Foto del docente

Barbara Bacci

Associate Professor

Department of Veterinary Medical Sciences

Academic discipline: MVET-02/A Veterinary Pathology


Levi M.; Muscatello L.V.; Brunetti B.; Benazzi C.; Parenti F.; Gobbo F.; Avallone G.; Bacci B.; Zambon E.; Valenti P.; Sarli G., High intrinsic expression of p-glycoprotein and breast cancer resistance protein in canine mammary carcinomas regardless of immunophenotype and outcome, «ANIMALS», 2021, 11, Article number: 658 , pp. 1 - 14 [Scientific article]Open Access

Brunetti B.; Bacci B.; Sarli G.; Pancioni E.; Muscatello L.V., Immunohistochemical screening of her2 in canine carcinomas: A preliminary study, «ANIMALS», 2021, 11, Article number: 1006 , pp. 1006 - 1011 [Scientific article]Open Access

Guarneri F.; Tonni M.; Sarli G.; Boniotti M.B.; Lelli D.; Barbieri I.; D'annunzio G.; Alborali G.L.; Bacci B.; Amadori M., Non-assembled orf2 capsid protein of porcine circovirus 2b does not confer protective immunity, «PATHOGENS», 2021, 10, Article number: 1161 , pp. 1161 - 1176 [Scientific article]Open Access

Sarli G., D'Annunzio G., Guarneri F., Bacci B., Boniotti M.B., Barbieri I., Lelli D., Tresoldi E.T., Amadori M., Parametri istologici di stima dell'efficacia di vaccini PCV2 a diverso contenuto di antigene. HISTOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT OF EFFECTIVENESS OF PCV2 VACCINES WITH DIFFERENT ANTIGEN PAYLOAD, in: Atti della società italiana di patologia ed allevamento dei suini 2021, 2021, pp. 103 - 114 (atti di: XLVI meeting annuale, Pescantina (VR) - Villa Quaranta, 9-10 Settembre 2021) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Guarneri F.; Tresoldi E.T.; Sarli G.; Boniotti M.B.; Lelli D.; Barbieri I.; Bacci B.; D'Annunzio G.; Amadori M., Protective immunity in swine induced by Porcine Circovirus 2b inactivated vaccines with different antigen payload, «VETERINARY MICROBIOLOGY», 2021, 252, Article number: 108887 , pp. 108887 - 108893 [Scientific article]

Brunetti B.; Bacci B.; Angeli C.; Benazzi C.; Muscatello L.V., p53, ER, and Ki67 Expression in Canine Mammary Carcinomas and Correlation With Pathological Variables and Prognosis, «VETERINARY PATHOLOGY», 2021, 58, pp. 325 - 331 [Scientific article]Open Access

Bacci B.; Stent A.W.; Walmsley E.A., Equine Intestinal Lymphoma: Clinical-Pathological Features, Immunophenotype, and Survival, «VETERINARY PATHOLOGY», 2020, 57, pp. 369 - 376 [Scientific article]

Speight N.; Bacci B.; Stent A.; Whiteley P., Histological survey for oxalate nephrosis in Victorian koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus), «AUSTRALIAN VETERINARY JOURNAL», 2020, 98, pp. 467 - 470 [Scientific article]

Avallone G.; Muscatello L.V.; Leoni A.; Roccabianca P.; Lepri E.; Crippa L.; Bacci B., p53 Expression in Canine Liposarcoma Correlates With Myxoid Variant and Higher Proliferative Activity, «VETERINARY PATHOLOGY», 2020, 57, pp. 620 - 622 [Scientific article]Open Access

Bacci, Barbara; Gobbo, Francesca; Roccaro, Mariana; Peli, Angelo; Zingariello, Maria; Martelli, Fabrizio; Verachi, Paola; Bardelli, Claudio; Mazzarini, Maria; Sarli, Giuseppe; Migliaccio, Anna Rita, Altered Megakaryocytes Are Associated with Development of Pulmonary Fibrosis in Mice Carrying the Hypomorphic Gata1low Mutation, «BLOOD», 2019, 134, pp. 2336 - 2336 [Abstract]

Fraser, A.R.*; Bacci, B.; le Chevoir, M.A.; Long, S.N., Isocitrate Dehydrogenase 1 Expression in Canine Gliomas, «JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE PATHOLOGY», 2018, 165, pp. 33 - 39 [Scientific article]

Shotton, Justine C.R.*; Justice, William S.M.; Salguero, Francisco J.; Stevens, Alan; Bacci, Barbara, Pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction (equine Cushing's disease) in nondomestic equids at marwell wildlife: A case series. One Chapman's zebra (Equus quagga chapmani) and five Przewalski's horses (Equus ferus przewalskii), «JOURNAL OF ZOO AND WILDLIFE MEDICINE», 2018, 49, pp. 404 - 411 [Scientific article]

Saad, E.S.; Milley, K.M.; Al-Khan, A.A.; Nimmo, J.S.; Bacci, B.; Tayebi, M.; Day, M.J.; Richardson, S.J.; Danks, J.A., Canine Mixed Mammary Tumour as a Model for Human Breast Cancer with Osseous Metaplasia, «JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE PATHOLOGY», 2017, 156, pp. 352 - 365 [Scientific article]

Sharman, M.J.*; Bacci, B.; Santos, L.; Mansfield, C.S., Gastrokine mRNA expression in gastric tissue from dogs with helicobacter colonisation but without inflammatory change during treatment, «VETERINARY IMMUNOLOGY AND IMMUNOPATHOLOGY», 2017, 187, pp. 28 - 34 [Scientific article]

Wijesurendra, Dinidu S.; Kanci, Anna; Tivendale, Kelly A.; Devlin, Joanne M.; Wawegama, Nadeeka K.; Bacci, Barbara; Noormohammadi, Amir H.; Markham, Philip F.; Browning, Glenn F.*, Immune responses to vaccination and infection with Mycoplasma gallisepticum in turkeys, «AVIAN PATHOLOGY», 2017, 46, pp. 464 - 473 [Scientific article]

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