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Presentation for Health, Technology and Society
Framework of the presentation
- choose one article from one of the following journals: Sociology of Health and Illness; Social Science and Medicine; Social Theory and Health
- you can download the article from this site: http://acnp.unibo.it/cgi-ser/start/it/cnr/fp.html
- must be related to the content of the Course and published after 2009
- ·no more than 20 slides; no more than 500 characters in one slide
- Description of the article (at least 9 slides, first slide enclosed)
- Weaknesses (1-2 slides)
- How to solve the weaknesses (1-3 slides)
- How can the article be related to key-concepts of the course (5 slides)
- what do you “take home” (1 slide)
Last 3 classes
From 0 to 2 points
Pubblicato il: 21 ottobre 2022