in massive early-type galaxies"
- "Compact passive and massive galaxies across the Universe (EAS2020 Special Session SS17)" (Online, hosted by Leiden, June 2020), talk "From compact massive passive galaxies to giant ellipticals"
- "Matera Oscura. Cosmology and dark matter within galaxies and clusters" (Matera, September 2019), talk "Dark-matter J- and D-factor profiles of dwarf spheroidal galaxies"
- "Tracing cosmic evolution with clusters of galaxies IV" (Sesto, July 2019), talk "Growth of clusters and brightest cluster galaxies"
- "Birth, life and fate of massive galaxies and their central beating heart" (Favignana, September 2018), talk "The second phase of massive early-type galaxy formation"
- "Galaxy interactions and mergers across cosmic time" (Sesto, March 2018; by invitation only), invited talk "The second phase of massive galaxy formation"
- "Galaxy clusters across cosmic time" (Aix-en-Provence, July 2017), talk "The special growth history of brightest cluster galaxies"
- "Galaxy Clusters 2017. Theory, observations & future developments" (Santander, July 2017), talk "The special growth history of brightest cluster galaxies"
- "The remarkable life of a BCG" (Sesto, February 2017, by invitation only), invited talk "The special growth history of central galaxies in clusters"
- "The bright and dark universe" (Naples, January/February 2017), invited talk "Dynamics of stellar systems in modified Newtonian dynamics"
- "How galaxies live and die: the onset and end of star formation across cosmic time - EWASS 2016" (Athens, July 2016), talk "The evolution of the effective stellar initial mass function of massive early-type galaxies"
- "Formation and evolution of galaxy outskirts (IAU Symposium 321)" (Toledo, march 2016), talk "Formation of galaxy outskirts and orgin of Sersic profiles"
- "In the footsteps of galaxies: tracing the evolution of environmental effects" (Soverato, September 2015), talk "The origin of the Sersic profiles of galaxies: environmental effects"
- "The Many Pathways to Galaxy Growth" (Prato, June 2015), talk "Cosmological growth of massive early-type galaxies"
- "Getting a Grip on Galaxy Girths" (Tokyo, February 2015), invited talk "Effect of mergers on the size evolution of early-type galaxies"
- "Complex plasma phenomena in the laboratory and in the universe" (Roma, January 2015), talk "Thermal instability in rotating hot halos of galaxies and galaxy clusters"
- "Evolving Galaxies in Evolving Environments" (Bologna, September 2014), talk "Environmental dependence of the structural evolution of early-type galaxies"
- "IAU Symposium 311 -Galaxy Masses as Constraints of Formation Models" (Oxford, July 2014), posters "Action-based equilibrium models for CALIFA's early-type galaxies" and "Purely dry mergers do not reproduce the observed evolution of early-type galaxies"
- "EWASS 2014" (Geneva, June/July 2014), talk "Dark matter distribution in dwarf spheroidal galaxies: coevolution of dark matter and baryons since the early phases of galaxy formation"
- "Hot topics on elliptical galaxies" (Venezia, October 2013), invited talk "Size and velocity-dispersion evolution of elliptical galaxies in a LCDM universe"
- "Galaxy formation under the magnifying glass of gravitational lensing" (Courmayeur, June 2013), invited talk "Mergers for lensers"
- "Combined lensing and dynamical studied of massive early-type galaxies" (Paris, July 2012), talk "Size and velocity-dispersion evolution of early-type galaxies"
