L. Bertacco; M. Fischetti; A. Lodi, A Feasibility Pump heuristic for general Mixed-Integer Problems, «DISCRETE OPTIMIZATION», 2007, 4, pp. 63 - 76 [Scientific article]
Ruolo editoriale nella rivista «Algorithmic Operations Research», SURREY, BC, Preeminent Academic Facets
A. Borghetti; A. Lodi; S. Martello; M. Martignani; C. A. Nucci; A. Trebbi, An optimization problem in the electricity market, «4OR», 2007, 5 (3), pp. 247 - 259 [Scientific article]
R. Levi; A. Lodi; M. Sviridenko, Approximation Algorithms for the Multi-Item Capacitated Lot-Sizing Problem via Flow-Cover Inequalities, in: Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization, 2007, 4513, pp. 454 - 468 (atti di: Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization - IPCO 2007, Ithaca, New York (USA), 25-27/6/2007) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Z. Kiziltan; A. Lodi; M. Milano; F. Parisini, CP-based Local Branching, in: Proc. of the 14th RCRA Workshop on Experimental Evaluation of Algorithms for Solving Problems with Combinatorial Explosion, s.l, M. Gavanelli, T. Mancini, 2007, pp. - - - (atti di: The 14th RCRA workshop on Experimental Evaluation of Algorithms for Solving Problems with Combinatorial Explosion, Roma, 5-6 Luglio) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Z. Kiziltan; A. Lodi; M. Milano; F. Parisini, CP-based Local Branching, in: ., 2007, 4741, pp. 847 - 855 (atti di: Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming-CP 2007, 13th International Conference, CP 2007, Providence, RI, USA, September 23-27, 2007) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
M. Fischetti; A. Lodi, MIPping closures: an instant survey, «GRAPHS AND COMBINATORICS», 2007, 23, pp. 233 - 243 [Scientific article]
S. Dash; O. Gunluk; A. Lodi, On the MIR closure of polyhedra, in: Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization, 2007, 4513, pp. 337 - 351 (atti di: Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization - IPCO 2007, Ithaca, New York (USA), 25-27/6/2007) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Ruolo editoriale nella rivista «Optima», GAINESVILLE, FL, Mathematical Programming Society
M. Fischetti; A. Lodi, Optimizing over the first Chvatal closure, «MATHEMATICAL PROGRAMMING», 2007, 110, pp. 3 - 20 [Scientific article]
A. Lodi; S. Martello; D. Vigo, Récentes avancées sur le problème de bin packing à deux dimensions., in: Optimisation combinatoire 4: problèmes paradigmatiques, PARIS, Hermes Science Publications, 2007, pp. 137 - 161 (Optimisation combinatoire) [Chapter or essay]
M. Fischetti; A. Lodi, Repairing MIP Infeasibility through Local Branching, «COMPUTERS & OPERATIONS RESEARCH», 2007, 35, pp. 1436 - 1445 [Scientific article]
A.N. Letchford; A. Lodi, Review of: The traveling salesman problem: a book review, «4OR», 2007, 5, pp. 315 - 317 [Review]
C. Bragalli; C. D’Ambrosio; J. Lee; A. Lodi; P. Toth, An MINLP Solution Method for a Water Network Problem, in: ., BERLIN, SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN,, 2006, 4168, pp. 696 - 707 (atti di: Algorithms – ESA 2006, Zurich, Switzerland, September 11-13, 2006) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
A. Lodi; M. Milano; L.M. Rousseau, Discrepancy-Based Additive Bounding Procedures, «INFORMS JOURNAL ON COMPUTING», 2006, 18, pp. 480 - 493 [Scientific article]