Foto del docente

Anna Maria Toni

Assistant professor

Department of Legal Studies

Curriculum vitae


In 1986 graduates magna cum laude in Law; in 1987 winns a scholarship to attend a seminar on the subject of international commercial contracts organized by St. Johns University-School of Law, of New York; from 1987 develops activity of research in the field of industrial and intellectual property rights mainly on the subject of trademarks and unfair competition. From 1989 is member of the examination board for comparative private right, industrial/intellectual and commercial law in the Faculty of Law of the University in Bologna and for copyright law in the Faculty of Scienze della formazione; in 1990 is put on the bar of Bologna. In years 1989, 1990 and 1991 and 1995 wins scholarships of the Max Planck Gesellshaft for the carrying out of a research in Max-Planck-Institut fÃÆ'¼r auslÃÆ'¤ndisches Patent Urheber und Wettbewerbsrects in Munich; in 1991 is “tecnico laureato†in Istituto di Applicazione Forense (University of Bologna); in 1993 is “dottore di ricerca†(PHD)â€; from 2002 is “ricercatore ordinario†in the University of Bologna; from 2005 is “professore aggregato†of commercial and business law – faculty of law – University of Bologna; has a good knowledge of French, English and German language.