Foto del docente

Anna Moeseneder Frajria

PhD Student

Department of History and Cultures

Academic discipline: M-STO/01 Medieval History

Curriculum vitae

PhD student in "Scienze Storiche e Archeologiche. Memoria, Civiltà e Patrimonio" 39th cycle at the University of Bologna. Her project is entitled L'aristocrazia bavara e le sue relazioni sociali, politiche e culturali tra Tassilone III e Carlo Magno: reti sociali, emozioni e valori nella Baviera di VIII e IX secolo and is financed by scholarship PNRR ex D.M. 118/2023 - Pubblica Amministrazione with the specific theme "Archivi e transizione digitale: l’apporto della medievistica".

Her research interests focus on Early Medieval Bavaria, History of Emotions, and the application of Social Network Analysis methodologies in historical research.


In 2017 she obtained a Bachelor’s Degree in "Historical and Philological-Literary Studies" at the University of Trento. In 2020 she obtained a master's degree in "Historical Sciences" at the University of Trento.

Other activities

In 2022 and 2023 she obtained the teaching qualification in c.c. A022 "Italian, history, geography, in lower secondary schools" and A011 "Literary subjects and Latin".

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