Born in Casalecchio di Reno, near
Bologna, in 1936, March
the 12, took two
University degrees, in Chemical Engineering
in 1959, in Pharmacy in 1963 ,Assistant professor of
Technical Physics from 1962 at the
Engineering Faculty of the University
of Bologna, he holds a chair in the same
field from 1970. From that time to now he has teached this
discipline in one or two courses each year. From the Academic Year
1985/86 till now he also teaches in the same Faculty "Applied
Acoustic and Lighting". While researching
in the fields of applied
thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, heat transfer
and heating and air conditioning, he also applied
himself from 1972 to the fundamental and
applied research on acoustics. He took
part to many
conferences dealing
with architectural acoustics, noise control at working places and
noise pollution control: recently he has
been invited to present a paper in the
structured section on "Temporal and
Spatial Criteria and Design Studies of
Concert Halls" at the ICA conference in
Beijing, 1992, a paper at
the first Joint Noise Conference USA
URSS in St. Petersburg, 1993,
an invited paper at the International Symposium on “Music and
Concert Hall” in Kirishima in 1995, an invited paper at the
workshop on “Opera House Acoustics” in Seattle, within ICA 98, an
invited lecture at the Kobe University in 2002, an invited paper at
the ASA meeting in N.Y. in 2004, structured session on Opera House
Acoustics. He took part also to the International
Conference on Concert Halls Acoustics in London 2002. He published
about 300 scientific papers and 8 didactic books. Past President of
the Italian Acoustical Society (AIA), President
of the Acoustical
Commission of the national standardisation
organisation (UNI) for 15 years to last December 2002, Convenor of
EN/TC 256 WG3 (railway noise) for 6 years till October 2002,
Italian representative of Environmental Ministry in DG/TREN of UE,
WG6 (railway noise) from the beginning till September
2002, and member of many
ISO/TC 43 and CEN/TC 126, 211 and 256 working groups. He is member
of many scientific Societies, among which the
Acoustical Society of America, the International Noise Control
Engineers, the International Institute of Acoustics and
Vibration, the International Air Quality and the
American Society of Refrigeration, Heating and Air
Conditioning. He served as General Secretary in Associazione
Termotecnica Italiana for 6 years, and as President in Associazione
Italiana di Acustica for 4 years. Its
professional experience began
in 1965 in an ancient, small theatre,
devoted to G.Verdi in Busseto: from then
on, he designed
many noise control
devices in industrial environment, he took
a patent on an acoustical
barrier, he was consultant in many theatres in
Bologna and nearby, also acoustic consultant of the
national environment Ministery and
municipalities like that
of Bologna, Bolzano and Forlì. In the field of thermal
insulation of buildings and energy saving in heating plants, he
acted as organizer, chairman and invited lecturer in many
occasions, quite every year of his academic life.