Foto del docente

Andrea Formosi

PhD Student

Department of Industrial Engineering

Academic discipline: ING-IND/18 Nuclear Reactor Physics

Curriculum vitae

Graduated in Energy Engineering at the Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna with 110/110 cum Laude.

He currently holds the position of PhD Student in Mechanics and Advanced Engineering Sciences (DIMSAI), in the field of Nuclear Reactor Physics, at the Department of Industrial Engineering of the University of Bologna.

He is the Representative of the PhD Students of the Course of Mechanics and Advanced Engineering Sciences (DIMSAI).

Topic of the three-year research activity: calibration and validation of a pin fuel thermomechanics code.

He attended the Frédéric Joliot and Otto Hahn (FJOH) Summer School 2024, organized by CEA and KIT at Aix-en-Provence, on Nuclear Reactors Physics, Fuels, and Systems. Topic: Innovative approaches for Streamlining the Design, Deployment, and Operation of Near-term and Emerging Reactors.

He participated in the Global Symposium on Lead and Lead Alloy Cooled Nuclear Energy Science and Technology 2024 (GLANST 2024), organized by the GIF LFR provisional SSC and ENEA, supported by OECD/NEA, at the ENEA Research Center in Brasimone, Italy.

Since November 2024, he contributes to the Jules Horowitz Reactor project (Cadarache, CEA) with his studies on nuclear materials.

He actively attends seminars and conferences, including international ones.

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