Foto del docente

Alessandro Chiarucci

Full Professor

Department of Biological, Geological, and Environmental Sciences

Academic discipline: BIO/03 Environmental and Applied Botany


Baumann, Esther; Weiser, Frank; Chiarucci, Alessandro; Jentsch, Anke; Dengler, Jürgen, Diversity and functional composition of alpine grasslands along an elevational transect in the Gran Paradiso National Park ( NW Italy ), «TUEXENIA», 2016, 36, pp. 337 - 358 [Scientific article]

Sara Landi;Alessandro Chiarucci, Commonness and rarity of plants in a reserve network: just two faces of the same coin, «RENDICONTI LINCEI. SCIENZE FISICHE E NATURALI», 2014, 25, pp. 369 - 380 [Scientific article]

Pieter De Frenne;David A. Coomes;An De Schrijver;Jeroen Staelens;Jake M. Alexander;Markus Bernhardt-Römermann;Jörg Brunet;Olivier Chabrerie;Alessandro Chiarucci;Jan den Ouden;R. Lutz Eckstein;Bente J. Graae;Robert Gruwez;Radim Hédl;Martin Hermy;Annette Kolb;Anders Mårell;Samantha M. Mullender;Siri L. Olsen;Anna Orczewska;George Peterken;Petr Petřík;Jan Plue;William D. Simonson;Cezar V. Tomescu;Pieter Vangansbeke;Gorik Verstraeten;Lars Vesterdal;Monika Wulf;Kris Verheyen, Plant movements and climate warming: intraspecific variation in growth responses to nonlocal soils, «NEW PHYTOLOGIST», 2014, 202, pp. 431 - 441 [Scientific article]

Meelis Pärtel;Alessandro Chiarucci;Milan Chytrý;Valério D. Pillar, Silver Jubilee of the journal and complexity of global change, «JOURNAL OF VEGETATION SCIENCE», 2014, 25, pp. 1 - 3 [Comment or similar]

Milan Chytrý;Alessandro Chiarucci;Valério D. Pillar;Meelis Pärtel, Spatial models and plant traits for conservation and restoration, «APPLIED VEGETATION SCIENCE», 2014, 17, pp. 1 - 3 [Scientific article]

Milan Chytrý;Alessandro Chiarucci;Valério D. Pillar;Meelis Pärtel, Transfer of scientific knowledge to practitioners: Do we need a reform of the journal policy?, «APPLIED VEGETATION SCIENCE», 2014, 17, pp. 609 - 610 [Scientific article]

G. Bacaro; C. Ricotta; M. Marignani; D. Torri; A. Chiarucci, Using Shannon's recursivity to summarize forest structural diversity, «FORESTS, TREES AND LIVELIHOODS», 2014, 23, pp. 211 - 216 [Scientific article]

Chiarucci A., Maccherini S., Bonini I., De Dominicis V., Effects of nutrient addition on species diversity and ground cover of “serpentine” vegetation, «PLANT BIOSYSTEMS», 2013, 132, pp. 143 - 150 [Scientific article]

J. Bastow Wilson; Alessandro Chiarucci; Milan Chytrý; Meelis Pärtel, Functional types, climatic change and species richness, «JOURNAL OF VEGETATION SCIENCE», 2013, 24, pp. 1 - 3 [Scientific article]

Valerio Amici; Elisa Santi; Goffredo Filibeck; Martin Diekmann; Francesco Geri; Sara Landi; Anna Scoppola; Alessandro Chiarucci, Influence of secondary forest succession on plant diversity patterns in a Mediterranean landscape, «JOURNAL OF BIOGEOGRAPHY», 2013, 40, pp. 2335 - 2347 [Scientific article]

F. Geri; L. Lastrucci; D. Viciani; B. Foggi; G. Ferretti; S. Maccherini; I. Bonini; V. Amici; A. Chiarucci, Mapping patterns of ferns species richness through the use of herbarium data, «BIODIVERSITY AND CONSERVATION», 2013, 22, pp. 1679 - 1690 [Scientific article]

Milan Chytrý; Alessandro Chiarucci; Meelis Pärtel; J. Bastow Wilson, Organic farming, vegetation restoration and survey, «APPLIED VEGETATION SCIENCE», 2013, 16, pp. 1 - 4 [Scientific article]

Bacaro G.; Rocchini D.; Dupre C.; Diekmann M.; Carnesecchi F.; Gori V.; Chiarucci A., Absence of distance decay in the similarity of plots at small extent in an urban brownfield, «COMMUNITY ECOLOGY», 2012, 13, pp. 36 - 44 [Scientific article]

Brunialti G.; Frati L.; Cristofolini F.; Chiarucci A.; Giordani P.; Loppi S.; Benesperi R.; Cristofori A.; Critelli P.; Di Capua E.; Genovesi V.; Gottardini E.; Innocenti G.; Munzi S.; Paoli L.; Pisani T.; Ravera S.; Ferretti M., Can we compare lichen diversity data? A test with skilled teams, «ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS», 2012, 23, pp. 509 - 516 [Scientific article]

M Marcantonio; A Chiarucci; S Maccherini; D Guglietta; G Bacaro, Caratterizzazione della diversità vegetale nei boschi di faggio dell’Italia centro-settentrionale: un approccio metodologico a fini conservazionistici - Plant biodiversity of beech forests in central-northern Italy: a methodological approach for conservation purposes, «FOREST@», 2012, 9, pp. 198 - 216 [Scientific article]