Foto del docente

Cameron Gabriel Beckett

PhD Student

Department of Sociology and Business Law

Research fellow

Department of Sociology and Business Law

Academic discipline: SPS/07 General Sociology

Short Bio

Cameron Beckett is a PhD candidate at the University of Bologna, admitted in 2021. Their research focuses on the experiences of family caregivers who provide support for individuals with Alzheimer's disease and related dementias. He is particularly interested in exploring how caregivers navigate their roles and experiences both within and outside of their caregiving responsibilities, bridging a variety of qualitative methodologies to explore cultural practices, and structural inequalities through narrative.

Their research aims to provide a deeper understanding of the emotional and social challenges that caregivers face while providing care for their loved ones. Through their work, they hope to shed light on the unique perspectives of non-professional experts and the strategies they use to thrive. Go to the Curriculum vitae



Dipartimento di Sociologia e Diritto dell'Economia
Strada Maggiore 45, Bologna - Go to map

Dipartimento di Sociologia e Diritto dell'Economia
Via Giacomo della Torre 1, Forlì - Go to map

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