Foto del docente

Barbara Zanuttigh

Professoressa ordinaria

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Chimica, Ambientale e dei Materiali

Curriculum vitae


Since October 2022 Full Professor of Coastal Hydraulics at the University of Bologna.


2022-2014 Associate Professor of Hydraulics at the University of Bologna.

2019-2015 Visiting Scientist - Coastal Structures at Delft University of Technology.

2015-2014 Associate Professor at Delft University of Technology.  Sharing of the research and teaching activities between the University of Bologna (60%) and Delft University of Technology (40%).

2014-2006 Assistant Professor in Hydraulics at the University of Bologna.

2006-2002 Research Fellow at the Hydraulic Institute of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Bologna.



BZ is author of more than 100 publications in international refereed journals and conference proceedings, achieving an h-index equal to 33 and more than 2800 citations (source: Scopus).


At present, the main research interests of BZ focus on Coastal and Ocean Engineering and specifically: wave interaction with coastal structures and coastal flood risk, wave energy and multi-use off-shore platforms.

The scientific research of BZ shows a high degree of eclecticism covering:

  • coastal flooding and erosion risk, with the support of numerical and conceptual models;
  • wave-structure interaction, with the development of new formulae, neural networks, conceptual models, physical models in wave tanks and numerical 2DV and 3D RANS-VOF codes;
  • wave energy converters: mooring design and assessment of energy production
  • multi-use off-shore platforms: criteria for conceptual design and potential of the re-use of O&G platforms instead of decommissioning;
  • analysis and development of cost-efficient and eco-compatible interventions for beach defence planning, through interdisciplinary works;
  • hydro-morphodynamics around low crested breakwaters through experimental, prototype and numerical (i.e. 2DH codes) investigation;
  • fee-surface flows, with focus on roll-waves, debris surges and dam-breaks, through the development of a specific 1D numerical code and innovative experiments. This topic was mainly limited to the PhD activity.


Projects as Scientific Responsible/coordinator

2021-2018 Scientific responsible for the University of Bologna of the National Industrial Project (PON-FESR) PLACE “Conversion of off-shore platforms for multiple eco-sustainable uses”, co-funded by the Italian Ministry of the University and the Research (125'000€). In this project BZ is leader of the OR 4 "Development, installation and operation of systems for wave energy harvesting integrated in off-shore platforms".

2020-2016 Scientific responsible for the University of Bologna within the H2020 Programme BRIGAID"Bridging the Gap for Innovations in Disaster Resilience" (750'000 €). The ambition of BRIGAID is to provide structural and ongoing support for innovations in climate adaptation by developing an innovative mix of assessment methods and tools which should become the new standards.

2016-2012 Scientific responsible of Research Unit for the University of Bologna within the National Programme RITMARE “Italian Research on the Sea), WP "Modelling of off-shore and coastal infrastructures" (50'000 €), Jan 2012 – Dec 2016. Project website: The research activity is "Wave energy and coastal and harbour protection.  Modelling the hydrodynamics induced by off-shore floating wave energy arrays and by innovative harbour breakwaters".

2015-2012 Scientific responsible for the University of Bologna of the project MERMAID, "Innovative multi-purpose off-shore platforms: planning, design and operation", Grant n.288710 (320'000€), Collaborative Integrated Project funded by the EC within the call FP7.OCEAN2011-1, Jan 2012-Dec 2015.  In this project BZ is leader of the WP "Innovative platform plan and design" and of the WT "Energy converters".

2014 - 2010 Scientific responsible for the University of Bologna of the project SDWED "Structural Design of wave energy devices", funded by the Danish Agency for Science Technology and Innovation (130'000€), Jan 2010–Dec 2014. Project website: In this project BZ is leader of the WP "Moorings".