- "European Week of Astronomy and Space Science" (Roma, July 2012), talk "Merger-driven size and velocity-dispersion evolution of early-type galaxies in a LCDM universe" (in Special Session "Morphology and kinematics of interacting galaxies")
- "Whereabouts, Physical State and Metallicity of the Missing Baryons in the Local Universe" (Cervia, May 2012), talk " Missing baryons around disc galaxies: thermal stability of the hot gas and origin of the cold clouds"
- "Dark matter from globular clusters to clusters of galaxies" (Bologna, June 2011)
- "Advances in Computational Astrophysics: methods, tools and outcomes" (Cefalu`, June 2011), talk "Can dry merging explain the size evolution of early-type galaxies?"
- "Problematik workshop" (Oxford, August 2010)
- "Modified Gravity Approaches to the Dark Sector" (Strasbourg, June 2010), talk "Dynamical
friction, galaxy merging, and radial-orbit instability in MOND"
- "Hunting for the Dark: The Hidden Side of Galaxy Formation" (Malta, October 2009), talk "Are Galactic Coronae Thermally Unstable?";
- "Dark haloes from smallest to largest scales" (Bologna, June 2009), talk "Lensing scaling relations of early-type galaxies";
- "Gravitational Lensing in the Next Decade" (Cogne, June 2009), talk "Present-day early-type galaxies and their progenitors: the viewpoint of lensing scaling laws";
- "Open problems in galaxy formation", (Potsdam, May 2009), talk "Is the galactic hot gas thermally unstable?";
- "JENAM 2008 - New challenges to European astronomy" (Vienna, September 2008), two talks: "N-MODY: a code for N-body simulations in modified Newtonian dynamics" and "Cool gas accretion, thermal evaporation and quenching of star formation in elliptical galaxies";
- "The Interface between Galaxy Formation and AGNs" (Vulcano, May 2008), talk "The role of AGN feedback and thermal evaporation in quenching star formation in the most massive galaxies";
- "Computational astrophysics in Italy: results and perspectives" (Roma, March 2008), talk: "N-MODY: a parallel code for N-body simulations in MOND";
- "Gas Accretion and Star Formation in Galaxies" (Garching, September 2007), poster "Cool gas accretion, thermal evaporation, and star formation in elliptical galaxies";
- "Galaxy Interactions and Mergers" (Nottingham, July 2007), talk "Galaxy merging in Modified Newtonian dynamics";
- "Dark matter in galaxies and galaxy clusters" (Bologna, June 2007), talk "Galaxy merging in Modified Newtonian dynamics";
- "Collective phenomena in macroscopic systems" (Como, December 4 - 6, 2006);
- "VI Microquasar Workshop: Microquasars and Beyond" (Como, September 18 - 22, 2006), poster "Clues from microquasars to the origin of radio-loudness of quasars";
- "Alternative gravities and dark matter workshop" (Royal Observatory, Edinburgh, 20-22 April 2006), invited talk: "Dynamics of non-spherically symmetric systems and N-body simulations in MOND";
- "The impact of Active galaxies on the Universe at large" (Royal Society, London, 16-17 February 2004);
- "Second Oxford-Princeton workshop on cosmology" (Oxford, 12-14 January 2004);
- "Workshop on multi-wavelength mapping of galaxy formation and evolution" (ESO-USM- MPE Workshop; Venice, 13-16 October 2003), poster "Galactic Cannibalism in the galaxy cluster C0037-2522: formation of cD galaxies and consequences on the dark matter cusps problem";
- "The Mass of Galaxies at Low and High Redshift" (ESO Workshop; Venezia, 24-26 October 2001), poster "Galaxy merging and the Fundamental Plane of elliptical galaxies";
- "Computational astrophysics in Italy: methods and tools" (Bologna, 4-5 July 2002);

