Foto del docente

Antonio Francesco Maturo

Professore ordinario

Dipartimento di Sociologia e Diritto dell'Economia

Settore scientifico disciplinare: GSPS-05/A Sociologia generale

Responsabile unità organizzativa di sede (UOS) Forlì — Dipartimento di Sociologia e Diritto dell'Economia


Syllabus for exam

New version of the Syllabus - Community Participation (Mirees)

HANDBOOK = Bird C.E., Conrad P., Fremont A.M. and Timmermans S. (Eds.) (2010), Handbook of Medical Sociology, Sixth Edition Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.

HANDBOOK, Ch. 1, Link B. and Phelan J., Social Conditions as Fundamental Causes of Health Inequalities, pp.3-17,

Farmer P. (2005), Pathologies of Power, University of California Press, Berkeley: Ch. 1 On suffering and structural violence, pp. 29-50.

Kleinman A. (2010), Four social theories for global health, The Lancet, 375: 1518-1519

Maturo A. (2004), Network Governance as a Response to Risk Society’ Dilemmas: A Proposal from Sociology of Health, Topoì – International Review of Philosophy, Issue 23/vol.II: 195-202. - ADIS and VLADISAV

HANDBOOK, Ch. 8, Robert S. et al., A Life-Course Approach to the Study of Neighborhoods and Health - Cristiano e Beatrice

HANDBOOK, Ch. 4, Rieker P. et al., Understanding Gender and Health: Old Patterns, New Trends, and Future Directions - Leonardo + Lilli

Maturo A., Mori L. and Moretti V. (2016), An Ambiguous Health Education: The Quantified Self and the Medicalization of the Mental Sphere, “Italian Journal of Sociology of Education”, 2016, 8(3), 248-268.

HANDBOOK, Ch. 9, Barker K. The Social Construction of Illness: Medicalization and Contested Illness

Simona e Lorenzo

MacArthur G.J. et al. (2017), Among friends: a qualitative exploration of the role of peers in young people's alcohol use using Bourdieu's concepts of habitus, field and capital, Sociology of health and illness, 39(1): 30–46

Samantha + Annamaria

Barker, K.K. (2014). Mindfulness meditation: Do-it-yourself medicalization of every moment. Social Science & Medicine, 106, 168-176

Uchida Y., Norasakkunkit V., Kitayama S. (2004), Cultural Construction of Happiness: Theory and Empirical Evidence, Journal of Happiness Studies, 5: 223-239.

Pubblicato il: 17 ottobre 2018

Pubblicato il: 07 novembre 2018