2013-2009 Coordinator of THESEUS project, "Innovative technologies for safer European coasts in a changing climate", Grant n.244104 (6'530'000 €), Large Collaborative Integrated Project funded by the EC within the call FP7.ENV2009-1, 31 partners from 18 countries, Dec 2009 - Nov 2013, 48 months. Project website: In this project BZ, besides being the Coordinator, is the Scientific Responsible for the University of Bologna (914'000 €) and leader of the WP “Risk mitigation options and tools for defence planning strategies in study sites”.

2012 Scientific responsible for the University of Bologna of the project REDEM "Reliable design of mooring systems of wave energy converters.  Effects on device hydrodynamics and power performance" funded by the FP7 open call MARINET (5'000€) for the access to the wave basin in Aalborg.

Projects as Member of Research Units

2009-1999 Participant in the Research Units of the University of Bologna

EU contracts:

·     ENCORA “European Platform for Coastal Research Coordination Action” Coordinated Action, 2006-2009;

·     BEACHMED-E “Strategic management of beach protection for sustainable development of Mediterranean coastal zones”, through a contract with Regione Emilia-Romagna,, Interreg III-C, 2005-2008;

·     CoastView “Developing coastal video monitoring systems in support of coastal zone management”, contract EVK3-CT2001-00054, 2002-2005;

·     DELOS “Environmental Design of Low Crested Coastal Defence Structures”, EVK3-CT2000-00041, 2001-2004,;

·     THARMIT “Torrent Hazard Mitigation and Risk Assessment”, EVG1-CT-1999-00012, 1999-2002;

·     “Debris Flow Risk”, ENV4-CT96-0253, 1996-1999;

National contracts:

·     PRIN 2005 “Off-shore dredging and nourishment: morphological modelling and applications”, 2005-2007;

·     PRIN 2005 “Modern technologies for costs reduction in the harbour defence structures”, 2005-2007;

·     PRIN 2003 “Integrated analysis of selected cases of debris flows in the alpine arc”, 2003-2005;

·     PRIN 2001 “Hydrodynamics and morphodynamics of beach protected by low-crested structures”, 2001-2003;

·     MURST “Fluvial and Coastal Morphodynamics”, 1998-2000.

Visiting research overseas

2014 Visiting Scholar of Coastal structures at Delft University of Technology within the Hydraulic Structures and Flood Risk division. March-Sept. 2014. Cooperation with Prof. S. N. Jonkman. Prof. M. Stive, Prof. W.Uijttewaal .

2012 Visiting researcher at Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark. Funded by REDEM project through the FP 7 MARINET access. Experiments in the shallow water wave basin on mooring systems of wave energy converters. Cooperation with Prof. J. P. Kofoed. Oct-Nov 2012.

2009 Visiting researcher at Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark. Funded by the International SDWED project. Experiments in the deep water wave basin on hydrodynamics and power production of a wave activated energy converter. Cooperation with Prof. J. P. Kofoed. Jan - Nov 2009.

2008 Visiting researcher at the University of Cantabria, Santander, Spain. Funded by the FP6 ENCORA Coordinated Action. Joint numerical modelling activities with the IH2-VOF code by Cantabria. Cooperation with Prof. J. L. Lara. Jul 2008.

2006, 2006, 2003 Visiting researcher at Infram l.t.d, Marknesse, the Netherlands.  Funded by the FP 5 DELOS project.  Analysis of data on wave interaction with coastal and harbour structures, with focus respectively in the three periods on a new formula for wave reflection, on the analysis of spectral changes and on wave transmission at low crested breakwaters. Cooperation with Dr. J. W. van der Meer. Aug 2006, 2005 and 2003.

2004 Visiting researcher at DHI Water & Environment, Hoersholm, Denmark, funded by the FP 5 project DELOS.  Modelling activities on long term morpho-dynamic simulations of sea bed evolution around low crested structures and comparison with prototype data.  Cooperation with Dr. J. A. Zyserman. Mar 2004. 