He co-organized the following international conferences and workshops:

- "A lens on globular cluster nurseries: how to compare optimally models with observations" (Sesto, June 2024)
- "How galaxies live and die: the onset and end of star formation across cosmic time - EWASS 2016" (Athens, July 2016; member of the SOC)
- "Dark matter from globular clusters to clusters of galaxies" (Bologna, June 2011)
- "Dark haloes from smallest to largest scales" (Bologna, June 2009)


He gave the following seminars:

- "Testing MOND with globular clusters" (INAF-OAS, Bologna, September 28 2023)
- "Gravitational instability of thick gas discs: from protoplanetary to galactic scales" (INAF-OAS, Bologna, February 7 2023)
- "Early flattening of dark matter cusps in dwarf spheroidal galaxies" (11 November 2014, Osservatorio Astronomico di Bologna)
- "Cosmological evolution of early-type galaxies: size, velocity dispersion and total mass density profile" (11 March 2014, Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera, Milano)
- "Early-type galaxies grow too fast" (13 March 2012, Osservatorio Astronomico di Bologna)
- "Thermal instability in rotating galactic coronae" (November 2010, Osservatorio Astronomico di Bologna)
- "The rise and fall of dry mergers" (17 November 2009, Osservatorio Astronomico di Bologna)
- "On the origin of high-velocity clouds" (1 March 2009, Osservatorio Astronomico di Bologna)
- "The role of thermal evaporation in galaxy formation" (6 October 2008, Istituto di Radioastronomia di Bologna)
- "Globular clusters in dwarf galaxies: MOND vs. dark matter" (February 2008, Osservatorio Astronomico di Bologna)
- "AGN mechanical heating of cluster cooling cores" (November 2007, Istituto di Radioastronomia di Bologna)
- "The role of thermal evaporation in galaxy formation" (15 November 2007, Osservatorio Astronomico di Bologna)
- "Duty cycle of radio sources and heating of cooling flows" ( 29 May 2005, Istituto di Radioastronomia di Bologna)
- "Duty cycle of radio sources" (22 February 2005, Dipartimento di Astronomia di Bologna)
- "Halpha filaments in galaxy clusters" (15 June 2004, Dipartimento di Astronomia di Bologna)
- "Origin and fate of cold gas filaments in galaxy clusters" (3 February 2004, Astrophysics Subdepartment, Oxford University)
- "The scaling relations of elliptical galaxies: constraints from stellar dynamics" (20 February 2003, Dipartimento di Astronomia di Bologna)
- "Anisotropia orbitale radiale e il Piano Fondamentale delle galassie ellittiche" (15 March 2002, Istituto di Fisica Cosmica di Milano)
- "Stellar dynamics and the Fundamental Plane of elliptical galaxies" (13 December 2001, Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore)
- "Anisotropia orbitale radiale e Piano Fondamentale delle galassie ellittiche" (18 October 2001, Dipartimento di Astronomia di Bologna)



Chair of the following courses:

- Gravitational waves (2023/24 - Seminar of Collegio Superiore, Università di Bologna)
- Gravitational wave astrophysics and cosmology - Module 2 (2022/23-2023/24; Master in Astrophysics and Cosmology, Università di Bologna)
- Astrophysical fluid dynamics (2022/23-2023/24; Master in Astrophysics and Cosmology, Università di Bologna)
- Physics (2019/20-2020/21-2021/22-2022/23-2023/24; Laurea in scienze geologiche, Università di Bologna)
- Celestial Mechanics (2012/13-2013/14-2014/15-2015/16-2016/17-2019/20-2021/22; Laurea in Astronomia, University of Bologna)
- Physics (2020/21-2021/22; Laurea in scienze geologiche, Università di Bologna)
- Astrophysical fluid dynamics (2020/21; Laurea magistrale in astrofisica e cosmologia, Università di Bologna)
- Gas dynamics in galaxies (2018/19-2019/20; Laurea magistrale in astrofisica e cosmologia, Università di Bologna)
- Numerical calculus and statistics Part 2 (2017/18-2018/19, Laurea Magistrale in Astrofisica e Cosmologia, Università di Bologna)
- Extragalactic Astrophysics (2009/10; modulo del corso di Astrofisica, Laurea in Fisica, University of Bologna)
- Clusters of Galaxies (2008/09-2009/10; Laurea Magistrale in Astrofisica e Cosmologia, University of Bologna)
- Numerical Calculus with Laboratory II (2007/08, Laurea Specialistica in Astrofisica e Cosmologia, University of Bologna)

