Foto del docente

Andrea Gatti

Full Professor

Department of Philosophy

Academic discipline: M-FIL/04 Aesthetics

Curriculum vitae

Andrea Gatti, Full Professor at the University of Bologna from 2023. Areas of research: modern and early twentieth-century European aesthetics, especially British, the aesthetic theories of the Frankfurt School and the philosophy of the image.


Prior academic qualifications


Associate Professor at the Dept. of Humanities, University of Ferrara.


Research Fellow (Permanent Position) at the Dept. of Humanities of the University of Ferrara.


Higher Education


M.A. Faculté des Lettres of the Université de Fribourg (CH).


PhD. University of Bologna


Fellowships and scholarships


Two-year research grant Faculty of Humanities, University of Ferrara.


Two-year research grant Faculty of Humanities, University of Milan.


Two-year research grant Faculty of Humanities, University of Milan.


One-year research grant Philosophical and Historical-Social Sciences, University of Udine.


Fellowship Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, in association with the British Academy.


Participation in national research groups


PRIN PNRR 2020. - Member of the research unit of the University of Milan within the Research Program of Relevant National Interest PRIN PNRR 2020: Compassion in action: theories of sympathy and the construction of otherness in the long eighteenth century.


PRIN 2007. - Member of the research unit of the University of Ferrara in the Research Program of Relevant National Interest PRIN 2007: David Hume. Text, context and interpretation.


PRIN 2005. - Member of the research unit of the University of Ferrara under the Research Program of Relevant National Interest PRIN 2005: British Philosophical Culture in the Late Seventeenth and Early Nineteenth Centuries.


PRIN 2002. - Member of the research unit of the University of Ferrara within the Research Program of Relevant National Interest PRIN 2002: The Philosophical Culture of the British Eighteenth Century.


Scientific memberships and partnerships


Member and scientific consultant of the NEVART research project “Neuroaesthetics of the vision of art”.


Member of the Società Italiana di Studi sul Secolo XVIII Italian Society of Studies on the 18th Century. Member of the Scientific Committee (from 2012-), Vice President and member of the Executive Committee (from 2016 to 2021).


Member of the Italian Society of Aesthetics. Member of the Board of Directors (2012-), Vice President (from 2018 to 2020) and Treasurer (from 2021-).


Management and participation in editorial committees of scientific journals


Deputy director (Deputy Editor) of the scientific journal "Studi di estetica" (Classe A Anvur).


Co-director and founder of the International Lexicon of Aesthetics.


Member of the Advisory Board (“Philosophy” section) of the publishing house Cambridge Scholars Publishing.


Director of the scientific magazine “I castelli di Yale online. Annali di filosofia” (formerly Deputy Director and Journal Manager from 2014 to 2016).


Co-director and founder of the magazine “Diciottesimo Secolo” (Classe A Anvur).

Journal Manager of the magazine "Studi di estetica" (Classe A Anvur).


Co-founder of the “L.I.E. Laboratorio interateneo di estetica”, as part of the Inter-University Master's Degree (Ferrara, Modena-Reggio Emilia, Parma).


Deputy director and Journal Manager of the scientific magazine “I castelli di Yale online. Annali di filosofia".


Achievement of national prizes and recognitions


Funding of Basic Research Activities (FFABR) Anvur.


Main participations as a speaker at national and international scientific conferences (by invitation)


Roma, Università “La Sapienza” e Università “Tor Vergata”, World Conference of the International Society for Eighteenth Century Studies (The Rhetoric of Enlightenment and the Ancients: A Matter of Style).

(Online), Italian-Polish Seminar organized by the Società Italiana di Studi sul Secolo XVIII (The Italian Reception of Wladislaw Tatarkiewicz's Aesthetics).


Trento, Università degli Studi, “Il concetto di ‘convenientia’. Tra Medioevo ed età moderna" (Finalità e bellezza. L’idea di convenientia nell’estetica del Settecento).

Milano, Università degli Studi, “Bernard Mandeville: vizi privati, pubblici benefici. Un dibattito settecentesco” (Logica e retorica in Mandeville. Le Osservazioni sulla Favola delle api di Francis Hutcheson).


Trento, Università degli Studi, Logica e retorica in Mandeville. Le Osservazioni sulla Favola delle api di Francis Hutcheson, “Estetica della Forma” (Philosophy of graphic form).


Modena, Università degli Studi, “Prometeo e dintorni. Filosofia e mito” (Prometeo e la poiesis, ovvero il genio e le sue contraddizioni).


Ferrara, Biblioteca Ariostea, “Animal ridens. Filosofia e scienza del riso” (Egoismi e incongruenze. Teoria e pratica del riso in età moderna).

Ferrara, Università degli Studi, “Prometeo e dintorni. Filosofia e mito” (Prometeo e la poiesis, ovvero il genio e le sue contraddizioni)., “Le arti dell’illusione” (Le illusioni ritrovate. Per un’estetica della percezione artistica).


Greencastle (Indiana, U.S.A.), DePauw University, Lectures on The Aesthetics of the Body, and The Great Beauty and Its Decay. An Aesthetic Survey.


Camerino [mc], Università degli Studi, “Il nostro Novecento. Intellettuali e vita civile” (Bertrand Russell).


Roma, The American Academy University & Koninklijk Nederlands Instituut, “Mandeville in Rome. Mandevillean Readings” (Bernard Mandeville's Aesthetics of Social Life).


Ferrara, Università degli Studi, “Caratteri. Filosofia e arte dell’espressione” (Educazione estetica e carattere morale nel XVIII secolo).

