Foto del docente

Anthony Dion Mitzel

Professore a contratto

Dipartimento di Interpretazione e Traduzione

Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e Sociali

Dipartimento di Sociologia e Diritto dell'Economia

Tutor didattico

Dipartimento di Sociologia e Diritto dell'Economia



Mitzel, Anthony Dion. 2024. An Unlimited Memeiosis of The Godfather: Diachronic and Synchronic Observations of a Pervasive and Ubiquitous Meme. In “Italian Americans in Film Establishing and Challenging Italian American Identities II” ed. Fioretti, D. and Orsitti, F. Palgrave Macmillan, USA.

Mitzel, Anthony Dion. 2021. Authenticity and Ephemerality: The Memes of Transcultural Production in Italian Diasporic Culture. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London) UCL Discovery.


Ricerca, comunicazioni, convegni-papers, interviste, guest lectures

2023: “An Unlimited Memeiosis of the Let’s Go Fuck Joe Brandon Memecycle”. 13th Humor Research Conference 2022. Texas A&M, Commerce (01 April 2023)

2022: "The Godfather memeplex: notes on a ubiquitous cultural artifact”. A movie you can't refuse: the linguistic and cultural legacy of The Godfather/Il Padrino. Laboratorio Permanente di Media and Humour Studies. Università di Bologna, Bologna, Italia (25 novembre 2022)

2022: “Youngstalia, West of Appalachia and Italy: Mining the Mahoning Valley for a Glocal Documentary”. w/ Chris Rutushin (Mahoning Valley Historical Society). Mining the Diaspora: Italian American Materialities, Archaeologies, and Intersections. 54th Annual IASA Conference, Pittsburgh, PA (October 27 – 30, 2022)

2022: An Unlimited Memeiosis of The Godfather: Diachronic and Synchronic Observations of a Memecycle. Mining the Diaspora: Italian American Materialities, Archaeologies, and Intersections. 54th Annual IASA Conference, Pittsburgh, PA (October 27 – 30, 2022)

2022: “Let’s Go Fuck Joe Brandon”: Unlimited Memeiosis, Taboo Language and “Owning the Libs”. Taboo Conference. Rome, Università “Tor Vergata” (September 28-30, 2022)

2022: “The Slap” Heard AND Seen Around the World: Unlimited Memeiosis and the Fecundity of Humor in Current Events”. 32nd Annual Conference of the International Society for Humor Studies Bertinoro, Italy (June 29 – July 2, 2022)

2022: “An Unlimited Memeiosis of The Godfather: Diachronic and Synchronic Observations of a Pervasive and Ubiquitous Memecycle.” Italian American Studies Association Symposium, Fondazione Campus (26-29 May 2022)

2022: “Youngstalia, Italian Foodways in the Mahoning Valley: Glocal Documentary Filmmaking During A Pandemic.” Italian American Studies Association Symposium, Fondazione Campus, Lucca, Italy (26-29 May 2022)

2022: “My Desert, My Arrakis, My Dune-Memes: Unlimited Memeiosis and Humor in Sietchposting on Social Media.” 12th Humor Research Conference 2022. Texas A&M, Commerce (03 March 2022)

2022: “Observing Italians as Semio-Memetic Trope and Introduction to Meme Theory”. Invited guest lecture(s). York University, Toronto, Canada (16 March 2022)

2021: Do Androids Share Memes About Electric Sheep? Laboratorio Permanente di Media and Humour Studies. Università di Bologna, Bologna, Italia (19 Novembre 2021)

2021: Responding to a Precariousness Situation: Re-Placing and Re-Assessing the Globalized Adjunct Labor Force”, Working-Class Studies Association Conference 2021. Youngstown State University, Youngstown, Ohio, USA, (07-09 June 2021)

2021: "What's So Funny about Italian Americans? Humor and Italian American Culture", A virtual afternoon with Fred Gardaphé & Anthony Mitzel on the aesthetics, discourse, and theory of Italian American Humor. (Italian American Studies Association) Webinar #15 (14 May 2021)

2021: Intervista “Joseph Sciorra chats with Anthony Mitzel about Italian American memes”. (Calandra Corner) John D. Calandra Italian American Institute CUNY, NYC. (23 March 2021)

2020: “Death of the Cool: Memeiosis, Virality, Dankness, and the Lifecycle of Memes” w/ Salvatore Attardo (Texas A&M University-Commerce) 10th Humor Research Conference 2020. Texas A&M, Commerce (03 March 2020)

2019: “Maybe You Can Judge A Book By Its Cover: Diasporic Peritexts as Memes of Production.” Italian American Studies Association Symposium. Roma Tre University, Rome, Italy, (20-22 June 2019)

2018 "It’s My Kind of Meme, Italian’: Humorous Trope in the Mediasphere" Italian American Studies Association 51th annual conference, University of Illinois, Chicago, (18-20 October 2018)

2018 "The Coal Miners’ Strike of 1873: Immigration and Labor Strife in Ohio’s
Mahoning Valley" (as respondent). Italian American Studies Association 51th annual conference, University of Illinois, Chicago, (18-20 October 2018)

2017 "The Ephemerality of Little Italy: Brier Hill and Italian Culture in Youngstown, Ohio." Italian American Studies Association 50th annual conference, Washington, DC (2-4 November 2017)

2017 "Applied Memetic Warfare and Weaponized Memes: Fully Spectrum Humour in the Memeosphere." Humour and Meme Symposium, Università di Bologna, Forli. (25 October 2017)