Collaborator in teaching the following courses:
- Numerical Calculus and Statistics (2013/14-2014/15-2015/16, Laurea Magistrale in Astrofisica e Cosmologia, University of Bologna)
- Numerical Calculus for Astronomy (2010/11-2012/13, Laurea in Astronomia, University of Bologna)
- Galaxy formation and evolution (2008/09-2009/10-2014/15-2015/16, Laurea Magistrale in Astrofisica e Cosmologia, University of Bologna)
- Astrophysics of galaxies (2008, corso del Dottorato in Astronomia, University of Bologna)
- Numerical Calculus with Laboratory I (2006/07-2007/08, Laurea Specialistica in Astrofisica e Cosmologia, University of Bologna)
- Computer Programming I (2006/07, Laurea in Astronomia, University of Bologna)
- Computer Programming II (2006/07, Laurea in Astronomia, University of Bologna)
- Computing lab (2004, B.A. Physics, Oxford University)
- General relativity (2003/04, Master of Physics, Theoretical Physics, Oxford University)
- Stochastic processes (2003/04, Master of Physics, Theoretical Physics, Oxford University)

Other teaching experiences:
- Tutor of "Collegio Superiore" of Università di Bologna (2022-date)
- Tutor of Astrophysics at St. Anne's College, Oxford University (2004)
- Tutor of Astrophysics at Worcester College, Oxford University (2004).

Supervised students and theses


- Tommaso Bartalesi (ongoing) "Rotation of the intracluster medium" (PhD, Bologna; supervisor V. Vazza, co-supervisor S. Ettori)
- Stefano Sotira (ongoing) "Physics and observables of the thermal and non-thermal output of radio galaxies in large scale structures" (PhD, Bologna; supervisor F. Vazza, co-supervisors F. Brighenti e C. Nipoti)
- Elena Lacchin 2023 "Hydrodynamic simulations of multiple stellar populations in globular clusters" (Supervisor F. Calura, co-supervisor C. Nipoti)
- Carlo Cannarozzo 2021 "The merger-driven evolution of early-type galaxies
and the connection with their dark matter halos" (PhD, Bologna; supervisor C. Nipoti, co-supervisor A. Sonnenfled)
- Cecilia Bacchini 2020 "Star formation laws and gas turbulence in nearby galaxies" (PhD, Bologna/Groningen; supervisori C. Nipoti and F. Fraternali)
- Raffaele Pascale 2020 "Dynamical models of dwarf spheroidal galaxies based on distribution functions depending on actions" (PhD, Bologna; supervisor C. Nipoti, co-supervisors L. Ciotti e L. Posti)
- Giuliano Iorio 2018 "Off piste beyond the disc of the Milky Way: structure of the stellar halo and dynamics of nearby dwarf galaxies" (PhD, Bologna; supervisor C. Nipoti, co-supervisors F. Fraternali e G. Battaglia)
- Lorenzo Posti 2015 "On the luminous and dark matter distribution in early-type galaxies" (Bologna; supervisor C. Nipoti, co-supervisors L. Ciotti e M. Stiavelli)
- Federico Marinacci 2011 "Dynamics of the halo gas in disc galaxies" (Bologna; supervisor L. Ciotti, co-supervisors F. Fraternali e C. Nipoti)


