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Anwesha Chakraborty

Assegnista di ricerca

Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e Sociali

Temi di ricerca

Parole chiave: political communication digital society South Asia

I am interested in locating my work at the interface of technology and society (especially developing societies of the global south) and am curious to learn more about, employing the lens of framing and agenda setting, how people use (and abuse) science and technology depending on their socio-cultural contexts, and how governments communicate the importance of science and technology to people. I borrow from multidisciplinary fields such as STS, media and communications, policy studies and management studies for my research. Below is a list of topics on which I have published and/or what I am presently working on.

Theme 1: Digital media and society

-bottom-up initiatives and framing collective action in digital societies

-women's participation and digital divide

-digital payments and policies


Theme 2: Public communication of science and technology

-science communication on digital media

-agenda setting and framing in science communication

-science policies and government communication




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