Foto del docente

Carmine Guerriero

Associate Professor

Department of Economics

Academic discipline: ECON-01/A Economics

Curriculum vitae

Download Curriculum Vitae (.pdf 81KB )


October 2016 - Now:
- ``Rita Levi-Montalcini" Associate Professor, Department of Economics, University of Bologna.

October 2016 - Now:

- Co-Pi, Origins Project.

June 2020 - Now:

- Founder and Editor-in-Chief, Cambridge University Press Elements in ``Law, Economics and Politics."


May 2016 - October 2016:
- Editorial Board, Data in Brief.
January 2012 - February 2020:
- Associate Editor, International Review of Law and Economics.
October 2009 - September 2016:
- Assistant Professor and Program Director, ACLE, University of Amsterdam.
2005 - 2007:
- Teaching Fellow, Jesus College and Newnham College, Cambridge, UK.

January 2022 - February 2022:
- Visiting Professor, University Of Cambridge, UK.
May 2019 - September 2019:
- Visiting Professor, Parthenope University, Naples.
September 2018:
- Visiting Professor, Radzyner Law School, IDC Herzliya.
February 2017 - March 2017:
- Visiting Fellow, Collegio Carlo Alberto, Moncalieri.
January 2016 - April 2016:
- Visiting Fellow, SEP at LUISS, Rome.
October 2013 - February 2014:
- Visiting Scholar, EIEF, Rome.
April 2009 - September 2009:
- Visiting Scholar, IEFE at Bocconi University, Milan.

2017 - 2028:
- ANVUR Full Professor Qualification, sectors 13/A2 and 13/A3.
2012 - Now:
- HESA-equivalent advanced teaching certificate, Centrum voor Nascholing, Amsterdam.

- PhD in Economics, the University of Cambridge, 2010.
Thesis Title: ``Endogenous Legal Systems: Theory and Evidence.''
Supervisor: Dr. Toke Aidt; Advisors: Professor David Newbery and Dr. Melvyn Weeks.
- MSc in Economics, LSE, 2005.
- MA in Economics, the University of Chicago, 2004.
- BA in Economics, Bocconi University, Milan, Summa Cum Laude, 2002.
Supervisor: Professor Guido Tabellini; Advisor: Professor Michele Polo.

``Accountability in Government and Regulatory Policies: Theory and Evidence.'' Journal of Comparative Economics, 39 (2011): 453-469 (Lead Article).

``The Political Economy of Incentive Regulation: Theory and Evidence from US States.'' Journal of Comparative Economics, 41 (2013): 91-107.

``Law and Culture: A Theory of Comparative Variation in Bona Fide Purchase Rules'' (with: Giuseppe Dari-Mattiacci, Columbia Law School). Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, 35 (2015): 543-574.

``The Property-Contract Balance'' (with: Giuseppe Dari-Mattiacci, Columbia Law School; Zhenxing Huang, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics). Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 172 (2016): 40-64.

``Endogenous Legal Traditions.'' International Review of Law and Economics, 46 (2016): 49-69.

``Endogenous Legal Traditions and Economic Outcomes.'' Journal of Comparative Economics, 44 (2016): 416-433.

``Endogenous Property Rights.'' Journal of Law and Economics, 59 (2016): 313-358.

``Extractive States: The Case of the Italian Unification'' (with: Guilherme de Oliveira, Columbia Law School). International Review of Law and Economics, 56 (2018): 142-159.

``Divergence and Convergence at the Intersection of Property and Contract'' (with: Giuseppe Dari-Mattiacci, Columbia Law School). Southern California Law Review, 92 (2019): 809-850.

``Endogenous (In)Formal Institutions'' (with: Serra Boranbay, Carnegie Mellon University). Journal of Comparative Economics, 47 (2019): 921-945.

``Endogenous Institutions and Economic Outcomes.'' Economica, 87 (2020): 364-405.

``The Political Economy of (De)Regulation: Theory and Evidence from the US Electricity Industry.'' Journal of Institutional Economics, 16 (2020): 389-408.

``Climate Change and State Evolution" (with: Giacomo Benati). PNAS, 118 (2021): e2020893118.

``The Origins of the State: Technology, Cooperation and Institutions" (with: Giacomo Benati). Forthcoming, Journal of Institutional Economics.

``The Economic and Institutional Determinants of Trade Expansion in Bronze Age Mesopotamia" (with: Giacomo Benati and Federico Zaina). Journal of Archaeological Science, 131 (2021): 105398.

``The Origins of the State: Technology, Cooperation and Institutions" (with: Giacomo Benati). Journal of Institutional Economics, 18 (2022): 29-43.

``The Origins of Political Institutions and Property Rights" (with: Giacomo Benati and Federico Zaina). Journal of Comparative Economics, 50 (2022): 946-968.

``Property Rights, Transaction Costs, and the Limits of the Market." Economics of Governance, 24 (2023): 143-176.

``Combining Social Sciences, Geoscience and Archaeology to Understand Societal Collapse" (with: G. Benati). Quaternary Science Reviews, 314 (2023): 108217.


