Foto del docente

Antonio Roberto Ramos Nogueira

Professore a contratto

Dipartimento di Informatica - Scienza e Ingegneria

Curriculum vitae

ROBERTO NOGUEIRA is Grupo Globo Full Professor of Strategy at COPPEAD Graduate School of Business, The Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, where he is also executive director of the Strategy and Innovation Research Center. He joined COPPEAD in 1984 and since that teaches at the MSc, PhD and Executive Education courses.

Nogueira taught at the Global Partners MBA program, a full-time international MBA in partnership with the Georgia State University and IAE/Sorbonne. He was nominated Best Professor of the course in 2015.

He helps develop and also taught at the Harvard Business School course Building Ventures in Latin America.

He was visiting professor at the University of San Diego (USA), San Jose State University (USA), Alma Business School (Italy), Audencia (France) and Stellenbosch (South Africa).

He is co-founder and board member of the Executive MBA Consortium for Global Business Innovation, encompassing Business Schools from five continents - Alma Business School (Italy), Cranfield (UK), Coppead (Brazil), ESAN (Peru), FIU (USA), Keio Business School (Japan), Kozminski (Poland), MIR (Russia), Munich Business School (Germany), San Jose State (Silicon Valley - USA) and Stellenbosch (South Africa) promoting the exchange of Executive MBA students.

Nogueira wrote two books and has published dozens of scholarly articles on such topics as Corporate Strategy, Business Ecosystems, Innovation and Emerging Technologies and Business Reconfiguration, analyzing sectors such as Health, Energy, Education, Media and Entertainment and Space.

He holds a D.Sc. in Business Administration from the University of São Paulo, a M.Sc. from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and B.Sc. in Economics and Information Systems from the Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, as well as a CPCL and BVLA from Harvard Business School and EP from Singularity University.

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