2017 “The Italian as meme: Fecund stereotypes in the Mediasphere.” Humours of the Past: Humour, History, Methodology. Durham University (26-28 July 2017)

2017 “From Kinetic to Memetic Warfare: Seizing the Humorous Memes of Production.”
Plenary session, Laughing at Politicians Transnationally: Left, right and centre. 29th Annual Conference of the International Society for Humour Studies Montreal, Québec Canada (14 July 2017)

2017 “FIATalians: Contemporary FIAT Advertisements in the Memeosphere.” GSA Awards Presentations and Lectures. 29th Annual Conference of the International Society for Humor Studies Montreal, Québec Canada (14 July 2017)

2017 “Italian/American Culture in Flux: The Ship of Theseus, Memes, and the Transformational Nature of Diaspora.” Theorizing Italian Diaspora Studies. Italian American Studies Association. University of Calabria, Arcavacata, Italy (June 15-18)

2017 “Ephemerality, Ethnogenesis, and the Transformation of Culture." Speaker. Institute of Modern Languages Research. School of Advanced Study, University of London. IMLR Graduate Forum (18 May 2017)

2016 "Italians in the backseat, humor up front: Italians as a comedic trope in car advertisements." Italian American Studies Association 49th annual conference. California State University, Long Beach, CA, USA (November 3-5)

2016 "Ethnogenesis, American Italianità, and Identity Construction: Diasporan Italian Culture in Youngstown, Ohio, USA." Cultures on the Move: Italy and the USA. Oxford University, Oxford UK (23-24 September )

2015 “Breaking Bread to Breaking Breadsticks: Appropriating Italian Cuisine on TV Cooking Shows.” Italian American Studies Association 48th annual conference, Washington, DC, USA (15-17 October)

2015 “Youngstown Italian American Values: A multi-disciplinary examination of the history and culture of the Italian American communities of the greater Mahoning Valley in Northeastern Ohio.” Respondent. Italian American Studies Association 48th annual conference, Washington, DC, USA (15-17 October)

2014 “An Ethnogenesis of Youngs’talians: DIY narratives from the Rust Belt”. Italians Without Borders - Transnational Italian (American) Experience. Italian American Studies Association 47th annual conference. University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada (17-19 October)

2014 “Olive Faced Fools: Italian Americans in the periphery”. Languaging Diversity International conference. University of Catania, Catania, Italy (9-11 October)

2014 “Tu vuò fà l’italiano”: What Constitutes “Real” Italian Cooking On Television. Roundtable discussion. FaCT:First International Conference on Food and Culture in Translation. Bertinoro, Italy (22-24 May)

2013 "Towards And Integrated Approach To Italian American Studies." Society for Italian Studies biennial conference. University of Durham, England (8-7 July)

2012 “Homespun History, Youngstown style: Ethnic Representation in Do-It-Yourself Narratives,” Reimaging White Ethnicity: Expressivity, Identity, Race. John D. Calandra Italian American Institute, New York. New York (27-28 April)

2012 “Teaching Italian Americana in Film and Television: enriching linguistic and cultural knowledge of future AVT professionals,” Novel Insights In Audiovisual Translation, University of Naples “L’Orientale”, Naples, Italy (2-3 April)

2011 “The Homespun Histories of Youngs’talians: placing local narratives in the Italian American literary canon”, NEVIS – New Echoes and Voices in Italian Studies, Echi Oltremare: Italy, the Mediterranean… and Beyond, ISME Istituto Italiano per il Medioevo, Rome (17-18 June)

2010 “A Thing of Ours: teaching culture through Italian/American themes”, Italian-less Italian-ness / Italianità senza italiani, Scuola Superiore di Studi Umanistici, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy (25 November)

2007 “‘Italian, Short, Sweet & Dubbed’: A relevant experiment in perception” (with Dr. Michela Giorgio-Marrano and Dr. Linda Rossato), 5th EST (European Society for Translation Studies) Congress, Why Translation Studies Matters, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia (2-5 September)


Poesie (pubblicate):

"In the Non-Catholic Cemetery of Rome" Voices in Italian Americana 29.2 2019

“What Would They Say, Those Who Came Before US?” Tratti, n. 89 Feb 2012

“Where Are They, Those Who Have Gone Before Us?” Tratti, n. 89 Feb 2012

“The Sound Of Tears” Tratti, n. 89 Feb 2012

“Workman’s Hymn” Tratti, n. 89 Feb 2012

“Schooners On The Golden Dawn” Tratti, n. 89 Feb 2012/ Jenny, YSU literary arts assoc. Fall 2011

Articoli di giornale/editoriali:

“Rico’s Not On A ‘Rolla” – (March 28, 2012)

“The Madonna Paradox: How I Learned to Love Cleaning Commercials” – (March 8, 2012)

“The Storm, 2012”- (February 6, 2012)

“Febbre da suino” – Mondolibero, Anno XLI, n. 9 (2009)

“Santa Brucianda, California” - Mondolibero, Anno XLI, n. 10 (2009)

“GM guidata al fallimento” - Mondolibero, Anno XLI, n. 11 (2009)

“Rocking in the Persian World” - Mondolibero, Anno XLI, n. 12 (2009)

“Premier power trio of the 2000’s” – The Jambar, 29/11/01.

“A day in the life of the Y.S.U. campus” – The Jambar 04/09/01.