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Alessandro Pollini

Fixed-term Assistant Professor working in a different University

Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna


Opromolla A., Volpi V., Pollini A., Verioli A., Mesenzani M., Medaglia C.M., (2017) Citizen involvement in public services design. The SPAC3 case study. To appear in the International Journal of Public Administration in the Digital Age (IJPADA)

Galatioto, F., Salvadori, C., Petracca, M., Pollini, A., Herrero, J., Santofimia, M. (2017) Smart cyber systems incorporating human-in-the-loop towards ergonomic and sustainable transport systems. Accettato alla Transport Infrastructure and Systems 2017 Congress and for publication in the TIS Congress Proceedings.

Shim, W., de Gramatica, M., Tedeschi, A., Pollini, A. (2015) Beliefs on quality and value of security measures in air transport. Submitted to Price of Security: Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Interplay between Security, Economy and Society. Barbara Budrich Publishers, Leverkusen, Germany, ISBN 978-2-8474-0684-6

Giusti, L., Pollini, A., L., Casalegno, F., (2015) Rethinking Education for Sustainability: A Mobile Learning Approach. In Emerging Perspectives on the Design, Use, and Evaluation of Mobile and Handheld Devices. Edited by Joanna Lumsden, IGI Publishing.

Cano, J., Pollini, A., Falciani L., Thuran, U. (2015) Modeling Security Threats in the Airport domain through Adversarial Risk Analysis. Journal of Risk Research, 2015. DOI: 10.1080/13669877.2015.1057201

Pollini, A., Tedeschi, A., Falciani, L. (2014) Airports as critical transportation infrastructures increasingly impacted by cyberattacks: a case study. Submitted to Springer CSP forum Post proceedings “Cyber Security and Privacy”, n. 4. DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-12574-9_4

Pollini, A., Tedeschi, A., (2014) Socio-economics meets security for enhancing Airport protection. Cyber Security and Privacy Forum CSP Forum Conference 2014, Athens

Pollini, A., Tedeschi, A., Falciani, L. (2014) Airports as critical transportation infrastructures increasingly impacted by cyberattacks: a case study. Cyber Security and Privacy Forum CSP Forum Conference 2014, Athens

Thuran, U., Tedeschi, A., Pollini, A., (2014) Modeling Security Threats in the Airport domain through Adversarial Risk Analysis. 23rd Society for Risk Analysis SRA-Europe Conference 2014, Istanbul, June 16-18

Shim, W., Massacci, F., M., Tedeschi, A., Pollini, A. (2013) A Relative Cost-Benefit Approach for Evaluating Alternative Airport Security Policies. Paper at SecATM 2014

Pollini, A. (2013) Supporting intense physical interaction in technology-enhanced therapeutic play. Special Issue on: "Whole Body Interaction: Applications, Case Studies, Evaluations and Critical Theory", International Journal of Art and Technology, 2013 Vol.6, No.4, pp.320 – 338. DOI: 10.1504/IJART.2013.058282

Shim, W., Massacci, F., M., Tedeschi, A., Pollini, A. (2013) A Relative Cost-Benefit Approach for Evaluating Alternative Airport Security Policies. Poster presented at SESAR Innovation Days 2013

Pollini, A., (2013) Modeling water therapy for children with cognitive impairments. In Merrick, J., Aspler, S., and Morad, M., (Ed.) Disability and Chronic Disease. Nova Publishers, New York 2013

Pollini, A., Tedeschi, A., Cano, J., (2013) Modeling an Emerging Terrorist Threat against Airport Security Scenario. EUROInform Conference, Rome, July 2013

Shim, W., Massacci, F., de Gramatica, M., Tedeschi, A., Pollini, A. (2013) Evaluation of Airport Security Training Programs: Perspectives and Issues. SecATM 2013

Giusti, L., Pollini, A., Brunnberg, L., Casalegno, F., (2012) En Plein Air: a mobile learning approach for sustainability education in the wild. Journal of Mobile HCI. Volume 4, Issue 2. 2012. 15 pages.

Pollini, A., Giusti, L., Napoletano, L. (2011) Emerging Informal Learning 2.0 Practices: a preliminary exploration. CHI Italy 11, Alghero, 13-16 Settembre 2011

Giusti, L., Pollini, A., Casalegno, F., (2011) En Plein Air: A mobile learning environment for discovering biodiversity in the wild. Exploring Design Methods for Mobile Learning Workshop at MobileHCI 2011, The 13th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services, Stockholm, 30 August- 1 September 2011 - Best paper for the 2011 Exploring Design Methods for Mobile Learning workshop at MobileHCI'2011.

Deimann, M., Van D’Orp, K.J., Pollini, A. (2011) The Pervading Notion of OER as a Networked Concept to Facilitate Cooperation and Team-Based Development. EDULEARN11, The 3rd annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, Barcelona, 4-5-6 July, 2011.

Paciello, M., Pollini, A., Del Carlo R., Cersosimo, M., (2011) Investigating personality traits of Facebook users: the case of Italian young people. The 12th European Congress of Psychology, Istanbul, Turkey from July 4-8, 2011.

Cimino, S., Paciello, M., Cersosimo, M., Pollini, A., (2010) The Psychological Counseling Center at the International Telematic University Uninettuno: a preliminary study. World Conference on Psychology, Counselling and Guidance 2010, April 21 -25 2010, Antalya, Turkey

Cimino C., Paciello, M., Cersosimo, M., Pollini, A. (2010) Psychological Profile of Students Attending Counseling Services at Distance Teaching University. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences Journal

Marti P., Pollini A., (2010) Spazi di Gioco e Spazi di Cura: il Ruolo delle Tecnologie Interattive nel Trattamento delle Disabilità Motorie e Cognitive, In Besio, S., a cura di, "Gioco e giocattoli per la disabilità motoria", UNICOPLI, Milano

Pollini, A., (2010) Understanding Water Therapy. Designing interactive technologies for children with special needs. International Journal of Child and Adolescence Health, 2010, 3(1).

