Foto del docente

Augusto Valeriani

Professore associato

Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e Sociali

Settore scientifico disciplinare: GSPS-06/A Sociologia dei processi culturali e comunicativi

Coordinatore del Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Comunicazione giornalistica, pubblica e d'impresa


Digital Journalism evaluations (exam taken on 3 June 2020 for non-attending students and take home paper for attending students)

Non-attending Students who took the exam on 3/6/2020 can find their results here:

Matriculation          Final

888262                    30

1900082151             23

1900081606             20

1900082152             insuff. (please write an email to the professor as soon as possible)

1900081900             insuff. (please write an email to the professor as soon as possible)

In case you are not satisfied with your result and want to take the exam again you should write me an email ( by the 17th of June. If I am not hearing from you I will register results reported here.


Attending students who submitted their take home paper can find their final results here:

Matriculation           Final

878201                     30

878218                     30

900065913                30

900065845                30

1900086003              30

878319                     30

878732                     30

900065848                29

906476                      29

1900082876               29

879836                      29

879928                      29

878573                      29

878206                      29

878502                      29

878775                      29

884076                      29

1900083656               29

1900084663               28

878568                      28

882697                      28

1900081987               27

In case you are not satisfied with your result and want to take the exam as non-attending student you should write me an email ( by the 17th of June. If I am not hearing from you I will register results reported here.

Pubblicato il: 05 giugno 2020