2002 Visiting researcher at Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark. Funded by the FP 5 DELOS project. Experiments in the shallow water wave basin on the hydrodynamics induced by low crested breakwaters. Cooperation with Prof. H. F. Burcharth. Jul - Aug 2002.

2001 Visiting researcher at CEMAGREF, Grenoble, funded by the GALILEO exchange project between Italy and France.  Experiments and numerical modelling of dam breaks in non-newtonian flows. Cooperation with Dr. D. Laigle. Jul- Aug 2001.

2000 Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, July 2000, UK– financed by the  THARMIT project.



2019 Horizon Impact Award, awarded by the European Commission. This prize is dedicated to EU-funded projects that have created societal impact across Europe and beyond. The SMART-COASTS proposal, coordinated by BZ, demonstrated the social impact of the FP7 project THESEUS: no innovation can be a standing-alone solution, but adaptation to climate change can be achieved through a combination of people-centered solutions that preserve the environment.

2008 National Prize “Evangelista Torricelli”, given by the Italian Hydraulics Group ( for the “important contributions to fluid mechanics applied to hydraulics”. The prize is assigned every two years since 2006 to the best young researcher (less than 33 years) in hydraulics.

Invited papers and talks

2020 Invited Key Lecture at the conference: «International Conference on Coastal Engineering (ICCE)», September 2020, online

2018 Invited Key Lecture at the conference: «ICEC 2018: 6th International Conference on Estuaries and Coasts», 20-23 Aug 2018, Caen (France)

2 Invited refereed papers in International Refereed Journals with Impact Factor. More than 20 Invited talks and non-refereed contributions.


2021, 2020 - EC Expert evaluator in Panel Reviews of H2020 and Green Deal projects

2021, 2018, 2015 - Expert evaluator of Portoguese national projects funded by FCT - – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Civil Engineering section

2021, 2014, 2013, 2009 - Member of Assessment Committees for the assignment of professor positions at the University of Aalborg and Leuven

EDITORIAL activity


Since 2022 Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Off-shore and Arctic Engineering, ASME

Since 2021 Editor in Chief of the new section "Coastal and off-shore engineering" of Frontiers in the Built Environment

Since 2015 Member of the Editorial Board of “Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews”, Marine and Wind Energy, Elsevier,

Since 2014 Review Editor for “Ocean Engineering, Technology, and Solutions for the Blue Economy”,

2014 Editor of the Special Issue “Coasts@risks: THESEUS, a new wave in coastal protection”, composed by 18 papers published in Coastal Engineering, 87, 248 pp.,  Elsevier,

2014 First Editor of the book authored by THESEUS project team: “Coastal risk management in a changing climate”,  Zanuttigh B., Nicholls R., Vanderlinden J. P. editors, Elsevier, 671 pp., ISBN: 978-0-12-397310-8,

Since 2012 Member of the Editorial Board of the Coastal Wiki,

2007 Co-editor of the book “Environmental Design Guidelines for Low Crested Coastal Structures”, Elsevier, 448 pp., ISBN: 978-0-08-044951-7, Burcharth, H. F, Hawkins, S. J., Zanuttigh, B., Lamberti, A. editors,

Reviewer activity

  • Elsevier: Coastal Engineering; Ocean Engineering; Renewable Energy; International Journal of Marine Energy; Applied Ocean Research; Journal of Hydrology; Environmental modelling and software; Science of the Total Environment; Renewable and Sustainable energy reviews.
  • Cambridge University Press: Journal of Fluid Mechanics.
  • American Society of Civil Engineers: Journal of Waterways, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering; Journal of Hydraulic Engineering.
  • World Scientific: Coastal Engineering Journal.
  • American Geophysical Union: Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences.
  • Taylor & Francis Group: Journal of Hydraulic Research.
  • MDPI: Energies, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering
  • Frontiers: Frontiers in Marine Science


Since 2017 Member of the GTA Climate, Resource Efficiency & Raw Materials. GTA are Topic Research Group of the University of Bologna realised by the Rector to promote the involvement in European research projects.

