Foto del docente

Alessandro Spadari

Full Professor

Department of Veterinary Medical Sciences

Academic discipline: MVET-05/A Clinical Veterinary Surgery

Curriculum vitae


CURRICULUM VITAE                    Alessandro Spadari

POSITION  Associate Professor

DATE AND PLACE OF BIRTH Bologna (Italy) Nov. 2nd 1962


TELEPHONE  +39-(51)-2097536


ADDRESS  Via Tolara di Sopra 50 - 40064 Ozzano Emilia (BO) ITALY


Education (Dates Institution Degree)

2006  feb. 15th -17th  AO Obersdorf (Switzerland)  European Equine Principles Course in AO/ASIF Techniques

2003 apr. 15th – may 4th University of Ghent (Belgium) Imaging diagnostic dept. Visiting Professor for a Socrates – Erasmus Project

2000 feb. 7th -18th University of Utrecht (The Nederlands) Large Animal Surgery Visiting Professor for a Socrates – Erasmus Project

1993 oct. – 1994 jun. University of Bologna – Faculty of Medicine and Surgery Diploma at Perfecting Course in “Biomaterial in prosthetic surgery”

oct.1981-  mar.1988 University of Bologna – Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Graduation for DVM

july 1981 State Classic Liceum “M. Minghetti” Bologna Classic Diploma



Licence to practice obtained in Italy with the State Examination at the Univeristy of Bologna in may 1988.

Member of the local professional chamber (Ordine dei Medici Veterinari di Bologna - Italy)  since may 16th 1988.

Institutions attended and positions obtained ( Dates Institution Degree)

from november 1st 1998 University of Bologna – Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Associate Professor

2003-2007 University Magna Graecia of Catanzaro – Faculty of Medicine and Surgery (course in Veterinary Medicine) Professor on Contract

1997-1999 University of  Padova – Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Professor on Contract

1994-1996 University of Teramo – Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Professor on Contract

January 1st 1992 – November 1st 1998 University of Bologna – Faculty of Veterinary Medicine University Researcher

october 4th 1988 – january 3rd 1990 Italian army – Veterinary group - Tenent




Dates (Academic Years) Degree Topic

1997-98 / today Degree in Veterinary Medicine - University of Bologna General surgery and surgical techniques (3 ECTS credits)

8-10/05/2007 Degree in Veterinary Medicine - University of Belgrade Invited Professor for topics on General Surgery (15  hours)

2007-2008 Degree in Veterinary Medicine - University of Bologna Biomechanics and podiatry  (3  ECTS credits)

2005-2006 / 2006 - 2007 Degree in Veterinary Medicine - University of Bologna Rotation on advanced surgical techniques (1  ECTS credit)

2002-2003 / 2006 - 2007 Degree in Science and technology of Animal Productions – University “Magna Graecia” Catanzaro Podiatry  (1  ECTS credit)

2004-2005 Degree in Veterinary Medicine - University of Bologna Complementary course in: “ Equine medicine and surgery” (1  ECTS credit)

2004-2005 Degree in Veterinary Medicine - University of Bologna Complementary course in: “Diagnostic and surgical endoscopy” (1  ECTS credit)

1999-2000 Degree in Veterinary Medicine - University of Bologna Course  “General surgery and surgical techniques” (1  ECTS credit) , inside the integrated courses: “Orthopaedics and clinical traumatology of the Horse” and “Surgical techniques of small animal”

1997-98 / today Degree in Veterinary Medicine - University of Bologna General surgery and surgical techniques (3  ECTS credits)

1998-99 / 1998-99 Degree in Veterinary Medicine - University of Bologna Veterinary Surgical Clinic (50 hours)

1997-98 / 1998-99 Degree in Veterinary Medicine - University of Padova General surgery and surgical techniques (50 hours)

1994-95 / 1995-96 Degree in Veterinary Medicine - University of Teramo General surgery and surgical techniques (50 hours)

1994-95 / 1997-98 Degree in Veterinary Medicine - University of Bologna General surgery and surgical techniques (50 hours)




Dates  or Academic Years Degree or title Topic

2004-2005 / 2006-2007 Specialization Course for Postgraduated: Pathology and Clinics in pet animals University of Bologna General surgery and surgical techniques

