Foto del docente

Barbara Lanzoni

Associate Professor

Department of Physics and Astronomy "Augusto Righi"

Academic discipline: PHYS-05/A Astrophysics, Cosmology and Space Science


Lovisi L.; Mucciarelli A.; Ferraro F. R.; Lucatello S.; Lanzoni B.; Dalessandro E.; Beccari G.; Rood R. T.; Sills A.; Fusi Pecci F.; Gratton R.; Piotto G., Fast Rotating Blue Stragglers in the Globular Cluster M4, «THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL LETTERS», 2010, 719, pp. 121 - 125 [Scientific article]

Lanzoni B.; Ferraro F. R.; Dalessandro E.; Mucciarelli A.; Beccari G.; Miocchi P.; Bellazzini M.; Rich R. M.; Origlia L.; Valenti E.; Rood R. T.; Ransom S. M., New Density Profile and Structural Parameters of the Complex Stellar System Terzan 5, «THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL», 2010, 717, pp. 653 - 657 [Scientific article]

Cseh D.; Kaaret P.; Corbel S.; Körding E.; Coriat M.; Tzioumis A.; Lanzoni B., Radio observations of NGC 6388: an upper limit on the mass of its central black hole, «MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY», 2010, 406, pp. 1049 - 1054 [Scientific article]

Sollima A.; Carballo-Bello J. A.; Beccari G.; Ferraro F. R.; Pecci F. Fusi; Lanzoni B., The fraction of binary systems in the core of five Galactic open clusters, «MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY», 2010, 401, pp. 577 - 585 [Scientific article]

Ibata, R.; Bellazzini, M.; Chapman, S. C.; Dalessandro, Emanuele; Ferraro, FRANCESCO ROSARIO; Irwin, M.; Lanzoni, Barbara; Lewis, G. F.; Mackey, A. D.; Miocchi, Paolo; Varghese, A., Density and Kinematic Cusps in M54 at the Heart of the Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy: Evidence for A 104 M sun Black Hole?, «THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL LETTERS», 2009, 699, pp. L169 - L173 [Scientific article]

Dalessandro E.; Beccari G.; Lanzoni B.; Ferraro F. R.; Schiavon R.; Rood R. T, Multiwavelength Photometry in the Globular Cluster M2, «THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL», 2009, 182, pp. 509 - 518 [Scientific article]

Ferraro F. R.; Dalessandro E.; Mucciarelli A.; Beccari G.; Rich R. M.; Origlia L.; Lanzoni B.; Rood R. T.; Valenti E.; Bellazzini M.; Ransom S. M.; Cocozza G., The cluster Terzan 5 as a remnant of a primordial building block of the Galactic bulge, «NATURE», 2009, 462, pp. 483 - 486 [Scientific article]

Ferraro F. R.; Beccari G.; Dalessandro E.; Lanzoni B.; Sills A.; Rood R. T.; Pecci F. Fusi; Karakas A. I.; Miocchi P.; Bovinelli S, Two distinct sequences of blue straggler stars in the globular cluster M 30, «NATURE», 2009, 462, pp. 1028 - 1031 [Scientific article]

Lanzoni B.; Sanna N.; Ferraro F. R.; Valenti E.; Beccari G.; Schiavon R. P.; Rood R. T.; Mapelli M.; Sigurdsson S., A Panchromatic Study of the Globular Cluster NGC 1904. I. The Blue Straggler Population, «THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL», 2007, 663, pp. 1040 - 1048 [Scientific article]

Lanzoni B.; Dalessandro E.; Perina S.; Ferraro F. R.; Rood R. T.; Sollima A., The Surprising External Upturn of the Blue Straggler Radial Distribution in M55, «THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL», 2007, 670, pp. 1065 - 1073 [Scientific article]

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