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Since Dec. 2021, I have been Jr Assistant Prof. with the project From Shelf to Byte, focused on the cataloguing and valorization, of some handwritten codices of the BUB belonging to the "Benedetto XIV" collection.
I have been working on Medieval North Italian documents and on the Notary of Bologna. For the Chartae Latinae Antiquiores series, I edited the parchments of 9th-cent. of Arezzo, Bolzano, Florence, Milan, Monza, Padua and Reggio Emilia. I have studied a number of reused fragments, including a Gotho-Latin palimpsest of St. Augustine and several fragments of the Liber Glossarum.
Recently, I published the edition of the Testamentary dossier of Teodorico Borgognoni. On the other hand, paleographic studies on the estimi in Bolognese vernacular are in progress. I explore topics related to "Digital Diplomatics" with interest.
I obtained the national scientific qualification for the position of Associate Professor in Latin Paleography and Diplomatics.
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