21-23/05/2003, 13-15/05/2004, 10-12/11/2005, 9-11/10/2006 I-IV Course in  rigid endoscopy in the dog - Direction; Topics: “Principles of videosurgery”,

Practical teaching

20-21/07/2003, 7-8/10/2005, 20-21/10/2006, 19-20/10/2007, 21-22/11/2008  I-V Course in  diagnostic and therapeutic flexible endoscopy in companion animal. Direction; Topics: “Surgical manoeuvres guided by flexible endoscopy “ “Rinoscopy” Practical teaching

10-12/05/2004, 25-27/11/2004, 18-19/03/2005, 20-21/03/2006, 6-7/03/2008 Course in “Urologic laparoscopic surgery” - University of Bologna Topic: “Laparoscopic anatomy of the pig” Practical teaching

20-22/11/2000, 8-10/10/2001, 11-13/11/2002, 24-26/11/2003, 22-24/11/2004 Course in “Paediatric laparoscopic surgery” - University of Bologna Topic: ”Laparoscopic and thoracoscopic anatomy of the pig”



Member of :

S.I.D.I. (Società Italiana di Ippologia) (Italian Society of Equine Practioners)

S.I.C.V. (Società Italiana di Chirurgia Veterinaria) (Italian Society of Veterinary Surgery)

S.I.S.Vet. (Società Italiana delle Scienze Veterinarie) (Italian Society of Veterinary Sciences)

S.I.B. (Società Italiana di Buiatria) (Italian Society for Buiatrics)


Scholarships, Felloships, Academic Honors

2000- today Member for the Research Doctorate Committee “Clinica e terapia d'urgenza” (Emergency care in Veterinary Medicine) Tutor

1999-2000, 2002-2003, 2006-2007 School of Specialization in Pathology and Clinics of pet animal - University of Bologna Teaching: “Surgical semeiotics” "General surgery"

Professional interest

Surgery in horses with particular attention to orthopaedics.

Videosurgery in both large and small animals (rhinoscopy, arthroscopy, laparoscopy, thoracoscopy, tenoscopy)


Significant extramural committees, consultantships, editorship, etc


2001 - 2005 Member of the Scientific Committee of the research consortium: “Bioricerche 2000” (with Cardarelli Hospital of Napoli, Zooprofilactic Institute of Brescia, Society Biotest S.r.l. of Trezzano - Milan)

2005 Translation of L. Rose “ Equine practice” Delfino ed.2005 - Roma (in press)

2003 Co-worker for the Italian Translation of “ The Merk veterinary manual” 8th edition Giraldi editore, 2002 - S. Lazzaro Savena (Bologna).

2002 Translation of L. Brunnberg “Lameness in dog” – La diagnosi di zoppicatura nel cane. Giraldi editore, 2002 - S. Lazzaro Savena (Bologna).

2001 Translation of M. J. Bojrab “Disease mechanism in small animal surgery” (co-editor with Lamagna F., Fatone G., Modenato M.) Giraldi editore, 2001 - S. Lazzaro Savena (Bologna).

2000 Videocassette “Perineal urethrostomy in the cat” Cristiano Giraldi editore, 2000 - S. Lazzaro Savena (Bologna).

1998 Author of “Suggerimenti per l'esame di clinica chirurgica veterinaria” Giraldi editore, 1998 - S. Lazzaro Savena (Bologna).

1996 Author of “Appunti di Medicina Operatoria Veterinaria” Esculapio, 1996 - Bologna. 3 editions

Significant intramural commitees



2007 Responsible for the Clinical Dept. of the Faculty of the S.A.R.G.A. (Servizio Accettazione e Ricovero Grossi Animali) (Service for Acceptance and Recovery for Large Animal)

2004-2005 Member of the Self Evaluation Report (SER) Committee for the EAEVE evaluation of the Faculty

2001 - today Contact person with the Royal Office of H.R.H. the Princess Haya of Jordan for the Scholarship named after “King Hussein's Memory”

2004-2007 Contact person for the University of Bologna for Tempus Project JEP 2003-18031

