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Antonio Focacci

Assistant professor

Department of Management

Academic discipline: SECS-P/13 Commodity Sciences


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Publications prior to 2004


-2011, A. Focacci, “Corporate social responsibility performance assessment by using a linear combination of key indicators”, International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 6 (2), 183-202.   

-2009, A. Focacci, “Residential plants investment appraisal subsequent to the new supporting photovoltaic economic mechanism in Italy”, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 13 (9), 2710-2715.

-2008, A. Focacci, "Business evaluation systems: credit risk assessment by using a linear combination of financial ratios", International Journal of Business and Systems Research 2 (4), 387-399.

-2007, A. Focacci, “Empirical analysis of the relationship between total consumption-GDP ratio and per capita income for different metals. The cases of: Brazil, China and India”, International Journal of Social Economics 34 (9), 612-636.

-2006, A. Focacci, “An empirical analysis of enterprises' behaviours within the Italian car market using technical features and prices”, International Journal of Business Environment 1 (3), 382-410.

- 2005, A. Focacci, “Empirical relationship between total consumption-GDP ratio and per capita income for different metals of a series of industrialised nations”, International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management 5 (4), 347-377.

- 2005, A. Focacci, P. Bortot,  “The status and the actions to implement the Kyoto Protocol in Italy: problems and perspectives” International Journal of Global Energy Issues 23 (4), 337-353.

- 2005, G. Barbiroli, A. Focacci, “Product diversification in the computer industry: a structural analysis”,  Technovation 25 (9), 947-970.

-2005, A. Focacci, “Empirical analysis of the environmental and energy policies in some developing countries. The cases of Brazil, China and India”, Energy Policy 33 (4), 543-554.

-2004, G. Barbiroli, A. Focacci, “The changing economic significance of consumer durables  resulting from the evolution of productive systems”, Technovation 24 (3), 235-263.

-2003, A. Focacci, “Empirical evidence in the analysis of the environmental and energy policies of a series of industrialised nations, during the period 1960-1997, using widely-employed macroeconomics indicators ”, Energy Policy 31 (4), 333-352.

-2003, G. Barbiroli, A. Focacci, “A techno-economic analysis of the results of product diversification in household appliance durables – evaluating concreteness”, International Journal of Production Economics 83 (3), 257-278.

- 2003, G. Barbiroli, A. Focacci, “Product diversification in the vehicles industry: a techno-economic analysis”,  Technovation 23 (6), 461-513.

-2001, G. Barbiroli, A. Focacci, “An ores pricing mechanism for promoting sustainable development”, The International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology 8 (4), 309-322.

-1999, G. Barbiroli, A. Focacci, “The definition and measurement of evolutionary materials”, Resources Policy 25 (3), 161-171.

-1999, G. Barbiroli, A. Focacci, “An appropriate mechanism of fuels pricing for sustainable development”, Energy Policy 27 (11), 625-636.


-1999, G. Barbiroli, A. Focacci, E. Nannetti, L'industria mondiale del cemento - I fattori energia e ambiente stimolatori di mutamenti tecnico-economici. Franco Angeli, Milano.

- 1999, A. Focacci, Energia e acqua - Una relazione dinamica. Franco Angeli, Milano.

-1999, A. Focacci, G. Barbiroli, L'industria mondiale dell'alluminio – Trasformazioni tecnologiche e tendenze verso l'eco-compatibilità e l'efficienza. Franco Angeli, Milano.


-2000, G. Barbiroli, A. Focacci, “From goods to multi-functional goods: measurement problems relating to certain functional properties”.  Journal of Commodity Science 39 (1), 3-34.


- 2001, A. Focacci, “Practical connotations and problems associated with Integrated Management Systems in small and medium sized firms”. Atti del Convegno: Sistema Qualità, tutela ambientale e sviluppo economico, Messina 15-16 Ottobre, su CD-Rom; oppure su cartaceo– IRSI (Istituto Ricerche Sicurezza Industriale Milano), pagg. 379-386.

-2000, G. Barbiroli, A. Focacci, “Il cambiamento nel tempo del significato economico delle merci in funzione dell'evoluzione dei sistemi produttivi”. Atti del XIX Congresso di Merceologia: "La sfida per il terzo millennio: tecnologia, innovazione, qualità e ambiente", Alghero-Sassari 27-29 Settembre, vol. II, pagg. 567-575.

- 2000, G. Barbiroli, A. Focacci, “Analisi critica della diversificazione produttiva in atto nell'industria tramite il rapporto prezzo/prestazione globale”. Atti del XIX Congresso di Merceologia: "La sfida per il terzo millennio: tecnologia, innovazione, qualità e ambiente", Alghero-Sassari 27-29 Settembre, vol. II, pagg. 690-698.

-1999, G. Barbiroli, A. Focacci, “Prompting the development and diffusion of new energy systems through appropriate price mechanism of the traditional fuels”. Atti della 22a Conferenza Annuale Internazionale dell'Associazione Internazionale degli Economisti dell'Energia: New equilibria in the energy markets-The role of new regions and areas, Roma 9-12 Giugno, pagg. 355-364.

-1998, G. Barbiroli, A. Focacci, “Da qualità a funzionalità-risultati: problemi di misura e valutazione”. Atti del XVIII Congresso di Merceologia: "Qualità verso il 2000", Verona 1-3 Ottobre, pagg. 103-111.




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