della Porta Donatella;Mattoni Alice; della Porta Donatella; Mattoni Alice, Patterns of diffusion and the transnational dimension of protest in the movements of the crisis : an introduction, in: Spreading Protest: Social Movements in Times of Crisis, GBR, ECPR Press, 2014, pp. 1 - 18 [Chapter or essay]
R. Werenskjold K. Fahlenbrach E. Sivertsen; Doerr Nicole; Mattoni Alice, Public Spaces and Alternative Media Practices in Europe: The Case of the EuroMayDayParade against Precarity, in: Media And Revolt: Strategies and Performances from the 1960s to the Present, New York, Berghahn Books, 2014, pp. 386 - 405 [Chapter or essay]
Della Porta, Donatella Alessandra; MATTONI, Alice, Spreading Protest. Social Movements in Times of Crisis, Colchester, ECPR Press, 2014, pp. 324 . [Editorship]
D. della Porta, Mattoni Alice, The Potentials of Grounded Theory in the Study of Social Movements, in: Methodological Practices in Social Movement Research, Malden, Oxford University Press, 2014, pp. 21 - 42 [Chapter or essay]
D. Chabanes F. Royall; Mattoni Alice; Vogiatzoglou Markos, "Today, We are Precarious. Tomorrow, We will be Unbeatable". Early Struggles of Precarious Workers in Italy and Greece, in: From Silence to Protest. International Perspectives on Weakly Resourced Groups, Farnham, England ; Burlington, VT, Ashgate, 2014, pp. 67 - 82 [Chapter or essay]
Mattoni Alice; Teune Simon, Visions of Protest. A Media-Historic Perspective on Images in Social Movements, «SOCIOLOGY COMPASS», 2014, 8, pp. 876 - 887 [Scientific article]
Doerr Nicole; Mattoni Alice; Teune Simon, Advances in the Visual Analysis of Social Movements, Bingley, Emerald Publishing, 2013, pp. 212 . [Editorship]
Mattoni Alice, Beyond Celebration: Toward a More Nuanced Assessment of Facebook’s Role in Occupy Wall Street, «CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY», 2013, Hot Spots, Cultural Anthropology website, pp. 0 - 0 [Comment or similar]
Mascheroni Giovanna; Mattoni Alice, Electoral Campaigning 2.0 – The Case of Italian Regional Elections, «JOURNAL OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY & POLITICS», 2013, 10, pp. 223 - 240 [Scientific article]
E. Ciconte F. Forgione, Alice Mattoni, I movimenti antimafie in Italia, in: Atlante delle Mafie, Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2013, pp. 335 - 350 [Chapter or essay]
Bart Cammaerts; Alice Mattoni; Patrick McCurdy, Introduction: Mediation and Protest Movements., in: Mediation and Protest Movement, Bristol, Intellect Books, 2013, pp. 1 - 20 [Chapter or essay]
D. A. Snow D. della Porta B. Klandermans D. McAdam, Alice Mattoni, Journalism and Social Movements, in: The Wiley-Blackwell encyclopedia of social and political movements, Malden, MA, John Wiley and Sons, 2013, pp. 0 - 1 [Dictionary or encyclopedia entry]
D. A. Snow D. della Porta B. Klandermans D. McAdam, Alice Mattoni, Media Activism, in: The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social and Political Movements, Malden, MA, John Wiley and Sons, 2013, pp. 0 - 1 [Dictionary or encyclopedia entry]
Cammaerts B; Mattoni A; McCurdy P, Mediation and Protest Movements, GBR, Intellect, 2013, pp. 196 . [Editorship]
A. Delwiche J. Henderson; della Porta Donatella; Mattoni Alice, Participatory Cultures in Social Movements, in: The Routledge Handbook of Participatory Cultures, London, Routledge, 2013, pp. 170 - 181 [Chapter or essay]