Foto del docente

Alessandro Guzzini

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

Department of Industrial Engineering

Academic discipline: IIND-05/A Industrial Mechanical Plants


Campion, Nicolas; Montanari, Giulia; Guzzini, Alessandro; Visser, Lennard; Alcayde, Alfredo, Green hydrogen techno-economic assessments from simulated and measured solar photovoltaic power profiles, «RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS», 2025, 209, Article number: 115044 , pp. 1 - 17 [Scientific article]

Pellegrini M.; Saccani C.; Guzzini A., Environmental Life Cycle Assessment of Innovative Ejectors Plant Technology for Sediment By-Pass in Harbours and Ports, «SUSTAINABILITY», 2024, 16, Article number: 7809 , pp. 1 - 28 [Scientific article]

Guzzini, A.; Pellegrini, M.; Saccani, C.; Bondesan, M., Experimental measurements of the new gas smart meters' current discharges to suggest improvement solutions for power supply battery life extension, «IFAC PAPERSONLINE», 2024, 58, pp. 270 - 275 [Scientific article]

Pellegrini M., Guzzini A., Saccani C., Lodi B., Rosati J., Tocco D., Green hydrogen application in the hard-to-abate industry: a feasibility study, in: Proceedings of the 14th European Conference on Industrial Furnaces and Boilers (INFUB-14), 2024, pp. 1 - 12 (atti di: 14th European Conference on Industrial Furnaces and Boilers (INFUB-14), Algarve, 2-5 Aprile 2024) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Pellegrini M., Guzzini A., Saccani C., High-temperature Heat Pump Application in the Ceramic Sector: a Case Study, in: Proceedings 12th International Conference On Sustainable Development ICSD 2024, Rome, Italy, Book of Abstracts, Rome, European Center of Sustainable Development, 2024, pp. 80 - 81 (atti di: 12th International Conference On Sustainable Development (ICSD), Roma, 11-12 settembre 2024) [Abstract]

Gislon P.; Cerone N.; Cigolotti V.; Guzzini A.; Pellegrini M.; Saccani C.; Robino M.; Carrubba T.; Cigni A.; Enescu D.; Fernicola V.; Dudek A.; Gajec M.; Kułaga P.; Maury R.; Ben Rayana F., Hydrogen blending effect on fiscal and metrological instrumentation: A review, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY», 2024, 67, pp. 1295 - 1307 [Scientific article]Open Access

Guzzini A., Pellegrini M., Saccani C., Dudek A., Gajec M., Krol A., Kulaga P., Gislon P., Cigolotti V., Robino M., Enescu D., Fernicola V.C., Smorgon D., Maury R., Gaiardo A., Valt M., Polak D., Bissig H.,, Hydrogen in natural gas grids: prospects and recommendations about gas flow meters, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY», 2024, 86, pp. 343 - 362 [Scientific article]Open Access

Munster M.; Bramstoft R.; Kountouris I.; Langer L.; Keles D.; Schlautmann R.; Mors F.; Saccani C.; Guzzini A.; Pellegrini M.; Zauner A.; Bohm H.; Markova D.; You S.; Pumpa M.; Fischer F.; Sergi F.; Brunaccini G.; Aloisio D.; Ferraro M.; Mulder M.; Rasmusson H., Perspectives on green hydrogen in Europe—during an energy crisis and towards future climate neutrality, «OXFORD OPEN ENERGY», 2024, 3, pp. 1 - 10 [Comment or similar]

Gutmann T.; Nyffenegger F.; Pellegrini M.; Cabrucci A.; Guzzini A., A Digital Twin-Based Approach for the Optimization of Floor-Ball Manufacturing, «ELECTRONICS», 2023, 12, Article number: 4979 , pp. 1 - 17 [Scientific article]Open Access

Guzzini A.; Brunaccini G.; Aloisio D.; Pellegrini M.; Saccani C.; Sergi F., A New Geographic Information System (GIS) Tool for Hydrogen Value Chain Planning Optimization: Application to Italian Highways, «SUSTAINABILITY», 2023, 15, Article number: 2080 , pp. 1 - 23 [Scientific article]Open Access

Saccani C., Pellegrini M., Guzzini A., Analysis of SARS-CoV-2 indirect spreading routes and possible countermeasures, in: Current Topics in SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 - Two Years After, London, IntechOpen Limited, 2023, pp. 1 - 18 [Chapter or essay]

C. Saccani, A. Guzzini, G. Brunaccini, D. Aloisio, M. Ferraro, M. Pellegrini, F. Sergi, Caso studio italiano: Valutazione del potenziale “Green Hydrogen” da Power-to-gas, in: AMS Acta, Bologna, CIB. Università degli Studi, Bologna. Alma Mater Studiorum, 2023, pp. 1 - 35 (AMS ACTA) [Chapter or essay]

Guzzini A., Pellegrini M., Saccani C., Challenges and barriers in the measurement of natural gas and hydrogen mixtures, in: Abstract Book of the 5th International Conference and Exhibition for Science 2023 (ICES2023), 2023, pp. 71 - 71 (atti di: 5th International Conference and Exhibition for Science 2023 (ICES2023), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 06/02/2023) [Abstract]

Aghakhani A.; Haque N.; Saccani C.; Pellegrini M.; Guzzini A., Direct carbon footprint of hydrogen generation via PEM and alkaline electrolysers using various electrical energy sources and considering cell characteristics, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY», 2023, 48, pp. 30170 - 30190 [Scientific article]Open Access

Pellegrini M., Guzzini A., Saccani C.,, Environmental life cycle assessment of the innovative ejectors plant technology for sediment management in harbours, in: Book of Abstracts - 13th International SedNet Conference, 2023, pp. 99 - 99 (atti di: 13th International SedNet Conference - Sediment continuum: applying an integrated management approach, Lisbon, 6 September 2023) [Abstract]

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