Marzano, Annalisa, Italy, in: A Companion to the Archaeology of the Roman Empire, Hoboken, Wiley Blackwell, 2024, pp. 206 - 231 [Chapter or essay]
Marzano, Annalisa, Marine salt production in the Roman world: The salinae and their ownership, «QUATERNARY SCIENCE REVIEWS», 2024, 336, Article number: 108776 , pp. 1 - 8 [Scientific article]Open Access
Annalisa Marzano, economy, Roman, in: Oxford Classical Dictionary: A New Digital Initiative, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2023, pp. 1 - 12 [Dictionary or encyclopedia entry]
Marzano, Annalisa, Fisheries in the Roman World: Access, Control, and Organization, «MEDITERRANEO ANTICO», 2023, 26, pp. 193 - 212 [Scientific article]
Annalisa Marzano, Le ville della Campania romana: alcune considerazioni su economia e produzione, in: Atelier: organizzazione produttiva e rapporti commerciali nel mondo romano, Napoli, Jovene, 2023, pp. 111 - 131 [Chapter or essay]
Marzano, Annalisa, Livia the Auctor and the Symbolism of Grafting, «THE CAMBRIDGE CLASSICAL JOURNAL», 2023, pubblicato on FirstView e in Open Access; verrà assegnato ad un volume in seguito, pp. 1 - 15 [Scientific article]Open Access
Marzano, Annalisa, Lo sfruttamento delle lagune costiere nel mondo romano, «RIVISTA DI ARCHEOLOGIA», 2023, 47, pp. 73 - 84 [Scientific article]
Marzano, Annalisa, Review of: Maureen Carroll (ed.). 2022. The making of a Roman imperial estate: archaeology in the Vicus at Vagnari, Puglia (Archaeopress Roman Archaeology 88). Oxford: Archaeopress; 978-1-80327-205-4 paperback £58, «ANTIQUITY», 2023, 97, pp. 1 - 3 [Review]
Annalisa Marzano, 'The Economy of the City of Rome’, in: Handbuch der Wirtschaftsgeschichte. Die Antike Wirtschaft, Berlino, de Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2023, pp. 559 - 582 [Chapter or essay]
MArzano Annalisa, Fishing, in: Oxford Classical Dictionary, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2022, pp. N/A - N/A [Dictionary or encyclopedia entry]
Marzano, Annalisa, Plants, Politics and Empire in Ancient Rome, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2022, pp. 360 . [Research monograph]
annalisa marzano, The ‘Many Faces’ of the Roman Economy: Modern Preconceptions and Some Considerations on Capital, Technology, and Labour, in: Ancient Economies in Comparative Perspective Material Life, Institutions and Economic Thought, Cham, Springer, 2022, pp. 187 - 203 [Chapter or essay]
Marzano, Annalisa, 'The Personal Infrastructure of Maritime Trade', in: Roman Law and Maritime Commerce, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press, 2022, pp. 57 - 75 [Chapter or essay]
Marzano, Annalisa, Capital Accumulation and Production: A View from the Roman World, «Capitalism's Past?», 2021, 1, pp. 65 - 88 [Scientific article]Open Access
Marzano, Annalisa, Figures in an Imperial Landscape: Ecological and Societal Factors on Settlement Patterns and Agriculture in Roman Italy, in: Climate Change and Ancient Societies in Europe and the Near East Diversity in Collapse and Resilience, Cham, Pelgrave MacMillan -Springer Nature, 2021, pp. 505 - 531 (PALGRAVE STUDIES IN ANCIENT ECONOMIES) [Chapter or essay]Open Access