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Barbara Zanuttigh

Professoressa ordinaria

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Chimica, Ambientale e dei Materiali

Temi di ricerca

Parole chiave: progettazione eco-compatibile delle difese costiere energia rinnovabile dal mare rischio di inondazione costiera interazione onda-struttura convertitori di energia ondosa strutture a cresta bassa idro-morfodinamica del litorale colate detritiche

Barbara Zanuttigh’s main research interests focus on wave interaction with coastal structures and coastal flood risk.

A synthesis of the research topics of Barbara Zanuttigh and her research group can be donwloaded here.

Specific topics include:

  • coastal flooding and erosion risk, with the support of numerical and conceptual models;
  • wave-structure interaction with the development of new formulae, neural networks, conceptual, physical and numerical models;
  • hydro-morphodynamics around low crested breakwaters through experimental, prototype and numerical investigation;
  • analysis and development of cost-efficient and eco-compatible interventions for beach defence planning, through interdisciplinary works;
  • wave energy converters: design optimisation for combined energy production and coastal protection purposes or installation in off-shore platforms.

Over the years Barbara Zanuttigh has gained extensive experience in numerical and physical modelling (in National and European laboratories), has developed new formulae for practical engineering applications (wave transmission and reflection from breakwaters) and has contributed to innovative concepts such as the eco-compatible design of coastal defences and their multiple use (a.o. protection and energy production).

She has carried out the research in cooperation with many Universities and Research Institutes, developing good team-working skills and a strong enthusiasm for interdisciplinary topics, specifically for the new research frontiers of coastal flood defence strategies such as eco-friendly and cost-effective measures, including both technological and non-technological solutions.