- Marco Donati, 2024 "Effects of Type Ia Supernova feedback in young globular clusters" (supervisor C. Nipoti, co-supervisors F. Calura, E. Lacchin)
- Francesco Brandoli, 2023, “Numerical relativity simulations
of compact binaries composed of a black hole and a neutron star”,
(supervisor C. Nipoti, co-supervisors S. Bernuzzi
and A. Pillado Gonzalez)
- Sebastiano Cantarella, 2023, "Global instability of stellar discs in presence of dark matter halos" (supervisor C. Nipoti, co-supervisors L. Ciotti, S. Pellegrini, P. Londrillo)
- Tommaso Bartalesi, 2023, “Gas rotation and dark matter halo shape in cool-core clusters of galaxies” (Bologna, supervisor C. Nipoti, co-supervisor Stefano Ettori)
- Marcello Cantari, 2022, "Stellar mass loss from the Fornax dwarf spheroidal galaxy" (supervisor C. Nipoti, co-supervisors G. Iorio, F. Calura)
- Agnese Castellani, 2022, "Automatic classification of stellar orbits in axisymmetric potentials" (supervisor C. Nipoti, co-supervisor R. Pascale),
- Sotira Stefano, 2022, "Analytic models of self-gravitating rotating gaseous tori with central black hole" (Bologna, supervisor CN, co-supervisor Luca Ciotti)
- Della Croce Alessandro, 2021, "Quest for an Intermediate Mass Black Hole in the Globular Cluster 47 Tucanae with Action-Based Distribution Functions" (Pisa, supervisors CN and M. Cignoni; co-supervisor R. Pascale)
- Matteuzzi Massimiliano, 2020, "The size and stellar mass evolution of satellite ETGs in the most massive clusters" (master, Bologna, supervisor CN, co-supervisor Federico Marinacci)
- Eric Giunchi, 2020, "Looking for intermediate mass black holes in
globular clusters using action-based dynamical models" (master, Bologna, supervisor CN, co-supervisor Raffaele Pascale)
- Giacomo Cherchi, 2020 "Effetti mareali sulla massa stellare della galassia sferoidale nana Fornax" (master, Bologna, supervisor CN, co-supervisors Francesco Calura e Giuliano Iorio)
- Andrea Lorini, 2019, "Emissione in banda X di ammassi di galassie con potenziale gravitazionale assisimmetrico e mezzo intracluster rotante" (master, Bologna, supervisor CN, co-supervisor Stefano Ettori)
- Federico Bellisardi, 2019 "Study Of Gaseous Structures in
Axisymmetric Rotation in presence of a Black Hole" (master, Bologna, supervisor CN, cosupervisor L. Ciotti)
- Valentina La Torre, 2018 "Analisi spettroscopica LBT della galassia nana
DDO 68" (supervisor CN, co-supervisors Francesca Annibali, Monica Tosi, Luca Ciotti)
- Alberto Acuto, 2017 "Models of galaxy clusters with rotating intracluster medium and axisymmetric gravitational potential" (Bologna, supervisor CN, co-supervisor Stefano Ettori)
- Raffaele Pascale, 2016 "Action-based dynamical models of the Fornax dwarf spheroidal galaxy" (Bologna, supervisor CN, co-supervisor Lorenzo Posti)
- Umberto Rescigno, 2016 "Degenerate dark matter halos of dwarf galaxies as a possible solution to the core-cusp problem" (Bologna, supervisor CN, co-supervisor Lauro Moscardini)
- Lorenzo Posti, 2012 "Structural and dynamical evolution of Dark Matter halos: a numerical study" (Bologna; supervisor Ciotti, co-supervisors C. Nipoti e M. Stiavelli)
- Matteo Bianconi, 2012 "Gas rotation in galaxy clusters" (Bologna; supervisor C. Nipoti, co-supervisor S. Ettori)
- Giuseppe Melfi, 2012 "Simulazioni idrodinamiche di nubi di gas freddo della Via Lattea" (Bologna; supervisor C. Nipoti, co-supervisor F. Marinacci)
- Roberto Iaconi, 2010 "Dry mergers of compact early-type galaxies observed at z=1.6: results from N-body simulations" (Bologna; supervisor C. Nipoti, co-supervisor A. Cimatti)
- Giovanni Cappello, 2009 "Tempi scala del merging tra galassie early-type compatte osservate a redshift z=1.6" (Bologna; supervisor C. Nipoti, co-supervisor A. Cimatti)
- Giacomo Monari, 2009 "A family of toroidal stellar systems in rigid rotation" (Bologna; supervisor L. Ciotti, co-supervisor C. Nipoti)
- Francesco Bruno, 2008 "Una famiglia di sistemi stellari toroidali" (Bologna; supervisor L. Ciotti, co-supervisor C. Nipoti)
- Elaine Baxter, 2004 "Cosmological structure formation: collapse and virialization of spherical overdensities" (Oxford; supervisor C. Nipoti)
- Anthony Brookfield, 2004 "Survival of satellites in galaxies and galaxy clusters" (Oxford; supervisor C. Nipoti)
- Lee Simmonds, 2004 "Dynamical evolution of massive black holes in galaxies" (Oxford; supervisor C. Nipoti)