Marti, P., Giusti, L., Pollini, A., (2009) Exploring play styles with a robot companion. 18th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN2009) Toyama, Japan, Sep. 27 - Oct. 2, 2009.

Marti, P., Giusti, L., Pollini, A., Rullo, A. (2009) Expressiveness in human-robot interaction. Proceedings of the CHItaly conference, June 17-19 2009, Rome, Italy. Published on IxD&A - Interaction Design & Architecture(s), "Design for the Future Experience" N. 5&6, 2009, pp93-98, ISSN 1826-9745, ISBN 978-88-88044-14-9 In: IxD&A - Interaction Design & Architecture(s), Design for the Future Experience, vol. 5/6 pp. 23 - 30. Special issue: Computer Human Interaction Italy 2009 - CHItaly'09 (Roma, 17-19 June 2009). ACM SIGCHI Italy (ed.). IxD&A, 2009.

Marti, P., Moderini, C., Giusti, L., Pollini, A., (2009) A Robotic Toy for Children with special needs: From requirements to Design. Proceedings of ICORR 2009. IEEE International Conference on
Rehabilitation Robotics, 2009. 23-26 June 2009 Page(s):918 - 923

Pollini A., (2009) A Theoretical Perspective on Social Agency, Journal of AI & Society: Volume 24, Issue 2, Pages 165 - 171

Pollini A., (2008) Users’ Practices and Software Qualities: a Dialectical Stance, International Workshop on the Interplay between Usability Evaluation and Software Development (I-USED 2008), Pisa, Italy, September 24th, 2008.

Pollini A., (2007) Why agency might contribute to social intelligence design, The International Workshop on Social Intelligence Design, SID 2007, July 2-4, 2007, Trento, Italy.

Grönvall E., Piccini L., Pollini A., Rullo A., Andreoni G., (2007) Assemblies of heterogeneous technologies at the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit , Proceedings of the European Conference on Ambient Intelligence (AmI 2007), November 7-10 2007, Darmstadt, Germany.

Marti P., Grönvall E., Pollini A., Rullo A., (2007) Supporting inspection strategies through palpable assemblies. Designing for Palpability, Workshop at Pervasive 2007, May 13-17 2007, Toronto, Canada.

Marti P., Grönvall E., Pollini A., Rullo A., (2007) Supporting inspection strategies through palpable assemblies. International workshop on Ethnographies of Diagnostic Work, 17-18 April, 2007, Lancaster, UK

Pollini A., Grönvall E., Marti P., Rullo A., (2006) Constructing assemblies in the health care domain: two case studies, Proceedings of Guide Mobili Virtuali 06, Virtuality 2006, October 18 2006, Torino, Italy.

Grönvall, E., Pollini A., Rullo A., Svensson, D., (2006) Designing game logics in dynamic Active Surfaces, MUIA06 at MobileChi 2006, September 12 2006, Espoo, Finland.

Pollini A., Grönvall E., (2006) Constructing assemblies for purposeful interactions, MIRW 2006, , 12 September 2006, Espoo, Finland.

Pollini A., (2006) Robots come object-to-develop-with. Studio esplorativo sull’impiego di artefatti robotici nella pratica psicomotoria, in Tecnologie Didattiche, n°.38 Settembre 2006, ITD-CNR, Genova, Italy.

Rullo A., Marti P., Grönvall E., Pollini A., (2006) End-user composition and re-use of technologies in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, in Proceedings of Pervasive Health Conference 2006, 1st International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare. November 29 – December 1st, 2006. Innsbruck, Austria.

Grönvall, E., Marti, P., Pollini, A., Rullo, A., (2006) Active Surfaces: a novel concept for end-user composition, in G. Ghosh, D. Svanæs, “Changing Roles”. Proceedings of NorCHI 2006, the Fourth Nordic Conference on Human Computer Interaction. October 16-18, 2006, Oslo, Norway.

Grönvall, E., Marti, P., Pollini, A., Rullo, A., Bertelsen, O. W., (2005) Palpable Time for Heterogeneous Care Communities, proceedings of Critical Computing: Between Sense and Sensibility, The Fourth Decennial Aarhus Conference, 21-25 August 2005, Aarhus, Denmark.

Marti, P., Giusti, L., Pollini, A. , Rullo, A., (2005) Experiencing the flow: design issues in human-robot interaction, In: Bailly, G., Crowley J.L., and Privat G., Proceedings of SoC-EUSAI 2005, Joint conference on Smart Objects & Ambient Intelligence. October 12-14 2005, Grenoble, France.

Marti, P., Pollini, A., Rullo, A., Shibata, T., (2005) Engaging with artificial pets, Proceedings of The annual conference of the European association of cognitive ergonomics, September 28- October 1 2005, Creta, Greece.

Marti, P., Palma, V., Pollini, A., Rullo, A., Shibata, T., (2005) My gym robot, Proceedings of AISB 05 International Symposium on Robot Companions: hard problems and open challenges in human robot interaction, April 2005, Hatfield, UK.

D’ambrosio, M., Miglino, O., Mirabile C., Pollini, A., (2003) La robotica come sussidio nella riabilitazione, Sessione poster, Congresso Nazionale dell’Associazione Italiana di Psicologia, 22 - 25 Settembre 2003, Bari, Italy.

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