Foto del docente

Antonella Grassi

Full Professor

Department of Mathematics

Academic discipline: MATH-02/B Geometry

Curriculum vitae

Antonella Grassi

Current Employment

Professor of Mathematics, Università di Bologna, Bologna, Italy.

INFN, Bologna.


1990 PhD in Mathematics, Duke University

1984 Laurea in Matematica, con 110/110 e lode, Università di Torino

Professional Appointments And Research Groups

2022: Local PI PRIN2022, "Geometry of algebraic structures, moduli, invariants, deformations

2022-INFN, Bologna

2020- Professor Emerita of Mathematics, University of Pennsylvania

2006-2019 Professor of Mathematics, University of Pennsylvania

2000-2005 Associate Professor, University of Pennsylvania

1993-2000 Assistant Professor, University of Pennsylvania

1992-1993 Postdoctoral Fellow, M.S.R.I.

1990-1992 Assistant Professor, Tufts University

Others: Mathematical Science Research Institute, Berkeley; Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton; Università di Torino

2017-2019 Secondary Appointment as Full Professor of Physics, University of Pennsylvania

Professional Committee at the University of Bologna

2004-- Department Delegate to International Relations

2023-- Scientific Board, Collegio Superiore

2022--2024 Scientific Board, Istituto di Studi Avanzati

2022--2023 VRA Committee Representative for the Mathematical Sector (University Research Valuation)

Honors (recent)

2019 Mathematical Science Research Institute Research Professor

2018 American Mathematical Society Fellow

2015 Women in Leadership and Philanthropy Endowed Lecture, Virginia Tech

2010 Distinguished Women in Mathematics Lecture Series University of Texas, Austin.

2008 Current Events Invited Speaker, American Mathematical Society National Meeting

Awards (recent)

2019 American Mathematical Society Programs that Make a Difference Award

2018 Simons Fellow in Mathematics, Simons Foundations

2017 Dean’s Leave Award, University of Pennsylvania.


Some recent Invitations


A Conference in Differential Geometry, Parma, Italy

Algebraic Geometry Seminar, Trento, Italy

Algebraic Geometry and Physics Conference, Trieste, Italy

Algebraic Geometry Seminar, Trieste, Italy

Strings and Geometry, Hamburg, DE

Seminario di Geometria Algebrica, Università di Roma 3


Geometria in Bicocca, Milan, Italy

Special Session, Congresso UMI, Pisa, Italy

Conference on 100 years of Noetherian Rings, Institute for Advanced study, Princeton, USA

Seminario del Centenario UMI, Bologna

Banff International Research Center, Banff, Canada

Seminario di Geometria Algebrica, Università di Pavia


Seminario di Geometria Algebrica, Università di Pisa.

Seminar Geometria em Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal.

MFO, Oberfolwach, Germany.

Algebraic Geometry Seminar, Hodge Institute, University of Edinburgh, UK.

Classical Elegance: the Geometry of Algebraic Varieties, Cortona, Italy.

Higher Dimensional Algebraic Geometry Conference, Johns Hopkins University, U.S.A.

Colloquium, Joao Pessoa, Universidade Federal da Parìiba, Brazil


Projective birational higher dimensional geometry International Workshop, Università di Trieste

Algebraic Geometry Seminar, University California San Diego

Physics Seminar, Università di Bologna


Workshop on elliptic fibred CY 3-folds and their singularities, Warwick, UK

Cambridge-Oxford-Warwick, Algebraic Geometry Seminar, UK


MFO Oberwolfach Meeting on Toric varieties, Germany

Geometry and String Phenomenology, CERN, Switzerland

Geometry and Physics of Hitchin Systems, Simons Center of Geometry and Physics, USA

Colloquium, Mathematical Science Research Institute, USA


Algebraic Geometry Workshop, Princeton , USA,

String Theory, Geometry and String Model Building, Mainz, Germany

String Math Conference, Plenary Talk, Sendai, Japan

Algebraic Geometry Seminar, Rutgers University , USA

AMS Special Section on Toric Varieties, Northeastern University, USA

Western Algebraic Geometry Symposium, San Francisco, USA


Princeton Algebraic Geometry Seminar, Princeton, USA

Matrix Factorizations in Mathematics and Physics, Simons Center for Geometry and Physics, USA Colloquium, Courant Institute, New York University, USA

