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Aurora Donzelli

Associate Professor

Department of History and Cultures

Academic discipline: SDEA-01/A Demoethnoanthropological Sciences


vai alle Pubblicazioni

Publications prior to 2004

Books/Monographs Authored


Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals

  • (2017) “From the womb to the tree: Child rearing practices and beliefs among the Toraja of Sulawesi.” Wacana 18(3): 658-691, (with T. Hoppenbrouwers and S. Sandarupa).
  • (2010) “Is ergativity always a marker of agency? Toraja and Samoan grammar of action and the contribution of emancipatory pragmatics to social theory.” Applied Linguistics Review1: 193-220.
  • (2010) “Rice intimacies. Reflections on the ‘house’ in Upland Sulawesi and South China.” Archiv für Völkerkunde (57-58): 37-64, Special Issue “Constructing the Future – Remembering the Past. Houses and Architecture in Southeast Asia,” (with G. Santos).

  • (2007) “Etnicitá e Linguaggio tra i Toraja di Sulawesi (Indonesia)[Ethnicity and Language among the Toraja (Indonesia)].”RIPLA Journal of Applied Psycholinguistics/Rivista di Psicolinguistica Applicata, 7(3): 147-169.
  • (2007) “Words on the Lips and Meanings in the Stomach: Ideologies of Unintelligibility and Theories of Metaphor in Toraja Ritual Speech.” Text and Talk27(4): 533-557, Special issue onUnintelligibility in Ritual Speech.
  • (2005) “La disciplina delle emozioni tra introspezione e performance: pratiche e discorsi del controllo a Toraja (Indonesia) [The Discipline of Emotions between Introspection and Performance: Practices and Narratives of Control in Toraja (Indonesia].” Antropologia, 5 (6): 37-71,Special Issue “Anthropology of Emotions,” (with D. Hollan).
  • (2003) “Diversity in Unity: Multiple Strategies of a Unifying Rhetoric. The Case of Resemanticisation of Toraja Rituals.” JAI (“Indonesian Journal of Anthropology”).
  • (2001) “Il turismo a Tana Toraja: un contesto per molti discorsi[Tourism in Tana Toraja: A Context for Many Discourses].” Afriche e Orienti, 3 (3/4): 60-64.


Edited Volumes

  • (2007) Agency e Linguaggio: Etnoteorie della Soggettività e della Responsabilità nell’Azione Sociale[Agency and Language: Ethnotheories of Subjectivity and Responsibility in Social Action],” (with A. Fasulo) Rome: Meltemi.


Chapters in Books [peer-reviewed]

  • (2021) “Persuasion.” In James Stanlaw (ed) The International Encyclopedia of Linguistic Anthropology. Wiley-Blackwell.
  • (2016) “The Fetish of Verbal Inflection: Lusophonic Fantasies and Ideologies of Linguistic and Racial Purity in Postcolonial East Timor.” In Sanja Bahun and Dusan Radunovic (eds) Language, Ideology, and the Human: New Interventions. Routledge, pp. 131-157.
  • (2008) “Copyright and Authorship: Ritual Speech and the New Market of Words in Toraja.” In David Berliner and Ramon Sarró (eds)Learning Religion. Anthropological Approaches. Oxford and New York: Berghahn Books, pp. 141-60.
  • (2007) “Agenti vulnerabili: agency, intenzionalità e carisma nell'oratoria politica a Toraja (Indonesia) [Vulnerable Agents: Agency, Intentionality and Charisma in Toraja political oratory (Indonesia)]”, in Aurora Donzelli and Alessandra Fasulo (eds) Agency e Linguaggio: Etnoteorie della Soggettività e della Responsabilità nell’Azione Sociale, Rome: Meltemi, pp. 85- 110.

  • (2007) “Introduzione:Ripensando all’agency a partire dallo studio del linguaggio [Introduction: Rethinking agency from the point of view of language]”, in Aurora Donzelli and Alessandra Fasulo (eds) Agency e Linguaggio: Etnoteorie della Soggettività e della Responsabilità nell’Azione Sociale, Rome: Meltemi, pp. 11-27, (2007).

  • (2007) “Pratiche comunicative tra i Toraja di Sulawesi [Communicative Practices Among the Toraja of Sulawesi]”, in V. Matera, Etnografia della comunicazione. Teorie e pratiche dell’interazione sociale, Rome: Carocci editore, pp. 97- 150.


Art Books

  • (2017) Entering Arnaldo Pomodoro’s Labyrinth (Bologna: Confine, Art & Culture Publishing) (with G. Fienga & F. Maria Giani).

  • (2016) Ingresso nel Labirinto. Raccolta di testi critici sull’opera ambientale di Arnaldo Pomodoro. Bologna: Editore Confine (con G. Fienga & F. Maria Giani). ISBN 978-88-96427-76-7


Books reviews

  • (2014) "Political Oratory and Cartooning: Ethnography of Democratic Processes in Madagascar by Jennifer Jackson, Journal of Linguistic Anthropology24.3: 370-372.
  • (2006) "Power, Prestige and Bilingualism International Perspectives on Elite Bilingual Education" by Anne-Marie de Mejia, Multilingua25 (3): 351-357.
  • (2005)“Acting Authoritatively; How Authority is Expressed through Social Action among the Bentian of Indonesian Borneo”by Kenneth Sillander, Bijdragen tot Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, Leiden, 161 (4): 528-9.


Conference Proceedings/Comments in Journal

  • (2016) “Crossover Politics: Spatiotemporal images of the nation-state and the vintage aesthetics of the margins in Post-Suharto political oratory. In Tilburg Working Papers in Culture Studies, special Issue“Margins, Hubs, and Peripheriesin a Decentralizing Indonesia” 162: 77-101.
  • (2007) “Come convertire le anime modernizzando i rituali [Converting Souls by Modernizing Rituals]’, in Quaderni Asiatici, Centro di Cultura Italia Asia "Guglielmo Scalise"80: 65-116.

  • (2007) “L’Islam, la differenza e l’erotico: una storia indonesiana Goenawan Mohamad a Milano [Islam, difference, and the erotic: an Indonesian narrative, Goenawan Mohamad in Milan” (with G. Malpezzi), in Quaderni Asiatici, Centro di Cultura Italia Asia "Guglielmo Scalise Milano, 79: 17-54.