Since 2015 Responsible for the University of Bologna of i) the OCEAN ENERGY Joint Programme within European Energy Research Alliance (EERA, , by appointment of the Vice-Rector for Research only.

Since 2014 Responsible for the University of Bologna (affiliated partner) of the Climate-KIC (, by appointment of the Vice-Rector for Research only. 

Since 2014 Board Member of the PhD Teaching Board: “PhD@DICAM”, University of Bologna.

Since 2013 Board Member of the PhD in Civil, Chemical, Environmental and Materials Engineering, University of Bologna.

Since 2013 Board Member of the School in Civil Engineering and Architecture, University of Bologna.

2015-2011 Board Member of the PhD in Civil, Chemical, Environmental and Materials Engineering, University of Bologna.

2013 Expert Member of the Interdisciplinary Assessment Committee of the Research Projects to be funded by the University of Bologna.  Membership by appointment of the Rector only.

2013 Expert Member of the Assessment Committee of the PhD in Civil and Environmental Engineering Science, University of Padova.

2009-2008 Board Member of the PhD in Structural and Environmental Engineering, University of Bologna.

Since 2006 Member of the Teaching Boards of Civil Engineering and Environmental Engineering, University of Bologna.


Teaching assignments

Since 2006 In charge of the course of Maritime Hydraulics (6 ECTS, 60 hours teaching – 48 hours teaching starting from 2014), in italian, for Civil and Environmental Engineers at the University of Bologna, Master course.

Since 2016 In charge of the course of Hydraulics (9 ECTS, 90 hours teaching), in italian, for Environmental Engineers at the University of Bologna, Bachelor course.

Since 2016 In charge of the module of coastal structures of Coastal Engineering (2 ECTS, 25 hours teaching), International course for Civil Engineers at the University of Bologna, Master course.

2016-2014 In charge of the Modules (unsteady flows, open channel flows) in the courses:

i) Hydraulics (5 ECTS, 50 hours teaching) for Civil Engineers
ii) Hydraulics and Urban Hydraulics Constructions (3 ECTS, 30 hours teaching) for Building Engineers & Architects

at the University of Bologna, Bachelor courses, in Italian.

2013-2011 In charge of the Module (open channel flows) of the course of Hydraulics (3 ECTS, 30 hours teaching), in italian, for Civil Engineers at the University of Bologna, Bachelor course.

2009 – 2006 In charge of the course of Advanced Hydraulics (6 ECTS, 60 hours teaching), in Italian, for Environmental Engineers at the University of Bologna, Bachelor and Master courses.

2006 - 2003 Teaching assistant of the course of Advanced Hydraulics , in Italian, for Environmental Engineers at the University of Bologna, Bachelor and Master course. 

2005 - 1999 Teaching assistant of the course of Fluid Mechanics , in Italian, for Mechanical Engineers at the University of Bologna, Bachelor course.

2002- 2001 Teaching assistant at the University of Bologna of the courses of: Hydraulics and Hydraulic urban works, in Italian, for Building Engineers and Architect, Bachelor course; Advanced Hydraulics, in Italian, for Environmental Engineers, Bachelor and Master courses; Hydraulics, in Italian, for Civil Engineers, Bachelor course.

 Supervision of PhD students and Research Fellows

Since 2011

Tutor of 7 PhD students within the PhD in Civil and Environmental Engineering

  • Elisa Dalla Valle, Modelling innovative wave energy devices integrated in multi-use marine areas, 2019-ongoing.
  • Giuseppina Palma, Numerical modelling and structural optimization of multifunctional maritime structures aimed to protect harbours and produce energy, 2016-2019.
  • Silvia Unguendoli, Development of an ensamble modelling chain for hydraulic vulnerability assessment under uncertainties, 2015-2018.
  • Sara Mizar Formentin, Analysis and modelling of the vulnerability and resilience of coastal structures, 2012-2015.
  • Stefano Bagli, A web GIS decision support system for coastal risk assessment and mitigation planning, 2011-2015.
  • Elisa Angelelli, Hydrodynamics induced by an array of wave energy converters. Experimental and numerical analysis, 2011-2014.
  • Andrea Natalia Raosa, Analysis and mathematical modelling of wave-structure interaction, 2011-2014.

