2021-today Senior Assistant Professor (fixed term) GEO / 05 - Applied Geology
2018-2021 Junior Assistant Professor (fixed term) GEO / 05 - Applied Geology
2014-2018 Contract researcher, BIGEA Department, University of Bologna
2011-2013 Contract researcher, Department of Physics and Earth Sciences, University of Ferrara
2007-2010 Associate Researcher, School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences and Water Research Laboratory (WRL), University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney, NSW.
2007 PhD in Environmental Sciences: protection and management of natural resources - XIX Cycle, University of Bologna
2003 Master Degree in Environmental Sciences, Abiotic Marine Specialization, University of Bologna
Other professional experiences
May 2022-today: scientific coordinator of the research project 'Study of sustainable water management to support agro-forestry-pastoral activities in the Bao Bolong valley, in the Kaffrine Region (Senegal)' - International cooperation projects for development of departments ('UNIBO-GLOBAL SOUTH')
2015-2017 Team leader of Activities ‘Data collection and management’ and “Protection , preservation and restoration of coastal and marine habitats” in the CAMP ITALY project (Coastal Area Management Programme), CONISMA (National Inter-University Consortium for Marine Sciences), Rome (Italy)
2011 Scientific coordinator and collaborator, GEO.POWER Interreg IVC project
11/30/2012 ECDL Specialized, GIS Certificate - Geographic Information Systems Examiner
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