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Alessandro Gargini

Professore ordinario

Dipartimento di Scienze Biologiche, Geologiche e Ambientali

Settore scientifico disciplinare: GEOS-03/B Geologia applicata


vai alle Pubblicazioni

Pubblicazioni antecedenti il 2004

Piccinini  L., Berti M., Simoni A., Bernardi A.R., Ghirotti M., Gargini A. (2014) - Slope stability and groundwater flow system in the area of Lizzano in Belvedere (Northern Apennines, Italy). Engineering Geology, 183, 276-289.

Mastrocicco  M., Colombani N., Gargini A. (2014) - Modelling present and future Po River interactions with the alluvial aquifers (Low Po River Plain, Italy). Journal of Water and Climate Change.5,3,457-471.

Garzonio C.A., Piccinini L., Gargini A. (2014) - Groundwater modelling issues of fractured rocks in mines: the case study of Gavorrano (Tuscany, Italy). Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, Volume 47, Issue 3 (2014), 905-921.

 Vincenzi V., Gargini A., Goldscheider N., Piccinini L. (2014). Differential hydrogeological effects of draining tunnels through the Northern Apennines, Italy. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, Volume 47, Issue 3 (2014), Page 947-965.

Nijenhuis, I., Schmidt, M., Pellegati, E., Paramatti, E., Richnow, H.H., Gargini, A. 2013A stable isotope approach for source apportionment of chlorinated ethenes plumes at a complex multi-contamination events urban site. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 153, 92-105. 

Balderacchi M., Benoit P., Cambier P., Eklo O.M., Gargini A., Gemitzi A., Gurel M., Klove B., Nakic Z., Preda E., Ruzicic S., Wachniew P., Trevisan M. 2013. Groundwater pollution and quality monitoring approaches at the European level. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology 43:4; 323-408.

Gerdol R., Pontin A., Tomaselli M., Bombonato L., Brancaleoni L., Gualmini M., Petraglia A., Siffi C., Gargini A. (2011). Hydrologic controls on water chemistry, vegetation and ecological patterns in two mires in the South-Eastern Alps (Italy). Catena 86, 86-97.

Vincenzi V., Gargini A., Goldscheider N. (2009) Using tracer tests and hydrological observations to evaluate effects of tunnel drainage in the Northern Apennines (Italy). Hydrogeology Journal, 17, 1, pp.135-150. doi: 10.1007/s10040-008-0371-5

Colombani N., Mastrocicco M., Gargini A., Davis G.,  Prommer H. (2009) -  Modelling the fate of styrene in a mixed petroleum hydrocarbon plume. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 105, pp.38-55, vers.elettronica: DOI:

Shouakar-Stash O., Frape, S. K., Aravena R., Gargini A., Pasini M., Drimmie R.J. (2009) Analysis of compound specific Chlorine stable isotopes of Vinyl Chloride by continuous Flow-Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry (FC-IRMS). Environmental Forensics, 10, 4, pp.299-306, DOI: 10.1080/15275920903347628.

Gargini A., Vincenzi V., Piccinini L., Zuppi G.M., Canuti P. (2008) -  Groundwater flow systems in turbidites of Northern Apennines (Italy): natural discharge and high speed railway tunnels drainage. Hydrogeology Journal, 16, 8, pp.1577-1599, vers.elettronica con supplementary material: doi: 10.1007/s10040-008-0352-8.

Gargini A., Piccinini L., Martelli L., Rosselli S., Bencini A., Messina A., Canuti P. (2006) Idrogeologia delle unita'  torbiditiche: un modello concettuale derivato dal rilevamento geologico dell'Appennino Tosco-Emiliano e dal monitoraggio ambientale per il tunnel alta velocita' ferroviaria Firenze-Bologna. Bollettino della Societa' Geologica Italiana, 125, 293-327.

Rinaldi M., Casagli N., Dapporto S., Gargini A. (2004) Monitoring and modelling of pore water pressure changes and riverbank stability during flow events. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 29, pp.237-254.

Casagli N., Curini A., Gargini A., Rinaldi M. (1999) Pore water pressures and streambank stability: results from a monitoring site on the Sieve River, Italy.  Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 24, pp.1095-1114.


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