Since 2010

Supervisor of 8 Research Fellows funded on personal research funds

  • Elisa Dalla Valle, Numerical modelling of mooring systems for floating wave energy devices, 36 months research fellowship since February 2019, funded by the PON-FESR project “PLACE”;
  • Giuseppina Palma: “Numerical modelling and structural design of harbour structures for renewable energy production”, 48 months research fellowship since August 2015, funded by PLACE, BRIGAID and THESEUS project;
  • Sara Mizar Formentin: “Modelling wave-structure interaction within multi-purpose design of coastal defences”, 72 months research fellowship since April 2012, funded by BRIGAID, RITMARE and THESEUS projects;
  • Elisa Angelelli: “Wave energy conversion and coastal protection”, 42 months research fellowship since October 2011, funded by MERMAID and THESEUS projects;
  • Caterina Zoppi: “Ecologically based techniques for nourishment interventions”, 12 months research fellowship, October 2011-September 2012, funded by THESEUS project;
  • Giovanna Bevilacqua: “Design of mooring systems for wave energy converters”, 14 months research fellowship, September2011-December 2012, funded by SDWED project;
  • Andrea Natalia Raosa: “Analysis and two-phase modelling of littoral hydro-morphodynamics”, 47 months research fellowship, July 2010-May 2014, funded by THESEUS project;
  • Mirko Castagnetti: “Test and design of technologies for wave energy conversion”, 12 months research fellowship, June 2010-May 2011, funded by SDWED project.

Supervision of MsC and BsC students

Since 2007

Supervisor of > 90 degree theses in Coastal Engineering and Advanced Hydraulics and of > 30 master theses in Advanced Hydraulics and Hydraulics.

Among these degree theses

  • 16 were performed within Erasmus exchanges promoted in cooperation with the University of Aalborg (14), Denmark, and with the University of Cantabria (2), Spain. These theses were essentially dedicated to joint experimental activities on renewable energy from the sea;
  • 8 theses were carried out within the Erasmus exchange with the University of Ghent, of which BZ is responsible; these theses dealt with wave energy and with new experimental and numerical modelling of wave overtopping;
  • 2 theses were performed in cooperation with the University of Delft, about wave overtopping and application to desalinization of marine turbines;
  • 1 thesis was performed in cooperation with the University of Delaware, USA, about flooding vulnerability;
  • 1 thesis was performed in cooperation with the Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal, about a harbor breakwater extension in Leixoes;
  • 3 theses were carried out with the University of Pavia, Italy, within a joint experimental activity on debris surges and roll waves;
  • 16 were carried out in cooperation with the Regional Agency for Environmental Protection, Coastal Division, to analyse the available prototype data about littoral evolution along the Emilia Romagna Region, performance of existing defences and monitoring plans.


2016 Member of the EurOtop author team (

2015 Member of the Technical Committee of the “Coastal Structures and Solutions to Coastal Disasters Joint Conference 2015”, Boston, Massachusetts, September 2015.

2013 Organiser of the «Climate Change and Coastal Adaptation Day», Bologna, April 2015.

2013 Co-organiser of the «THESEUS Science and Policy Interface conference», Brussels, October 2013.

2013 Invited chair at the conference: «European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (EWTEC), Aaalborg, September 2013.

2013 Member of the Scientific Committee of the «International Conference on Flood Resilience. Experiences in Asia and Europe», Exeter, September 2013.