- Cristina Caprioglio, 2023, " Instabilità gravitazionale in dischi gassosi politropici" (supervisor C. Nipoti)
- Morgana Maria Elena Pederzoli, 2020, "Classificazione di orbite stellari in potenziali galattici: il metodo dell'integrale di correlazione applicato alle superfici di sezione" (Bologna; supervisor CN, cosupervisor Raffaele Pascale)
- Giorgio Pacioni, 2017 "Materia oscura nella galassia nana sferoidale Crater 2" (Bologna; supervisor C. Nipoti, co-supervisor R. Pascale)
- Vincenzo Colonna, 2011 "Profili di velocita` in modelli di galassie ellittiche" (Bologna; supervisor C. Nipoti)
- Emiliano Alessandrini, 2010 "Evaporazione gravitazionale negli ammassi globulari" (Bologna; supervisor L. Ciotti, co-supervisor C. Nipoti)
- Lorenzo Posti, 2010 "Instabilita` termiche e magentotermiche in corone galattiche" (Bologna; supervisor C. Nipoti)
- Andrea Marzolla, 2009 "Effetto di campo esterno in MOND" (Bologna; supervisor C. Nipoti)
- Silvia Posacki, 2008 "Effetto del merging sulle leggi di scala delle galassie ellittiche" (Bologna; supervisor L. Ciotti, co-supervisor C. Nipoti)


Member of the following committees:
- Final exam, Laurea Magistrale in Astrofisica e Cosmologia dell'Università di Bologna (2017-date)
- Final exam, PhD in Astrophysics, Bologna (2022)
- Selection for PhD in Astrophysics, Bologna (2020)
- Final exam, PhD in Physics, Torino (2021)
- Final exam, PhD in Astronomy, Padova (2016)
- Final exam, PhD in Physics, Roma La Sapienza (2012)
- Selection for PhD in Astronomy, Bologna (2010)
- Final exam, PhD in Physics, Pisa (2010)


- Member of the "Giunta" of the Department of Physics and Astronomy of Bologna (2024-date)
- Member of the "Collegio dei Docenti" (Scientific Board) of the PhD in Astrophysics of Bologna University (2005-date)
- Member of Scientific Council of "Collegio Superiore" of Università di Bologna (2022-date)
- Member of the equal opportunities working group of the Department of Physics and Astronomy of Bologna (2021-date)
- Delegate of the astrophysics group in the research committee of the Department of Physics and Astronomy of Bologna (2015-2018)
- Delegate of the astrophysics group in the working group on VQR 2011/14 (evaluation of the quality of research) of the Department of Physics and Astronomy of Bologna (2016)


- Author of the article "Anomalie gravitazionali: materia oscura o nuove leggi fisiche?" ("Gravitational anomalies: dark matter or new physical laws?"), Giornale di Astronomia, vol. 48, n. 1, 2022

- He organised and conducted outreach activities on astronomy for children at Scuola dell'Infanzia Bruno Ciari in Bologna, at Scuola Primaria Viscardi in Bologna and at Scuola Secondaria Inferiore Leonardo da Vinci in Bologna (2014-date)

Last updated 10/7/2024