Andrea Borghesi, Roberta Calegari, AI for Health Equity and Fairness, in: AI for Health Equity and Fairness, «STUDIES IN COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE», 2024, pp. 47 - 64 (atti di: THE 8th INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON HEALTH INTELLIGENCE, Vancouver, Canada, 27-27 Febbraio 2024) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]
Molan M.; Mohsen Seyedkazemi Ardebili; Khan J.A.; Beneventi F.; Cesarini D.; Borghesi A.; Bartolini A., GRAAFE: GRaph anomaly anticipation framework for exascale HPC systems, «FUTURE GENERATION COMPUTER SYSTEMS», 2024, 160, pp. 644 - 653 [articolo]
Farooq, Emmen; Milano, Michela; Borghesi, Andrea, Harnessing federated learning for anomaly detection in supercomputer nodes, «FUTURE GENERATION COMPUTER SYSTEMS», 2024, 161, pp. 673 - 685 [articolo]
De Filippo A.; Di Giacomo E.; Borghesi A., Machine learning approaches to predict the execution time of the meteorological simulation software COSMO, «JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS», 2024, x, pp. 1 - 25 [articolo]
Farooq, Emmen; Borghesi, Andrea, A Federated Learning Approach for Anomaly Detection in High Performance Computing, in: 2023 IEEE 35th International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI), New York, IEEE, 2023, pp. 496 - 500 (atti di: International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI), Atlanta, GA, USA, 06-08 November 2023) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]Open Access
Borghesi, Andrea; Burrello, Alessio; Bartolini, Andrea, ExaMon-X: a Predictive Maintenance Framework for Automatic Monitoring in Industrial IoT Systems, «IEEE INTERNET OF THINGS JOURNAL», 2023, 10, pp. 2995 - 3005 [articolo]Open Access
Molan M.; Ahmed Khan J.; Borghesi A.; Bartolini A., Graph Neural Networks for Anomaly Anticipation in HPC Systems, in: Companion of the 2023 ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering, 2023, pp. 239 - 244 (atti di: International Conference on Performance Engineering, Coimbra, Portugal, April 2023) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]
Molan M.; Borghesi A.; Benini L.; Bartolini A., Machine Learning Methodologies to Support HPC Systems Operations: Anomaly Detection, in: Euro-Par 2022: Parallel Processing Workshops. Euro-Par 2022, Cham, Springer, «LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE», 2023, 13835 LNCS, pp. 294 - 298 (atti di: Euro-Par 2022: Parallel Processing Workshops. Euro-Par 2022, Glasgow (Scotland), 22-26 Agosto 2022) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]Open Access
Molan, G; Dolinar, G; Bojkovski, J; Prodan, R; Borghesi, A; Molan, M, Model for Quantitative Estimation of Functionality Influence on the Final Value of a Software Product, «IEEE ACCESS», 2023, 11, Article number: 10286843, pp. 115599 - 115616 [articolo]Open Access
Giuliani, Luca; Ballerini, Francesco; De Filippo, Allegra; Borghesi, Andrea, MusiComb: a Sample-based Approach to Music Generation Through Constraints, in: 2023 IEEE 35th International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI), New York, IEEE, 2023, pp. 194 - 198 (atti di: 2023 IEEE 35th International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI), Atlanta, GA, USA, Novembre 2023) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]Open Access
Borghesi, Andrea; Di Santi, Carmine; Molan, Martin; Ardebili, Mohsen Seyedkazemi; Mauri, Alessio; Guarrasi, Massimiliano; Galetti, Daniela; Cestari, Mirko; Barchi, Francesco; Benini, Luca; Beneventi, Francesco; Bartolini, Andrea, M100 ExaData: a data collection campaign on the CINECA's Marconi100 Tier-0 supercomputer, «SCIENTIFIC DATA», 2023, 10, Article number: 288, pp. 1 - 10 [articolo]Open Access
Molan M.; Borghesi A.; Cesarini D.; Benini L.; Bartolini A., RUAD: Unsupervised anomaly detection in HPC systems, «FUTURE GENERATION COMPUTER SYSTEMS», 2023, 141, pp. 542 - 554 [articolo]
Ruolo editoriale nella collana «The 1st International Workshop on the Environmental Sustainability of High-Performance Software (SHiPS)»
Francobaldi M.; De Filippo A.; Borghesi A.; Pizurica N.; Jovancevi I.; Llewellynn T.; de Prado M., TinderAI: Support System for Matching AI Algorithms and Embedded Devices, in: The International FLAIRS Conference Proceedings, 2023, 36, pp. 1 - 5 (atti di: FLAIRS, Clearwater Beach, USA, 14 May 2023 through 17 May 2023) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]Open Access
Giuliani L.; De Filippo A.; Borghesi A., Towards Intelligent Music Production: A Sample-based Approach, in: CEUR Workshop Proceedings, CEUR-WS, «CEUR WORKSHOP PROCEEDINGS», 2023, 3519, pp. 50 - 59 (atti di: 2nd Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Creativity, CREAI 2023, ita, 2023) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]Open Access