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Alessandro Granito

Associate Professor

Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences

Academic discipline: MED/09 Internal Medicine


Muratori P; Granito A; Pappas G; Muratori L; Quarneti C; De Molo C; Cipriano V; Vukotic R; Andreone P; Lenzi M; Bianchi FB., Clinical and serological profile of primary biliary cirrhosis in men., «QJM-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICINE», 2007, 100, pp. 534 - 535 [Comment or similar]

Volta U; Parisi C; Fiorini E; Piscaglia M; Granito A., Coeliac disease: rational approach to the diagnosis., «THE ITALIAN JOURNAL OF MEDICINE», 2007, 1, pp. 60 - 66 [Scientific article]

A. Granito; G. Pappas; P. Muratori; L. Muratori; S. Ferri; C. Quarneti; C. De Molo; V. Cipriano; F. Cassani; J. Worthington; R.W. Chapman; F.B. Bianchi., DETECTION OF MND AND RL/M ANTI-NUCLEAR ANTIBODIES PATTERNS: A RELIABLE DIAGNOSTIC TOOL IN ANTI-MITOCHONDRIAL ANTIBODIES NEGATIVE PRIMARY BILIARY CIRRHOSIS., in: 46, «JOURNAL OF HEPATOLOGY», 2007, pp. S251 - S252 (atti di: 42th Annual Meeting of the European-Association-for-the-Study-of-the-Liver, Barcelona, SPAIN, APR 11-15, 2007) [Poster]

Muratori P; Czaja AJ; Muratori L; Granito A; Guidi M; Ferri S; Volta U; Mantovani W; Pappas G; Cassani F; Lenzi M; Bianchi FB., Evidence of a genetic basis for the different geographic occurrences of liver/kidney microsomal antibody type 1 in hepatitis C., «DIGESTIVE DISEASES AND SCIENCES», 2007, 52, pp. 179 - 184 [Scientific article]

Bianchi FB; Muratori P; Granito A; Pappas G; Ferri S; Muratori L, Hepatitis C and autoreactivity., «DIGESTIVE AND LIVER DISEASE», 2007, 39 (suppl 1), pp. 22 - 24 [Scientific article]

Cervio E; Volta U; Verri M; Boschi F; Pastoris O; Granito A; Barbara G; Parisi C; Felicani C; Tonini M; De Giorgio R., Sera of patients with celiac disease and neurologic disorders evoke a mitochondrial-dependent apoptosis in vitro., «GASTROENTEROLOGY», 2007, 133, pp. 195 - 206 [Scientific article]

Granito A; Muratori L; Muratori P; Pappas G; Cassani F; Lenzi M; Bianchi FB, Specific antinuclear reactivities in primary biliary cirrhosis, in: Research Advances in Pathology, KERALA, Global Research Network, 2007, pp. 88 - 95 [Chapter or essay]

Volta U; Granito A; Fiorini E; Parisi C; Piscaglia M; Pappas G; Muratori P; Bianchi FB., Usefulness of Antibodies to Deamidated Gliadin Peptides in Celiac Disease Diagnosis and Follow-up., «DIGESTIVE DISEASES AND SCIENCES», 2007, 53, pp. 1582 - 1588 [Scientific article]

Granito A; Muratori L; Muratori P; Pappas G; Guidi M; Cassani F; Volta U; Ferri A; Lenzi M; Bianchi FB., Antibodies to filamentous actin (F-actin) in type 1 autoimmune hepatitis., «JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PATHOLOGY», 2006, 59, pp. 280 - 284 [Scientific article]

Volta U.; De Giorgio R.; Granito A.; Stanghellini V.; Barbara G.; Avoni P.; Liguori R.; Petrolini N.; Fiorini E.; Montagna P.; Corinaldesi R.; Bianchi F.B., Anti-ganglioside antibodies in coeliac disease with neurological disorders., «DIGESTIVE AND LIVER DISEASE», 2006, 38, pp. 183 - 187 [Scientific article]

Granito A; Muratori P; Muratori L; Pappas G; Cassani F; Worthington J; Guidi M; Ferri S; De Molo C; Lenzi M; Chapman RW; Bianchi FB., Anti-nuclear antibodies giving the “multiple nuclear dots” (MND) or the “rim-like/membranous” (RL/M) patterns: diagnostic accuracy for primary biliary cirrhosis., «ALIMENTARY PHARMACOLOGY & THERAPEUTICS», 2006, 24, pp. 1575 - 1583 [Scientific article]

Granito A; Muratori L; Muratori P; Guidi M; Lenzi M; Bianchi FB; Volta U., Anti-saccharomyces cerevisiae antibodies (ASCA) in coeliac disease., «GUT», 2006, 55, pp. 296 - 296 [Abstract]

Volta U; De Angelis GL; Granito A; Petrolini N; Fiorini E; Guidi M; Muratori P; Bianchi FB., Autoimmune enteropathy and rheumatoid arthritis: A new association in the field of autoimmunity., «DIGESTIVE AND LIVER DISEASE», 2006, 38, pp. 926 - 929 [Scientific article]

Muratori P; Sutherland SE; Muratori L; Granito A; Guidi M; Pappas G; Lenzi ; Bianchi FB; Pandey JP., Immunoglobulin GM and KM allotypes and prevalence of anti-LKM1 autoantibodies in patients with hepatitis C virus infection., «JOURNAL OF VIROLOGY», 2006, 80, pp. 5097 - 5099 [Scientific article]

Guidi M; Muratori P; Granito A; Muratori L; Lenzi M; Bianchi FB., Steatosis in chronic hepatitis C., «GUT», 2006, 55, pp. 1047 - 1048 [Comment or similar]

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