String Seminar, Harvard University, USA

Conference, Women at the Intersection of Mathematics and High Energy Physics, Mainz, Germany Conference, “Physics and Geometry of F-Theory”, ICTP, Italy

Colloquium, Department of Mathematics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA


Workshop, The Mathematics and Physics of F-theory Virginia Institute of Technology

Algebraic Geometry Seminar, Università di Roma, Italy

Conference, Algebraic Geometry in the North East, Yale University, USA

MFO Oberwolfach Meeting on Toric varieties, Germany


Fibrations, Mirror Symmetry and Calabi-Yau Geometry, Canadian Mathematical Society Winter meeting, Montreal, Canada

Aspen Center for Theoretical Physics, USA

Algebraic Geometry Seminar, Università di Torino, Italy.

Algebraic Geometry Seminar, Università di Pisa, Italy

Colloquium, Topics in Algebraic Geometry (Program for Women in Math), Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, USA

Workshop, Stratified spaces in geometric and computational topology and physics University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA

Conference, “Physics and Geometry of F-theory”, Max Planck Institute, Munich, Germany


G2 Workshop, Simons Center for Geometry and Physics, Stony Brook, USA

Colloquium, Haverford/Bryn Mawr College, USA

Singularities and Physics in Knoxville, AMS Special Session, USA

Geometry and Physics of String Compactifications at the Mathematics Center, Heidelberg, Germany

Algebraic Geometry Seminar, Department of Mathematics, Università di Milano, Italy

Recent Special Courses

2020 Winter School “Geometry, Algebra and Combinatorics of Moduli Spaces and Configurations IV”, Dobbiaco, Italy

Editorial Activities

2022- Associated Editor, Journal of Geometry and Physics.

2019 Volume Edited: Geometric Representation Theory and Gauge Theory (A. Braverman, M.V. Finkel- berg, A. Negut, A. Oblomkov) Lecture Notes in Mathematics, vol. 2248, CIME Cetraro 2018, 2019.

International Professional Committees (recent)

2022--2024 AMS-UMI Meeting in Palermo Program Committee

2021--2023 Banff International Research Center Selection Committee

2021-2023 American Mathematical Society Fellows Selection Committee

2020--2023 Banff International Research Center Advisoring Board

2018 AWM Dissertation Prize Committee

2017-2018 String-Math Scientific Committee

2013-2019 AGNES (Algebraic Geometry North Eastern Series) Steering Committee

2011, 2013–16 String-Math International Advisory Board

2008- European Mathematical Society/EWM Scientific Committee

1999-2015 Princeton/Institute for Advanced Study, Women and Mathematics

Conference Organized (recent)

2023: Noncommutativity at the Interface of Topology, Geometry and Analysis []

2022 Glimpses of Mathematics, Now and Then: A Celebration of Karen Uhlenbeck 80th birthday, Princeton, USA

2020 Women in Algebraic Geometry Collaborative Research Workshop, Institute for Computational and Experimental Research in Mathematics, Providence, RI, USA

2019 MSRI 2019 Spring Special Program: Birational Geometry and Moduli Spaces, Berkeley, USA Workshop, Connections for Women at MSRI, Berkeley, USA

2018 Geometry and Physics of F-theory, Banff International Research Station, Canada

2018 School on Geometric Representation Theory and Gauge Theory, CIME, Cetraro, Italy

2016 Connection for Women@AGNES (Algebraic Geometry North Eastern Series), Inaugural event, Yale, USA

2016 F-theory@20 , California Institute of Technology, USA

2015 Aspects of Algebraic Geometry, Women and Mathematics Program, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, USA

2014 Algebraic Geometry North Eastern Series (AGNES), University of Pennsylvania, USA

2012 F-theory Workshop, Simons Center for Geometry and Physics, USA