Brunella Del Re got her Master's Degree cum laude in Biological
Sciences from Bologna University. Then she had a
fellowship from AIRC ( Italian Association for Cancer Research)
with a research project on tumor immunology at Institute of
Cancerology (University of Bologna,). She
worked at Department of Experimental Evolutionary Biology
(University of Bologna) where she carried out research on gene
expression regulation in response to environmental changes in
probiotic bacteria (Lactobacillus e Bifidobacterium).
These research projects were supported by CEE and industry grants (
ECLAIR project, Christian-Hansen's Laboratorium, Denmark; AIR
project, Unilever, Holland). At the present she is assistant professor in genetics at Department of Pharmacy and
Biotechnology (University of Bologna). Her research
interests are centered around mobile genetic elements (Tn5, Tn10 in
bacteria cells; LINE in human cells) with a focus on those factors
(cellular, environmental) that could affect their mobility. Since June 2022 she is a member of the research unit of the University of Bologna of the GOLIAT project (5G expOsure, causaL effects, and rIsk perception through citizen engAgemenT) funded by the European Union(HORIZON-HLTH-2021-ENVHLTH-02, Grant Agreement no. 101057262, d In the past she has held the following courses: Laboratory of Applied
Genetics (course for MS degree in Conservation and Management of
Natural Heritage, University of Bologna), Immunogenetics,
(course for the MS Degree in Health Biology, University of
Bologna), Genetics of microorganisms, (course for the BS Degree in
Biotechnology, University of Bologna), Molecular Genetics (course
for the BS Degree in Biological Sciences, University of
Bologna), Molecular and evolutive genetics (course for the MS
Degree in Biodiversity and Evolution, University of Bologna), Genetics (course for the BS Degree in Natural Sciences).