2004 Member of Faculty Commission for EAEVE report

1999/2001/2003/2005 Member of Examination commission for Professional Licence

2000 - today Member of the Research Doctorate Committee “Clinica e terapia d'urgenza” (Emergency care in Veterinary Medicine)

1999 - today Member of the Teaching Committee of School of Specialization in Pathology and Clinics of pet animal - University of Bologna

2000 - 2004 Member of the Foreign Affair Commission of Faculty

2000 Coordinator in the realization of the introductive CD of the Veterinary Medicine Faculty – University of Bologna

1998 - 2003 Responsible of research projects for Scientific Committee - University of Bologna


Major research

2005-2008 Manager for the execution of the Project " Isolamento e caratterizzazione di cellule mesenchimali di cavallo da midollo osseo e tessuto adiposo: possibile utilizzo di un modello di lesioni tendinee" (Isolation and characterization of horse stem cell from bone marrow and fat tissue: a new experimental model of tendon lesion) Financed from Ministry of University 40.000 €

2005-2006 Manager of the research project “Valutazione degli effetti condrotrofici, antinfiammatori ed antidegenerativi dello stanozololo nella terapia di artropatie degenerative sperimentalmente indotte nella specie ovina” (Evaluation of chondrotrophic, anti-inflammatory and anti-degenerative effects of stanozolol on experimental induced DJD in the sheep) Financed by Emilia-Romagna Region = € 200.000,00

1/10/2001- 30/09/2005 Manager of the3rd activity (liver explantation) inside the research project “Realizzazione di un bioreattore (Biotest – Bio Artificial Liver) con epatociti di maiale Specific Pathogen Free per il supporto metabolico nell'insufficienza epatica acuta (Realization of a Bioreactor (BAL) with SPF piglet hepatocites  for the support in acute hepatic failure) Financed by University and Research Ministry  € 6.000.000,00.

2004 Manager of the research project “Toracoscopia e laparoscopia nel cavallo” (Thoracoscopy and laparoscopy in horses) Committee Nr. 07 (veterinary sciences), Bologna University  € 1.813,00

2000 - 2004 Studies on laparoscopic learning curve (with Surgical and Anaesthesiological Dept. of the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the Bologna University) €47.000,00

2002 - 2003 Staff member in the research project: “Nuove acquisizioni sulla paresi spastica nella razza romagnola” (New acquisitions on spastic paresis in local breed cattle) Financed by Emilia Romagna Region  € 248.000,00

2002 Manager of the research project: “Valutazione dell'andamento cinetico della ketamina e del diazepam e relativi metaboliti nel plasma e nelle urine dopo somministrazione endovenosa nel cane, alle dosi e con le modalità normalmente utilizzate in anestesia” (Kinetics of ketamine and diazepam and their metabolites on blood and urine after e.v. administration in the dog)

2001 - 2003 Manager of the research project “La videochirurgia del cane e del cavallo” (Videosurgery in dogs and horses) Committee Nr. 07 (veterinary sciences), Bologna University  € 11.187,00

2001 Manager and staff member of the research project: “Prove di protocolli sperimentali di anestesia generale nel cavallo” (Experimental anaesthetic protocols in horses)

2001 Manager and staff member of the research project: “Studi su aspetti morfologici microscopici e biochimici dell'osteoartrite del cavallo” (Studies on microscopic and biochemical findings of osteoarthritis in horses)

2000 - 2002 Staff member in the research project: “Studio sulle procedure spedizione organi di suini SPF e organi di suini SPF in situazioni ordinarie e di emergenza che prevedono l'utilizzo di bioreattori epatici”. (Study on SPF swine organ transport in ordinary and emergency situations for hepatic bioreactor employment) Financed by Health Ministry  €40.000,00.

2000 Responsible for the financiament of an L.A.anaesthetic and monitoring device Committee Nr. 07 (veterinary sciences), Bologna University  € 30.987,00

1998 - 2000 Manager of the project “La videochirurgia nel cavallo” (Videosurgery in horses) Committee Nr. 07 (veterinary sciences), Bologna University  € 26.325,00

1996 - 1997 Staff member in the research project: “Le lesioni oculari come marker di virosi nel bovino” (Ocular lesions as viral markers in cattle) Committee Nr. 07 (veterinary sciences), Bologna University  € 28.637,00