Foto del docente

Arturo Popoli

Fixed-term Researcher in Tenure Track L. 79/2022

Department of Electrical, Electronic, and Information Engineering "Guglielmo Marconi"

Academic discipline: IIET-01/A Electrical Engineering

Curriculum vitae

Arturo Popoli was born in Correggio (Re), Italy - 11/07/1992.


  • (03/2017) MSc in Electrical Engineering at the University of Bologna (110/110 L)
  • (2020) Visiting PhD student at LAPLACE laboratory, GREPHE group (University Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, FR)
  • (04/2021) PhD in Biomedical, Electrical and Systems Engineering (Electrical curriculum) - University of Bologna

Academic roles

  • (09/2022-12/2023) Junior assistant professor (RTD-A)
  • (12/2024-present) Tenure-Track Researcher (RTT)

Teaching activities

  • (2020-2021) Adjunct professor: 06793 - Electrical Engineering (Electrotechnics) (Module 2, Cesena Campus), 06793 - Electrical Engineering (Electrotechnics) (Module 2, Forlì Campus)
  • (2021-2022,2022-2023,2023-2024): Professor, 06793/15306 - Electrical Engineering (Electrotechnics), Cesena Campus
  • (2022-2023,2023-2024) Particle-In-Cell Techniques for Plasma Simulations (PhD course)

Research projects

  • (2019) PI: MUSMOP project (Cineca ISCRA C call for HPC resources)
  • (2022-2026) Member: Horizon EU RIA NEWGEN (New Generation of HVDC Insulation Materials, Cables and Systems)
  • (2023-2027) Member: Horizon Pathfinder IPROP (Ionic Propulsion in Atmosphere)
  • (2023) PI: CALLIOPE project (Cineca ISCRA C call for HPC resources)
  • (2023-2025) co-PI: PRIN PNRR WATACO (Wall Turbulence Active COntrol)

Conferences/editorial activities

  • (06/2019) Special Session Organizer for 19th IEEE International Conference on Environmental and Electrical Engineering, Genova ("Modelling and measurement of Electromagnetic Fields and Electromagnetic Couplings in Power Lines")
  • (2022-2023) Guest editor: Special Issue AC/DC Interferences and Transient Analysis in Overhead Transmission Lines and Earth-Return Metallic Structures, MDPI Applied Sciences
  • (2024-ongoing) Guest editor: Special Issue Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Jets: Fundamentals, Modeling and Applications, Frontiers in Physics - Low-Temperature Plasma Physics

Latest news

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