Milan, Università degli Studi, “Estetica, etica e sapere enciclopedico. Attualità di Diderot” (Argomento del disegno e teorie della forma. Diderot e l’estetica dell’empirismo inglese).

Pavia, Università degli Studi, “Denis Diderot a trecento anni dalla nascita” (Il concetto del sensibile in Denis Diderot. Alcune questioni estetiche).


Nürnberg, Friederich-Alexander Universität, “«New Ages, New Opinions». Shaftesbury in his World and Today” (The Aesthetic Mind. Stoic influences on Shaftesbury’s Thought).


Graz, Institut für Geschichte, 13th International Congress for Eighteenth Century Studies (The Advancement of Taste. Future Time in Aesthetics).

York [uk], University of York, “The Marginal and the Mainstream in the Eighteenth Century” (Marginal Aesthetic Theories in Eighteenth-Century England).


Roma, Università “La Sapienza”, International Seminar “Humean Readings 10”, Gruppo di Ricerca Nazionale sull’Illuminismo Britannico (The Humean Heritage in Eigtheenth-Century Aesthetics).


Anacapri, Villa Orlandi, “Britain and Italy in the Long Eighteenth Century. Literary and Art Theories”, British Society for Eighteenth Century Studies and Società Italiana di Studi sul Secolo XVIII (A Dialogue Between the Deaf and the Dumb. Aesthetic Theories in England and Italy during the Eighteenth Century).

Odense, DK, Odense University, “The Body Work”, International research project ACUME2 “Interfacing Science and Humanities” (The Body as an Aesthetic Paradigm. Form, Function, Idea).


Academic and Institutional Committments


Delegate for the University of Ferrara in the Members' Assembly of the AlmaLaurea Consortium for the three-year period 2022-2024.

Member of the CRUI national commission of Orientation Delegates.

Responsible for teaching tutoring activities for the three-year degree course in Philosophy and Contemporary Society (L-5).


University Delegate for activities relating to Incoming and Outcoming Orientation of the University of Ferrara.


Member of the University Tutoring Commission of the University of Ferrara.


Member of the postgraduate training offer evaluation commission for the three-year period 2017-2019 at the University of Ferrara.


Delegate of the Rector for the Reinforcement, Development and Innovation of the University of Ferrara's actions regarding Incoming Orientation.


Manager of the University of Ferrara programme within the "Internazionale" Festival.


Manager of the Academic Traineeship Activities within the Inter-University Master's Degree (Ferrara, Modena-Reggio Emilia, Parma) in Philosophy.


Operational Teacher and member of the Review Group of the Course of Study in Philosophical and Educational Sciences.


Head of International Tutoring for the Department of Humanities of the University of Ferrara.


Member of the Doctoral Research College in Humanities of the University of Ferrara.


Delegate for Orientation and Tutoring of the Department of Humanities of the University of Ferrara


Third Mission Activities and Public Engagement


Bologna, Complesso del Baraccano, Sala Biagi, Presentation of the volume: P. Gozza, Musica e sensibilità. L’estetica musicale nel Settecento.


Parma, Sala conferenze Stadio Tardini, Conference: Forma e azione. Estetica del gesto sportivo.

Ferrara, Teatro Verdi, Chairman: “La Ferrara internazionale di Aby Warburg: il ciclo dei mesi di Palazzo Schifanoia”.


Ferrara, Biblioteca Ariostea, Conference: La Dialettica dell’Illuminismo di Horkheimer e Adorno.


Ferrara, Biblioteca Ariostea, Conference: Disagio e Creatività.


Ferrara, Biblioteca Ariostea, Conference: Il labirinto come metafora.

Parma, Lions Club, Conference: La bellezza diffusa. Forme di estetizzazione della vita contemporanea.

Ferrara, Liceo classico “Ariosto”, Lectures on: Il senso della bellezza: una questione cruciale dell’estetica d’età moderna (NEVART project, “Neuroestetica della visione dell’arte”).


Ferrara, Biblioteca Ariostea, Presentation of the volume: F. Rossi, Il nuovo Caratteri e comunicazione visiva.

Ferrara, IIS “Luigi Einaudi”, Lectures: Come leggere il mondo contemporaneo delle immagini.

Ferrara, Galleria Cloister, Conference: Boldini e la moda, una questione (di) estetica.


Ferrara, IIS “Luigi Einaudi”, Lectures: L’estetica diffusa. Siamo osservatori informati della cultura visiva contemporanea?

Rovigo, Rotary Club, Conference: Il dilemma del critico. Secessioni e altre metafore.


Ferrara, Biblioteca Ariostea, Presentation of the volume: M. Bocchiola, Mai più come ti ho visto. Raccontare il mestiere di traduttore.


Firenze, International Studies Institute, Presentation of the volume: La Masque de l’écriture (Genève, Droz, 2015).


Ferrara, Biblioteca Ariostea, Conference: Finis Terrae: i margini del mondo. L’estetica del paesaggio in Michelangelo Antonioni.

Ferrara, Biblioteca Ariostea, Conference: Prendere posizione: il dovere del genio. Riflessioni su cultura e potere.


Lamezia Terme (CZ), Teatro Politeama, Presentation of the volume: R. Gaetano, La Calabria nel viaggio pittoresco del Saint-Non.

Ferrara, Fondazione Ermitage Italia, Presentation of the volumes: La storia dell’arte (Milano, Bruno Mondadori, 2010).


Soverato (CZ), Liceo scientifico “Guarasci”, Lecture: L’universo elegante. Arte e Scienza.


Ferrara, Ridotto del Teatro Comunale, Presentation of the volume: Il canone infranto. Chardin e l’estetica del Settecento.

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