Aurora Donzelli, Methods of Desire: Language, Morality, and Affect in Neoliberal Indonesia., Honolulu, University of Hawaii Press, 2019, pp. 238 . [Research monograph]
Donzelli, A.
Powell Bugden, A., The “Tiny Hand” of Donald Trump and the Metapragmatics of Typographic Parody, «SIGNS AND SOCIETY», 2019, 7, pp. 217 - 244 [Scientific article]
Coordination of a Research Project: Rethinking the Local Effects of Political and Economic Transformation.
Coordination of a Research Project: “Rethinking the Local Effects of Political and Economic Transformation.”.
Donzelli, Aurora, Entering Arnaldo Pomodoro's labyrinth, in: Entering Arnaldo Pomodoro’s Labyrinth, Bologna, Con-Fine Edizioni di Lazzarini N., 2017, pp. 9 - 17 [Preface]
Hoppenbrouwers T.; Sandarupa S.; Donzelli A., From the womb to the tree, «WACANA», 2017, 18, Article number: 5 , pp. 658 - 691 [Scientific article]Open Access
Donzelli A., The grammar of politics: Morality, agency, and voice selection in toraja political discourse, «ANTHROPOLOGICAL LINGUISTICS», 2016, 58, pp. 411 - 441 [Scientific article]
Donzelli, Aurora, Review of: Political Oratory and Cartooning: Ethnography of Democratic Processes in Madagascar by Jennifer Jackson. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, 2013. pp. viii + 257 pp, «JOURNAL OF LINGUISTIC ANTHROPOLOGY», 2014, 24, pp. 370 - 372 [Review]
Aurora Donzelli, Is ergativity always a marker of agency? Toraja and Samoan grammar of action and the contribution of emancipatory pragmatics to social theory, «APPLIED LINGUISTICS REVIEW», 2010, 1, pp. 193 - 220 [Scientific article]
Aurora Donzelli, Rice intimacies. Reflections on the ‘house’ in Upland Sulawesi and South China, «ARCHIV FÜR VÖLKERKUNDE», 2008, 57-58, pp. 31 - 58 [Scientific article]
Donzelli, Aurora
Fasulo, A., Agency e linguaggio. Etnoteorie della soggettività e della responsabilità nell'azione sociale, Roma, Meltemi, 2007, pp. 282 . [Editorship]
Donzelli, Aurora, Agency e linguaggio. Etnoteorie della soggettività e della responsabilità nell'azione sociale, in: Agency e Linguaggio: Etnoteorie della Soggettività e della Responsabilità nell’Azione Sociale,, Roma, Meltemi, 2007, pp. 85 - 113 [Chapter or essay]
Aurora Donzelli, Come convertire le anime modernizzando i rituali: Missionari calvinisti, “spreco pagano” e le aste della carne tra i toraja di Sulawesi, «QUADERNI ASIATICI», 2007, 80, pp. 65 - 116 [Scientific article]
Donzelli A., Copyright and authorship: Ritual speech and the new market of words in Toraja, in: Learning Religion: Anthropological Approaches, New York, Berghahn Books, 2007, pp. 141 - 159 [Chapter or essay]
Aurora Donzelli, Etnicitá e Linguaggio tra i Toraja di Sulawesi (Indonesia), «RIVISTA DI PSICOLINGUISTICA APPLICATA», 2007, 7, pp. 147 - 169 [Scientific article]