2012 Invited chair at the conference: «International Conference on Coastal Engineering (ICCE) », July 2012, Santander, Spain.

2 011 Co-chair of the Session «Coastal risks in a changing climate». Coastal Structures Conference 2011, Yokohama, Japan, September 2011.

2011 Co-venor of the session «Coastal flooding and erosion risk: present and future». European Geophysical Assembly (EGU), Wien, Austria, April 2011.

2010 Co-venor of the session «Coastal flooding and erosion risk: present and future». European Geophysical Assembly (EGU), Wien, Austria, April 2010.

2010 Invited chair at the conference: «International Conference on Coastal Engineering (ICCE), July 2010, Shanghai, China.


2019 SMART-COASTS, project winner of the Horizon Impact Award.

2019 Università di Bologna Magazine: “Horizon Impact Award 2019: premiata la proposta SMART-COASTS, guidata dall’Università di Bologna”, in Italian.

2010 Euronews, A new wave in coastal protection.

2010 La Repubblica. Ilaria Venturi: “The beach of Cesenatico and the archaeological ruins in Syria are saved by the funds from Brussels”, in Italian.

2010 Publico. Marta del Amo: “Europe fights sea level rise”, in Spanish

2010 Terra Noticias. “Martin meets the researchers of THESEUS projects on climate change”, in Spanish,

2010 PensaLibero. Fabrizio Binacchi: “Easy to say: researcher”, in Italian.

2010 ASTER, the night dedicated to Research at the University of Bologna. Fabrizio Binacchi: “How to build up and manage a huge but efficient partnerships in FP7 RTD projects”, in Italian.

2010 Università di Bologna Magazine. Monica Lacoppola: “Theseus: 6,5 M€ to study the European coasts”, in Italian.

2009 Il Sole 24 Ore. Francesca Barbieri, “Complicated bureaucracy experiments”, in Italian.


2011 Analysis of the existing technologies for the assessment and exploitation of the marine energy resources in the Italian seas. Requested by ENEA Research Institute, Italy.

2010 Analysis of the flooding of littoral and urban areas at Lido di Savio and Cesenatico. Requested by Gecosistema consultancy agency for the Geologic and Seismic Division of the Regione Emilia Romagna, Italy.

2010 Hydro-morphological effects of the hypothetical pontoon in design phase in Riccione. Requested by the municipality of Riccione, Italy.

2009 Hydro-morphological analysis of the Cesenatico beach and proposal of executive designs. Requested by ARPA, the Regional Agency for the Protection of the Environment, Emilia Romagna, Italy.

2008 Hdyrodynamic analysis for the design of the marina of Casal Borsetti. Requested by PORTO RENO srl.

2007 – 2005 Hydro-morphological monitoring of Igea Marina beach. Requested by ARPA, the Regional Agency for the Protection of the Environment, Emilia Romagna, Italy.

2005 – 2004 Hydro-morphodynamic modelling of the littoral evolution adjacent to Cervia harbour. Requested by ARPA, the Regional Agency for the Protection of the Environment, Emilia Romagna, Italy.

2003 Monitoring and renaturalisation protocol of the “Piallassa Baiona”. Requested by the municipality of Ravenna.

2003 Modelling of the wave disturbance in La Spezia harbour and analysis of the dynamic actions against the new structures in the marina under construction for Ferretti's boat marina. Requested by ACMAR spa, Ravenna, Italy.

2002- 2001 Proposal of design changes to the recirculation pumping systems in the Marina di Ravenna harbour. Requested by the Ravenna municipality, Italy.

2002- 2001 Three-years monitoring and analysis of the coastal structures protecting the beach nourishment in Lido di Dante, Ravenna. Requested by AGIP, Italy.

1999- 1998 Executive design of the hydraulic maintenance and environmental renaturalisation of the River Tenna basin. Requested by the Marche Regional Government, Italy.