``New Evidence on Legal Institutions: the Evolution Toward Efficiency.'' Vox (19 December, 2009).

``When is Regulation More Efficient than Competition?'' Vox (21 November, 2010).

``Endogenous Legal Traditions and Economic Outcomes.'' Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance (22 April, 2016).

``When Are Weak Property Rights Optimal?'' Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance(June 13, 2016) and SIOE Blog (April 12, 2017).

``Extractive Policies and Economic Outcomes: the Unitary Origins of the Present-Day North-South of Italy Divide.'' EHS Blog (March 7, 2017).

``How to Correct Market Frictions and Failures By Weakening Property Rights.'' Oxford Business Law Blog (January 25, 2018).

``La Questione Meridionale? Nasce con l'Unità d'Italia.'' La Voce (March 19, 2019).

(available at
``A Novel Dataset on Legal Traditions, Their Determinants, and Their Economic Role in 155 Transplants.'' Data in Brief, 8 (2016): 394-398.
``A Novel Dataset on Horizontal Property Rights in 126 Jurisdictions'' (with: Giuseppe Dari-Mattiacci, Columbia Law School). Data in Brief, 11 (2017): 557-561.
``A Novel Dataset on a Culture of Cooperation and Inclusive Political Institutions in 90 European Historical Regions Observed Between 1000 and 1600" (with: Serra Boranbay, Carnegie Mellon University). Data in Brief, 27 (2019): 104731.

``Legal Traditions and Economic Performances: Theory and Evidence.'' 2011. In: Encyclopedia of Law and Economics, 2nd ed., Volume VII, Bouckaert, Boudewijn and Gerrit De Geest (eds.). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.
``Law, Economics, and History: Endogenous Institutional Change and Legal Innovation'' (with: Giuseppe Dari-Mattiacci, Columbia Law School). 2011. In: Does Law Matter? Law and Economic Growth, Faure, Michael and Jan Smits (eds.). Mortsel, BE: Intersentia Publishers.
``Property Rights and Economic Development: Taking Stock, Looking Ahead.'' 2018. In: A Research Agenda for New Institutional Economics, Menard, Claude and Mary M. Shirley (eds.). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.

World Bank at
NEP-HIS Blog at
EHS Blog at

Corriere della Sera at at

Unibo Magazine at

Global Water Forum at

Counter Punch at


SIOE Meeting, 2013, 2014, and 2018.



ACLE ``economics seminars'' and workshops, Amsterdam, April 2010 - June 2015.
ACLE-CSEF workshop on ``Law and Economics,'' CSEF, Napoli, 2010.
Department of Economics ``research seminars," University of Bologna, 2017.
LES Courses, Department of Economics, University of Bologna, 2017.

- ``Ente Luigi Einaudi'' scholarship, Ente Luigi Einaudi, Roma, 2003.
- ``Luigi Bocconi'' scholarship, Bocconi University, Milano, 2003 (declined).
- ``Franco Romani'' scholarship, Fondazione Luigi Einaudi, Roma, 2003 and 2005 (declined).
- ``Felice Gianani'' scholarship, ABI, Roma, 2003.
- ``Marco Fanno'' scholarship, Marco Fanno Foundation, Roma, 2004-2006.
- ``Supergen'' fellowship, University of Cambridge, 2006 (declined).
- ``Paul Geroski'' Young Economist Essay award, EARIE meeting, Valencia, 2007.
- ``Wrenbury'' scholarship, University of Cambridge, 2008.
- Econometric Society European Winter (Job Market) Meeting, Cambridge, UK, 2008.
- ``La Pietra-Mondragone'' (Job Market) Meeting, Florence, 2008.
- ``Hans-Jurgen-Ewers" Prize, Applied Research Infrastructure Conference, Berlin, 2011.
- Expert (GEV) for the evaluation of the quality of the Italian Research (VQR), ANVUR, Rome, 2020.


- ACLE ``Empirical Legal Studies'' grant, Formal and Informal Laws, Amsterdam, 15,000 Euro, 2013.
- ACLE ``Empirical Legal Studies'' grant, Extractive States, Amsterdam, 15,000 Euro, 2014.
- AlmaIdea Junior grant (with Giacomo Benati and Federico Zaina), The Rise of Political Institutions: the Case of Ancient Societies, University of Bologna, 20,000 Euro, 2017.
- ``Rita Levi-Montalcini" Program, Redesigning the Boundaries Between Markets and Nonmarket Institutions, MIUR, 3,420,000 Euro, 2017-2020.

American Economic Review, American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, BE Journal of Theoretical Economics, Economica, Economic Journal, Economics of Governance, European Economic Review, European Journal of Law and Economics, European Journal of Political Economy, European Review of Economic History, International Review of Law and Economics, Journal of Comparative Economics, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Journal of Development Economics, Journal of Economic Growth, Journal of Industrial Economics, Journal of Institutional Economics, Journal of Public Economics, Nature Energy, Quarterly Journal of Political Science, Review of Law and Economics, Times Higher Education Global Academic Reputation Survey, QS Global Academic Survey.


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