Foto del docente

Andrea Mattozzi

Full Professor

Department of Economics

Coordinator of PhD Programme in Economics


Keywords: Political Economy, Public Economics, Economic Theory

Working Papers

· “The Tripartite Auction Folk Theorem” with D. K. Levine and S. Modica.

· “Labor Associations: The Blue Wall of Silence” with D. K. Levine and S. Modica.

· “Polarization and Electoral Balance” with D. K. Levine.

· “Fact-Checking Politicians” with S. Nocito and F. Sobbrio.

· “How to Pick a Winner” with F. Michelucci.

· “Populism and War” with M. Morelli and M. Y. Nakaguma.

· “The Fiscal Effects of Political Tenure” with A. Cintolesi and D. Iorio.

Work in Progress

· “Social Mechanisms and Political Economy” with D. K. Levine and S. Modica.

· “Why do Politicians Call a Referendum?” with G. Correa Lopera and A. Nicolò

· "The Selection and Election of Politicians" with T. Nannicini, M. Onorato and F. Trebbi.