Foto del docente

Annalisa Atti

Assistant professor

Department of Legal Studies

Academic discipline: GIUR-01/A Private Law

Curriculum vitae

1984 Master Degree in Law, 110/110 com laude, University of Bologna, final dissertation in private law, discussant Professor Francesco Galgano;

From1985: research, tutorial and teaching activity in Private Law, University of Bologna;  

1989 one year CNR(Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche) scholarship;

From 1990 research, tutorial and teaching activity in Civil Law,  ;

1993 Research Fellow in civil law,University of Bologna ;

1996 confirmed Research Fellow, civil law (IUS/01), University of Bologna;

1999-2000 lecturer in civil law, Faculty of Law, University of Bologna;

2001-2002, 2002-2003, 2003-2004, 2004-2005 lecturer “Copyright law”, Economics and organitazion of editors” course, Communication science master degree course, Faculty of Letters, University of Bologna;

2005-2006; 2006-2007 seminars in Copyright law; Information right course, Faculty of Science of communication, University of Bologna;

2006 research program (PRIN, reaserch program of national interest), subject: "For an ethic of medias", specific research topic: “Ethic in advertising”;

2006-2007; 2007-2008; 2008-2009; 2009-2010 teaching session (Persons, goods, real rights), “Private law course” Faculty of Law, University of Bologna, Labour consultants Degree course, Business legal expert, Legal Sciences, french curriculum;

2008-2009, 2009-2010, 2010-2011 lecturer (Copyright law) “Right of image”, Faculty of Letters and Philosophy, University of Bologna; DAMS master degree course;

From 2011-2012 lecturer, Private law course, Business legal expert, Legal Sciences, french curriculum; 

Lecturer,  PHD seminars, Faculty of Law, University of Bologna;

Lecturer, Master, University of Bologna (Advertising; Copyright law)

Other lectures

1986 – 1989 lecturer in seminars organized by CIS (Centro Studi d'Impresa) di Lecco, “Law in post-industrial society”;

1992 -1996 lecturer in seminars organized by AISA in national arbitration;

1994 – 1998 lecturer in civli law, courses organized by ECAP Lavoro and ECAP Emilia Romagna (professional qualification and teaching courses addressed to public exams)

1999 - 2001 lecturer, seminars organized by Ipsoa (topics: directors and controllers liability, tort law)

From 2000, lecturer Bologna Bar school, Bologna Bar Foundation, (topic: consumer law)

2005-2007 lecturer, Master in Management Multimediale – Campus Multimedia (MI) (Advertising)

From 2006 lecturer, Master for Expert in innovation protection and intellectual property (Ifoa, course co-finananced by EU, FSE Ob.3, by Regione Emilia Romagna, by Ministero del Lavoro  e delle Politiche Sociale, approved by Provincia di Modena)

2008 - 2009 lecturer in courses for permanent professional qualification for laywers organized by Maggioli Editore (professional code of practice, consumer law)

From 2008 lecturer, seminars and  professional permanent qualification course for lawyers organized by Bologna Bar Foundation; seminars and permanent qualification courses for judges organized by CSM

Editorial work

From 1985, editorial board of the law journal “Contratto e Impresa”, directed by professor Francesco Galgano;

1986 -1997 editorial secretary of the law journal “Contratto e Impresa”.